Clathria (
Location / Depth(m)
Description Summary
Spicule Dimensions (µm)
(de Laubenfels,
Pescadero Pt., CA / |
Very thin encrusting, salmon red. Styles in ectosome without order. No |
Ectosome styles: 190 x 3. Acanthostyles: 8 x 95– |
1930) |
littoral |
apparent order to choanosome. |
130. Isochelas: 17–21. |
Central CA / 18 |
Thickly encrusting to 2 cm. Oscula round, scattered, 1.5 mm diameter on |
Subtylostyles: 205–260 x 34. Styles: 280–330 |
Laubenfels, 1930
sponges greater than 1.5 mm thick. Brilliant scarlet to pink. Ectosome: no |
x 20–27. Acanthostyles: 55–85 x 5–10. Palmate |
specialization. Choanosome: ascending plumose columns of styles sparsely |
isochelas: 12–16. Recurved toxas: 60–140. In one |
echinated by small acanthostyles, Numerous slender subtylostyles scattered |
specimen: C sigmas. |
and protrude through surface. |
Near San Pedro, CA / 26 |
Amorphous to encrusting to 2 cm. Surface tuberculate; tubercles hispid. |
Subtylostyles: 260–300 x 3–5. Styles: 350–475 |
Laubenfels, 1930
Colour red. Ectosome: no specialization. Choanosome: mass of ascending |
x 27–33. Acanthostyles: 100–108 x 5–8. Palmate |
plumose spicules. |
isochelas: 24–8. Toxas (not recurved): 40–72, |
14–22. |
(Lambe, 1895)
Sooke, Van Is / no depth |
Encrusting to 5 mm. Surface hispid. No colour in life. Ectosome: contains |
Ectosome styles: 176–222 x 6-4.9. Choanosome |
data |
unoriented styles. Choanosome: styles arising vertically from substrate and |
Styles: 170–379 x 16–19. Toxas: 72–255. |
branching near surface. Styles cross connect columns at regular intervals. |
Primary styles project beyond the surface. |
Koltun, 1955
Bering Sea / 110 |
Body is elongated, branching. Sponge up to 2–8 cm in height, usually |
Acanthotylostyles: completely spined or smooth, |
settles on stones, covering them with a thin crust, from which in places the |
off-centre head, 150–420 x 20–25. Auxillary Styles: |
branched body parts rise, resembling deer antlers. Surface hispid. Colour |
straight, acerate points, 700 x 6. Choanosome |
yellowish. The main skeleton has a feathery character; fiber studded |
styles: 3000 x 30–40. |
profusely with long styles. The dermal skeleton is formed of styles. |
Turner &
Carmel Pinnacle, CA / |
Thinly encrusting, 1–2 mm thick. Surface bearing evenly-spaced round |
Thick styles (some subtylote or with spined heads): |
Lonhart, 2023 |
10–22 |
oscula surrounded by a network of transparent surface channels. Colour |
384–1095 x 7–38. Thin straight styles: 158–637 |
orange to peach. Thick styles with heads embedded in basal spongin plate |
x 3–10. Acanthostyles: 112–381 x 8–27. Palmate |
and nodes of spongin arising from it. Acanthostyles echinating spongin |
isochelas, 12–20. |
nodes. Thin styles present as dense, upright bouquets at sponge surface. |
Japan / littoral, just |
Encrusting 3–4 mm thick. Numerous columns on base, 1 mm diameter, |
Stout styles: base with blunt spines, sharp points, |
1981) |
sublittoral |
0.4–0.7 cm high. Surface smooth. Colour orange-yellow. Ectosome: 50–60 |
240–320 x 9–12. Slender styles: heads spined, 167– |
µm thick. Confused tangential slender styles. Choanosome: numerous |
250 x 4–8. Acanthostyles: short, straight, conical, |
tracts ramify to surface; confused near substrate. Cored by stout styles and |
entirely spined, 105–128 x 6–10. Toxas: bent at |
echinated with styles and acanthostyles. |
middle, arms recurved, spined at ends, 100. Palmate |
isochelas: 13. |
Pescadero Point., CA / |
Thinly encrusting, 5 mm. Oscula and ostia crater-like openings surrounded |
Subtylostyles: 190–210 x 5–6. Acanthostyles: 115– |
Laubenfels, 1930
littoral |
by palasade of subtylostyles. Colour brown to reddish. Ectosome: felt of |
390 x 13. Arcuate isochelas: 42–50, 23–25. |
subtylostyles. Choanosome: acanthostyles perpendicular. |
) sp.
Hartman, 1975
Central CA / littoral– |
Encrusting to 4.0 mm. Colour bright to deep scarlet. Acanthose megascleres |
Styles–Subtylostyles: 125–270 x 3.5–7.5, heads |
Lee, et al. (2007). |
sublittoral |
form echinated vertical tracts. Other spicules arranged vertically or at |
microspined. Acanthostyles 1: straight, 80–182 x |
random on surface and associated with tracts. |
5.0–13.0, spined. Acanthostyles 2: curved, 303–509 |
x 15.0–25.0, spines scattered. Palmate isochelas: |
10–17. |