The goblin spider genus Xyphinus (Araneae; Oonopidae) Author Kranz-Baltensperger, Yvonne text Zootaxa 2014 2014-10-06 3870 1 1 79 journal article 5317 10.11646/zootaxa.3870.1.1 898c476c-0dc8-4925-a3d8-96bb567b6d43 1175-5326 4947426 0844EBCA-5432-4912-80B6-150732635B78 Xyphinus montanus Deeleman-Reinhold, 1987 ( Fig 17 ; map 2 ) Type material. Male holotype ( PBI _ OON 00031939 ) from MALAYSIA : W. Sarawak , Matang Reserve , M . Serapi, 400m , in primary forest litter, 25.III.1985 , coll. C.L. and P. R . Deeleman, RMNH , examined . Additional material examined. INDONESIA : 2 males ( PBI _ OON 00031942 ), Central Kalimantan , Kahantan , S 2°02' S, E 112°40' , 2.–16.IX. 1985 , swampy primary forest, leg. S. Djojosudharmo , RMNH . MALAYSIA : 1 male ( PBI _ OON 00031944 ), Sabah , Kinabalu National Park , Head Quarters , ca. 1550m , dense forest, in litter, 24.VII.1980 , leg. P. R . and C.L. Deeleman , RMNH . Diagnosis. The male of X. montanus is similar to X. gibber ( Fig. 17A,C ), but the abdomen is less bulging and the palp of X. montanus is less sclerotized and shows a bifid apophysis distally ( Fig. 17I , arrow), which is missing in X. gibber . Description. Male. Total length 2.04 mm . Carapace : Pale orange, broadly oval in dorsal view, domed in lateral view, anteriorly narrowed to 0.49 times its maximum width or less, with angular posterolateral corners, posterolateral edge without pits, anterolateral corners without extensions or projections, posterolateral surface without spikes, surface of pars cephalica and sides smooth, fovea present, lateral margin with blunt denticles ( Fig. 17A,C ). Clypeus: Straight in frontal view, vertical in lateral view, high, ALE separated from edge of carapace by their radius or more ( Fig. 17D ). Eyes : PME largest, ALE and PLE circular, PME oval, posterior eye row straight from above, procurved from front; ALE separated by their radius to diameter, ALE and PLE separated by less than ALE radius, PLE and PME separated by less than PME radius, PME touching ( Fig. 17A,D ). Sternum : as long as wide, sickle-shaped structures not touching. Radial furrows opposite coxae III absent. Anterior and posterior part sclerotized. Surface finely punctate ( Fig. 17B ). Mouthparts : Chelicerae slightly divergent, with swelling on anterior face ( Fig. 17D ). Labium rectangular, indented at middle, with 3-5 setae on anterior margin. Endites bulging distally ( Fig. 17B .). Abdomen : Anterior part pointing upwards, tip of abdomen almost reaching highest point of carapace ( Fig. 17C ). Book-lung covers elliptical. Scuto-pedicel region with one W-shaped scutal ridge and three straight scutal ridges, bearing each a pair of long, needle-like setae ( Fig. 17C ). Dorsal scutum pale orange, surface smooth, anterior half with small projecting denticles, dorsal scutum embedding narrow tip of abdomen. Epigastric scutum not protruding. Postepigastric scutum without short posteriorly directed lateral apodemes. Posterior spiracles connected by groove. Legs : not examined. Genitalia : Sperm pore situated in front of anterior spiracles. Trochanter normal size, unmodified. Femur one to two times as long as trochanter, attaching to patella basally; patella about as long as femur; tibia with two slightly longer setae prolaterally, with three trichobothria. Cymbium pale orange, ovoid in dorsal view, not fused with bulb. Bulb pale orange, 1 to 1.5 times as long as cymbium, distal part of bulb with several dark, but transparent, plate-like apophyses, one bifid ( Fig. 17E–I ). Female unknown.