Fourteen new species of demosponges (Porifera) from three coastal fjords in southern British Columbia, Canada Author Ott, B. Author Mcdaniel, N. McDaniel Marine Surveys, 3540 West 35 th Ave, Vancouver, BC, Canada, V 6 N 2 N 5. Author Humphrey, E. 0000-0002-3743-0261 text Zootaxa 2024 2024-06-05 5463 2 151 200 journal article 298422 10.11646/zootaxa.5463.2.1 6a4fdf03-550a-415f-88c7-47783af83576 1175-5326 11610751 FDB4CE85-B07E-49C7-AABF-A67914F17E6B Clathria ( Microciona ) aquaradiata n. sp. CF6F7864-95E8-465F-BF20-6E10BAD26FF6 Figure 11 Diagnosis . Papillae terminating in oscula. Subsurface aqueous canals radiate from oscula. Etymology Species name refers to the subsurface radiating aquiferous canals terminating at oscula. Material Examined Holotype RBCM 024-00008 - 004 , Stn NM 407 , Defence Isl. , Howe Sd. , BC , 49° 34.511’ N / 123° 16.425’ W , coll. N. McDaniel , 14 Dec 2019 , 15 m depth , 1 specimen . Paratypes RBCM 018-00304 - 001 , Stn NM 201 , Piper Pt , Sechelt Inlet , BC , 49° 32.755’ N / 123° 47.537’ W , coll. N. McDaniel , 16 Feb 2008 , 20 m depth , 1 specimen ; RBCM 018-00142 - 001 , Stn NM 235 , Piper Pt , Sechelt Inlet , BC , 49° 32.755’ N / 123° 47.537’ W , coll. N. McDaniel , 11 May 2011 , 13 m depth , one specimen ; RBCM 018-00146 - 003 , Stn NM 261 , Defence Isl. , Howe Sd , BC , 49° 34.544’ N / 123° 16.632’ W , coll. N. McDaniel , 5 Jul 2011 , 18 m depth , 1 specimen ; RBCM 018-00130 - 002 , Stn NM 312 , Anvil Isl. , Howe Sd ., BC , 49° 31.99’3 N / 123° 17.468’ W, coll. N. McDaniel , 17 Jun 2015 , 20 m depth , 1 specimen ; RBCM 018-00131 - 001 , Stn NM 315 , Anvil Isl. , Howe Sd ., BC , 49° 31.993’ N / 123° 17.468’ W , coll. N. McDaniel , 17 Jun 2015 , 20 m depth , 1 specimen ; RBCM 018-00137 - 002 , Stn NM 323 , Sakinaw Rock , Sechelt Inlet , BC , 49° 34.009’ N / 123° 48.150’ W , coll. N. McDaniel , 24 Feb 2016 , 25 m depth , 1 specimen ; RBCM 024-00010 - 004 , Stn NM 396 , Defence Isl , Howe Sd ., BC , 49° 34.511’ N / 123° 16.425’ W , coll. N. McDaniel , 24 Sept 2019 , 15 m depth , 1 specimen . Other Material Stn NM 333 , Sakinaw Rock , Sechelt Inlet , BC , 49° 34.07’ N / 123° 48.238’ W , coll. N. McDaniel , 18 Mar 2016 , 20 m depth , 1 non-voucher specimen . FIGURE 11. Clathria ( Microciona ) aquaradiata n. sp. Holotype RBCM 024-00008-004 (A) In-situ close up of holotype. (B) Typical habitus of species. (C) Skeleton cross section, surface on the left. (D) Styles to subtylostyles. (E) Large Acanthostyles. (F) Small Acanthostyles. (G) Palmate isochelas. (H) Toxa. Description External ( Figure 11A ) Holotype RBCM 024-00008-004. ( Figure 11B representative whole sponge) Thin encrusting, spreading indefinitely, 1 mm thick. Surface microhispid. Widely spaced papillae, many with oscula 1 mm diameter. Ostia numerous over the entire surface; not always visible in live specimens. Radiating subdermal canals may be visible originating from oscula. Colour orange, yellow-orange or yellow. Consistency fairly easily torn. Skeleton ( Figure 11C ) Hymedesmioid. Ectosome styles/subtylostyles tangential and randomly disposed. Choanosome large and small acanthostyles with heads on the basal spongin plate and rising vertically. Large acanthostyles protrude from the surface from 100–300 µm. Abundant palmate isochelas ( holotype ; variable in other specimens (see Table 8 )) and uncommon recurved toxas within the choanosome; less commonly in the ectosome. Spicules ( Figures 11D, E, F, G and H ) Styles to subtylostyles, small and large acanthostyles, palmate isochelas, toxas. Styles to subtylostyles ( Figure 11D ) straight, head swelling elliptical, sharp apices, dimension range 88–494 x 3.1–15.6 µm. Large acanthostyles ( Figure 11E ) slightly curved or straight, highly variable length, nubby spines only on head, long, sharp apices, dimension range 177–735 x 7.8–33.8 µm. Small acanthostyles ( Figure 11F ) straight, spined except apex (¼ from apex usual), heads round or square, sharp apices, dimension range 63–546 x 5.2–28.6 µm. Palmate isochelas ( Figure 11G ) shaft nearly straight, fused alae on the back side extend slightly beyond the front alae; front alae divide the chela into thirds, dimension range 11.7–26.0 µm. Toxas ( Figure 11H ) recurved variably, thin (2–3 µm), dimension range 55–229 µm long. Microscleres may be rare or apparently absent in some specimens. Table 10 lists spicule dimensions of specimens examined. TABLE 10. Clathria ( Microciona ) aquaradiata n. sp. spicule dimensions (µm).
