Analysis of male Leptagrion Selys, 1876 sensu lato (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) with description of four new genera and a new species Author Lencioni, F. A. A. Private researcher, Rua Anibal, 216 - Jd. Coleginho, Vila Zezé, Jacareí, CEP (ZIP) 12310 - 780, São Paulo. Brazil. text Zootaxa 2022 2022-03-02 5105 1 63 104 journal article 20367 10.11646/zootaxa.5105.1.3 16f0d04d-e6ef-4eba-8bb3-9c5ebd3f778f 1175-5326 6332331 8B30E589-CEFC-415B-9505-EAE71C204E61 Machadagrion gen. nov. Figs. C, 47–58 Type species. Leptagrion cyanostigma Machado, 2012 by present designation. Etymology : From Machado in honor to Dr. Angelo B.M. Machado, physician, neuroanatomist, educator, theatrical author, children’s book writer, entomologist, one of the fathers of Brazilian Odonatology and my friend and colleague for more than 3 decades + agrion , neuter form of agrios (ἄγριος) meaning “wild”, which in damselflies is now used as an indicator that the genus belongs to the Coenagrionidae ( Fliedner 2006 ) . Generic characterization. Medium sized Coenagrionidae ( 42–44.5 mm ), pale postocular spots and pale occipital bar absent, rear of the head pale, Cerci to subequal to S10, roughly cylindrical flattened laterally, apical extremity of cerci bifurcated, the dorsal branch smaller or longer the ventral one and covered with brush-like setae, ventral one folded in a “C”-shape, paraproctus vestigial (plate-like) and ental surface of penis S3 with a two or several rows of spines (minute in M. garbei ). Distribution . Brazil (Atlantic Forest in Brazil from Ceará to Bahia ).