The Caribbean Goblin Spider Genera Scaphioides and Hortoonops (Araneae, Oonopidae) Author Platnick, Norman I. Author Berniker, Lily Author Kranz-Baltensperger, Yvonne text American Museum Novitates 2012 2012-07-20 2012 3751 1 64 journal article 10.1206/3759.2 0003-0082 5360563 752AA48E-CA22-473C-B785-945E8BD97392 Scaphioides nitens (Bryant) Figures 240 –312 Stenoonops nitens Bryant, 1942: 321 , figs. 5, 10 (male holotype and female allotype from St. Croix, Virgin Islands , in MCZ; examined)– Chickering, 1969a: 6 , figs. 10–13. Scaphioides nitens: Platnick and Dupérré, 2010: 9 . DIAGNOSIS: Members of this species resemble those of S. irazu , S. phonetus , and S. econotus in having many tubercles on the carapace, arrayed in triangular patches opposite the coxae (fig. 300), but have a white abdomen, without patterning or iridescence, a relatively long embolus (figs. 303, 304), and a relatively short, narrow base of the anterior genitalic process (figs. 311, 312). MALE (PBI_OON 26564, figs. 240–269, 300, 301, 303–309): Total length 1.31. Elevated portion of pars cephalica smooth, sides granulate. ALE separated by less than their radius. Sternum surface smooth, covered with large round pits, microsculpture only around furrows, furrows with rows of small pits, anterior margin with interrupted transverse groove. Endite tip rebordered, rounded. Both proximal and distal portions of embolus deeply ridged prolaterally, distal portion finely ridged retrolaterally. FEMALE (PBI_OON 26564, figs. 270–299, 302, 310–312): Total length 1.31. Anterior genitalic process narrow, distally curved, situated on long, narrow base. MATERIAL EXAMINED: WEST INDIES: Virgin Islands : St. Croix : no specific locality, Sept. 1–3, 1966 ( A. Chickering , MCZ 71651, 71654 , 71660 , PBI_OON 26558, 26574, 26578), 12♂ , 15♀ , Sept. 8, 1966 (A. Chickering , MCZ 71653, PBI_OON 26577), 4♂ , 3♀ , Sept. 9–11, 1966 (A. Chickering , MCZ 71652, PBI_OON 26567), 7♂ , 12♀ ; Buck Island , June 12, 1972 , Berlese , litter ( W. Muchmore , FSCA PBI_OON 21210), 1♂ , 3♀ ; Christiansted ( Beatty , MCZ PBI_OON 388), 4♂ , 2♀ (including holotype , allotype ) ; Frederiksted , Mar. 14, 19, 1964 ( A. Chickering , MCZ 71650, PBI_OON 26569), 3♂ , 3♀ ; Frederiksted , Lavaetz Gardens , Mar. 24, 1964 ( A. Chickering , MCZ 71659, PBI_OON 26559), 6♂ , 5♀ ; 1 mi N Frederiksted , Mar. 16, 1964 ( A. Chickering , MCZ 71658, PBI_OON 26568), 1♂ , 1♀ , Mar. 23, 1964 (A. Chickering , MCZ 71655, PBI_OON 26554), 2♂ ; King’s Hill , Mar. 18, 1964 ( A. Chickering , MCZ 71661, PBI_OON 26553), 6♂ , 10♀ ; near King’s Hill , Mar. 17, 20, 1964 ( A. Chickering , MCZ 71656, 71657 , PBI_OON 26561, 26573), 9♂ , 14♀ ; West Indies Lab , June 7, 1972 , ground litter under tree ( W. Muchmore , FSCA PBI_ OON 21209), 1♀ . St. John : Brown Bay , June 19, 1980 , in agave ( W. Muchmore , FSCA PBI_OON 21207), 1♂ ; Cruz Bay , Mar. 1, 1964 ( A. Chickering , MCZ 71649, PBI_OON 26576), 4♀ ; Lameshur Bay , May 26, 1979 , under bark ( W. Muchmore , FSCA PBI_OON 21208), 1♂ . St. Thomas : no specific locality, July 14–17, 1966 ( A. Chickering , MCZ 71673, PBI_OON 26580), 15♂ , 13♀ , July 18, 1966 (A. Chickering , MCZ 71672, PBI_OON 26555), 18♂ , 17♀ , July 27–28, 1966 (A. Chickering , MCZ 71675, PBI_OON 26579), 20♂ , 20♀ , Aug. 7, 1966 (A. Chickering , MCZ 71664, PBI_OON 26572), 23♂ , 30♀ , Aug. 9–10, 1966 (A. Chickering , MCZ 71671, PBI_OON 26557), 12♂ , 16♀ , Aug. 12–13, 1966 (A. Chickering , MCZ 71674, PBI_OON 26570), 20♂ , 19♀ , Aug. 15, 1966 (A. Chickering , MCZ 71670, PBI_OON 26565), 3♂ , 2♀ , Aug. 25, 29, 1966 ( A. Chickering , MCZ 71668, PBI_OON 26575), 15♂ , 28♀ ; Charlotte Amalie , Feb. 9–10, 1964 ( A. Chickering , MCZ 71665, PBI_OON 26562), 8♂ , 12♀ , Feb. 18, 1964 (A. Chickering , MCZ 71667, PBI_OON 26571), 1♂ , 1♀ ; Charlotte Amalie , grounds of Blue Beard’s Castle , Feb. 18, 1964 ( A. Chickering , MCZ 71666, PBI_OON 26564), 4♂ , 5♀ ; campus, College of the Virgin Islands , July 1966 ( A. Chickering , MCZ 71669, PBI_OON 26556), 2♀ ; E side, Charlotte Amalie , Feb. 16, 1964 , vacant lots ( A. Chickering , MCZ 71663, PBI_OON 26560), 2♂ . DISTRIBUTION: Virgin Islands (St. Croix, St. John, St. Thomas).