Stn/Cat # Styles/Subtylostyles Large Acanthostyles SmallAcanthostyles Isochelas Toxas
NM 407 024-00008-004 120 (237) 326 x 4.7 (6.5) 13.0 177 (357) 662 x 13.0 (19.3) 28.6 96 (141) 218 x 10.4 (13.1) 20.8 13.0 (17.5) 23.4 60 (125) 224
NM 201 018-00304-001 190 (311) 431 x 3.9 (6.3) 15.6 242 (517) 735 x 13.0 (24.6) 33.8 68 (159) 273 x 5.2 (14.0) 28.6 n=100 18.2 (19.6) 26.0 130 n=1
NM 235 018-00142-001 137 (236) 357 x 3.9 (5.2) 7.8 252 (358) 557 x 13.0 (18.3) 26.0 83 (166) 263 x 7.8 (13.2) 18.2 n=0 n=0
NM 261 018-00146-003 177 (335) 494 x 4.7 (6.4) 7.8 378 (470) 630 x 15.6 (18.9) 23.4 n= 4 81 (159) 252 x 6.5 (11.9) 15.6 n=10 15.6 (18.2) 21.3 n=11 78 (156) 229 n=44
NM 312 018-00130-002 170 (291) 450 x 4.5 (6.1) 10.0 164 (391) 758 x 7.8 (16.3) 26.0 78 (142) 239 x 7.8 (10.1) 15.6 12.5 (17.1) 20.0 208 n=1
NM 315 018-00131-001 127 (196) 368 x 4.7 (5.8) 9.9 169 (385) 683 x 10.4 (16.0) 23.4 65 (118) 177 x 7.3 (9.2) 13.0 18.0 (19.0) 23.0 125 n=1
NM 323 018-00137-002 189 (292) 378 x 3.9 (7.0) 10.4 210 (464) 609 x 13.0 (19.7) 26.0 63 (166) 305 x 7.8 (12.7) 20.8 13.0 (17.6) 20.8 83 (135) 208 n=4
NM 333 no cat # 158 (265) 410 x 3.9 (5.3) 7.8 410 (569) 672 x 18.2 (24.2) 28.6 68 (197) 546 x 6.5 (14.9) 26.0 13.0 (16.0) 18.0 57 (117) 200 n=7
NM 396 024-00010-004 88 (227) 336 x 3.1 (6.2) 13.0 357 (493) 651 x 17.7 (22.4) 28.6 70 (159) 260 x 7.8 (13.2) 20.8 11.7 (17.9) 20.8 55 (119) 179 n=7
n = 50 or as indicated Distribution Howe Sd and Sechelt Inlet, BC; 13–25 m depth. Ecology Forms thin encrustations up to 10 cm in diameter on bedrock and overgrowing barnacles. Remarks A common Clathria ( Microciona ) species in Southwest BC coastal waters. Clathria ( Microciona ) is a cosmopolitan subgenus found in all oceans except the Arctic Ocean; one species was reported from the Bering Sea ( C . ( M .) primitiva Koltun, 1955 ). Described species for the North Pacific include 7 species: one in the Northwest Pacific and six in the Northeast Pacific ( Table 11 ). TABLE 11. Clathria ( Microciona ) in the North Pacific and Bering Sea.
Clathria ( Microciona ) Location / Depth(m) Description Summary Spicule Dimensions (µm)
C. ( M. ) brepha (de Laubenfels, Pescadero Pt., CA / Very thin encrusting, salmon red. Styles in ectosome without order. No Ectosome styles: 190 x 3. Acanthostyles: 8 x 95–
1930) littoral apparent order to choanosome. 130. Isochelas: 17–21.
C. ( M. ) microjoanna (de Central CA / 18 Thickly encrusting to 2 cm. Oscula round, scattered, 1.5 mm diameter on Subtylostyles: 205–260 x 34. Styles: 280–330
Laubenfels, 1930 ) sponges greater than 1.5 mm thick. Brilliant scarlet to pink. Ectosome: no x 20–27. Acanthostyles: 55–85 x 5–10. Palmate
specialization. Choanosome: ascending plumose columns of styles sparsely isochelas: 12–16. Recurved toxas: 60–140. In one
echinated by small acanthostyles, Numerous slender subtylostyles scattered specimen: C sigmas.
and protrude through surface.
