Amphibian diversity of a West African biodiversity hotspot: an assessment and commented checklist of the batrachofauna of the Ivorian part of the Nimba Mountains Author Kanga, Kouassi Philippe Université Jean Lorougnon Guédé, Laboratoire de Biodiversité et Ecologie Tropicale (BioEcoTrop), Daloa, BP 150, COTE D’IVOIRE Author Kouamé, N’Goran Germain Université Jean Lorougnon Guédé, Laboratoire de Biodiversité et Ecologie Tropicale (BioEcoTrop), Daloa, BP 150, COTE D’IVOIRE Author Zogbassé, Parfait Université Jean Lorougnon Guédé, Laboratoire de Biodiversité et Ecologie Tropicale (BioEcoTrop), Daloa, BP 150, COTE D’IVOIRE Author Gongomin, Basseu Aude-Inès Université Jean Lorougnon Guédé, Laboratoire de Biodiversité et Ecologie Tropicale (BioEcoTrop), Daloa, BP 150, COTE D’IVOIRE Author Agoh, Konan Laurent Université Jean Lorougnon Guédé, Laboratoire de Biodiversité et Ecologie Tropicale (BioEcoTrop), Daloa, BP 150, COTE D’IVOIRE Author Kouamé, Akoua Michèle Université Nangui Abrogoua, Pôle de Recherche Pêche et Aquaculture, UFR-SGE, 02 BP 801, Abidjan 02, COTE D’IVOIRE Author Konan, Jean Christophe B. Y. N. Université Nangui Abrogoua, Pôle de Recherche Pêche et Aquaculture, UFR-SGE, 02 BP 801, Abidjan 02, COTE D’IVOIRE Author Adepo-Gourène, Abouo Béatrice Université Nangui Abrogoua, Pôle de Recherche Pêche et Aquaculture, UFR-SGE, 02 BP 801, Abidjan 02, COTE D’IVOIRE Author Gourène, Germain Université Nangui Abrogoua, Pôle de Recherche Pêche et Aquaculture, UFR-SGE, 02 BP 801, Abidjan 02, COTE D’IVOIRE Author Rödel, Mark-Oliver Museum für Naturkunde, Leibniz Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Science, Invalidenstr. 43, 10115 Berlin, GERMANY text Amphibian & Reptile Conservation 2021 e 275 2021-06-27 15 1 71 107 journal article 296936 10.5281/zenodo.11287122 fd72f90b-5100-43fc-9963-19f91090830b 1525-9153 11287122 Hyperolius soror ( Chabanaud, 1921 ) Soror Reed Frog Material : One female , NGK-Nimba 0125 ( Fig. 10C ), two males , NGK-Nimba 0126 ( Fig. 10D ), NGK-Nimba 0127 . Comments : We heard over a dozen H. soror males calling during the rainy season in a dense grassy swamp, edging forest ( 07°32.993’N , 008°24.753’W ; 425 m asl). Fig. 10. Hyperoliid frogs from Mount Nimba Integrated Nature Reserve: Hyperolius picturatus female (A) ; H. picturatus male (B) ; H. soror female (C) ; H. soror male (D) ; H. cf. sylvaticus male (E) ; H. cf. sylvaticus male in ventral view (F) ; H. sp. male (NGK-Nimba 0068) (G) ; H. sp. male (NGK-Nimba 0068) in ventral view (H) . However, only one female and two males were caught there. The species is sexually dimorphic. The female ( 25.1 mm SUL ) had a light green back, with diffuse, minute, reddish-brown spots, red lateral markings, a red stripe from snout to tip of eye, bluish-grey iris, and toes and fingers, including webbing, were faintly red with green tips. Its ventral surface was transparent bluish green. In contrast, both males ( SUL 19.1 and 21.1 mm ) had a golden iris, a dark red canthal stripe, green dorsum with diffuse, minute, reddish-brown spots, light dorsolateral stripes, and green toes and fingers.