C. ( M. ) parthena (de Near San Pedro, CA / 26 Amorphous to encrusting to 2 cm. Surface tuberculate; tubercles hispid. Subtylostyles: 260–300 x 3–5. Styles: 350–475
Laubenfels, 1930 ) Colour red. Ectosome: no specialization. Choanosome: mass of ascending x 27–33. Acanthostyles: 100–108 x 5–8. Palmate
plumose spicules. isochelas: 24–8. Toxas (not recurved): 40–72,
C. ( M. ) pennata (Lambe, 1895) Sooke, Van Is / no depth Encrusting to 5 mm. Surface hispid. No colour in life. Ectosome: contains Ectosome styles: 176–222 x 6-4.9. Choanosome
data unoriented styles. Choanosome: styles arising vertically from substrate and Styles: 170–379 x 16–19. Toxas: 72–255.
branching near surface. Styles cross connect columns at regular intervals.
Primary styles project beyond the surface.
C. ( M. ) primitiva Koltun, 1955 Bering Sea / 110 Body is elongated, branching. Sponge up to 2–8 cm in height, usually Acanthotylostyles: completely spined or smooth,
settles on stones, covering them with a thin crust, from which in places the off-centre head, 150–420 x 20–25. Auxillary Styles:
branched body parts rise, resembling deer antlers. Surface hispid. Colour straight, acerate points, 700 x 6. Choanosome
yellowish. The main skeleton has a feathery character; fiber studded styles: 3000 x 30–40.
profusely with long styles. The dermal skeleton is formed of styles.
C. ( M. ) rumsena Turner & Carmel Pinnacle, CA / Thinly encrusting, 1–2 mm thick. Surface bearing evenly-spaced round Thick styles (some subtylote or with spined heads):
Lonhart, 2023 10–22 oscula surrounded by a network of transparent surface channels. Colour 384–1095 x 7–38. Thin straight styles: 158–637
orange to peach. Thick styles with heads embedded in basal spongin plate x 3–10. Acanthostyles: 112–381 x 8–27. Palmate
and nodes of spongin arising from it. Acanthostyles echinating spongin isochelas, 12–20.
nodes. Thin styles present as dense, upright bouquets at sponge surface.
C. ( M. ) spinatoxa (Hoshino, Japan / littoral, just Encrusting 3–4 mm thick. Numerous columns on base, 1 mm diameter, Stout styles: base with blunt spines, sharp points,
1981) sublittoral 0.4–0.7 cm high. Surface smooth. Colour orange-yellow. Ectosome: 50–60 240–320 x 9–12. Slender styles: heads spined, 167–
µm thick. Confused tangential slender styles. Choanosome: numerous 250 x 4–8. Acanthostyles: short, straight, conical,
tracts ramify to surface; confused near substrate. Cored by stout styles and entirely spined, 105–128 x 6–10. Toxas: bent at
echinated with styles and acanthostyles. middle, arms recurved, spined at ends, 100. Palmate
isochelas: 13.
C. ( M. ) spongigartina (de Pescadero Point., CA / Thinly encrusting, 5 mm. Oscula and ostia crater-like openings surrounded Subtylostyles: 190–210 x 5–6. Acanthostyles: 115–
Laubenfels, 1930 ) littoral by palasade of subtylostyles. Colour brown to reddish. Ectosome: felt of 390 x 13. Arcuate isochelas: 42–50, 23–25.
subtylostyles. Choanosome: acanthostyles perpendicular.
C. ( M. ) sp. Hartman, 1975 of Central CA / littoral– Encrusting to 4.0 mm. Colour bright to deep scarlet. Acanthose megascleres Styles–Subtylostyles: 125–270 x 3.5–7.5, heads
Lee, et al. (2007). sublittoral form echinated vertical tracts. Other spicules arranged vertically or at microspined. Acanthostyles 1: straight, 80–182 x
random on surface and associated with tracts. 5.0–13.0, spined. Acanthostyles 2: curved, 303–509
x 15.0–25.0, spines scattered. Palmate isochelas:
In addition to the species listed in Table 11 the late Dr. Bill Austin listed range extensions for four species on his website Clathria ( Microciona ) brepha to Jervis Inlet, BC, Clathria ( Microciona ) microjoanna to Washington State , USA , Clathria ( Microciona ) primitiva to Knight Inlet, BC, and Clathria ( Microciona ) spongigartina to Anthony Island, BC. Clathria ( M .) brepha , C . ( M .) primitiva and C . ( M .) spongigartina are in the Austin sponge collections at RBCM: C. ( M .) brepha RBCM 018-00289-001 C . ( M .) primitiva RBCM 018-00380-001 C . ( M .) spongigartina RBCM 018-00312-003 Referring to Table 11 , C. ( M. ) brepha , C. ( M. ) rumsena , C. ( M. ) spongigartina and C. ( M. ) sp. Hartman lack toxas, C . ( M .) microjoanna , C . ( M .) parthena , C . ( M .) rumsena , C. ( M .) spinatoxa and C . ( M .) spongigartina have only one size class of acanthostyles. It is unclear on what basis C. ( M. ) pennata belongs to the subgenus as it lacks acanthostyles. Clathria ( M. ) primitiva Koltun, 1955 lacks isochelas and toxas based on the author’s description.