Redescription and first record in South America of Neogriphoneura timida Curran (Diptera, Lauxaniidae) Author Mello, Ramon Luciano Author Mahlmann, Thiago Author Silva, Vera Cristina text Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 2017 2016-11-02 61 1 5 journal article 10.1016/j.rbe.2016.10.001 1806-9665 8111216 Neogriphoneura timida Curran ( Figs. 1–9 ) Neogriphoneura timida Curran, 1942: 75 . Type locality: Panama , Patilla Point. Holotype male, AMNH . Diagnosis: This species can be separated from its congeners by the following combination of characters: frons unmarked; mesonotum with a central dark stripe anteriorly, and an oval spot on posterior margin extending onto scutellum; wing unspotted. Redescription Body ( Figs. 1 and 2 ): Yellow to yellowish brown or orange; length: 4–4.5 mm ; wing: 3.2 mm . Head ( Figs. 1–3 ): Vertex rounded; ocellar tubercle brown, close to vertex, well developed; frons yellow, without dark markings, rectangular, wider than long, concave on middle part of anterior half; eye suboval, higher than long, posteroventral margin concave; face yellowish to light brown, unmarked, lower half slightly convex in profile; parafacial pale, whitish yellow; gena yellow; occiput and median occipital sclerite yellowish, unmarked; antenna yellow to yellowish brown, scape shorter than pedicel, first flagellomere two times longer than wide, arista about 2.5 times longer than the length of the antennal articles, black and plumose; palpus and labellum yellow to yellowish brown. Chaetotaxy: outer vertical seta lateroclinate, 1/3 length of inner vertical seta; inner vertical seta reclinate, postocellar seta convergent; ocellar seta diminutive; anterior orbital seta inclinate, slightly longer than reclinate posterior seta. Thorax ( Fig. 2 ): Mesonotum yellowish brown to orange, with a black stripe anteromedially and a rounded spot on posterior part, extending onto scutellum; scutellum flat, otherwise yellow; pleura yellowish. Chaetotaxy: 1 postpronotal seta; 0 + 3 dorsocentral setae; 1 prescutellar acrostichal seta; 1 presutural supra-alar seta; 1 postsutural supra-alar seta; 2 notopleural setae; postalar seta absent; 1 intra-alar seta; 1 proepisternal seta; 1 anepisternal seta; 1 katepisternal seta; 2 scutellar setae divergent. Legs:whitish yellow, tarsi yellow. Chaetotaxy: fore coxa with a transversal row of anterodorsal setae; fore femur with a longitudinal row of posterodorsal setae, a longitudinal row of 3 apical setae on ventral surface, and 2 apical setae on posterior surface; fore tibia with 1 preapical dorsal seta; mid coxa with a transversal row of setae on dorsal surface; mid femur with a longitudinal row of anterodorsal setae and 1 apical seta on posterior surface; mid tibia with 1 preapical dorsal seta and 1 strong tibial spur; hind femur with 2 longitudinal setae on apical margin of dorsal surface; hind tibia with 1 apical seta on dorsal surface. Wing ( Fig. 4 ): hyaline; veins yellow; costa sapromyziform; R bare; r-m slightly basal to midpoint of discal medial cell; crossvein dm-cu at the midpoint of cell r 4+5 . Halter yellowish brown to orange. Abdomen ( Fig. 2 ): Yellowish brown, some specimens with one oval dark spot medially on each of tergites 3–5. Male terminalia: Epandrial complex ( Figs. 5 and 6 ): epandrium saddle-shape in posterior view ( Fig. 5 ), lower and upper margins oval and straight respectively, in lateral view ( Fig. 6 ), covered by large and medial setae; surstylus articulated to epandrium, conical in posterior view ( Fig. 5 ), trapezoidal on lateral view ( Fig. 6 ), lower margin covered by thin hairs in lateral view. Phallic complex ( Figs. 7 and 8 ): phallapodeme tubular, well developed ( Fig. 7 ); phallus cylindrical, folded in the middle, with sclerotized spines internally on apical region ( Figs. 7 and 8 ); hypandrial arms developed, almost three times the length of postgonite ( Fig.7 ); hypandrium forming a complete ring ( Fig. 7 ); postgonite present ( Fig. 7 ). Female terminalia: Spermathecae ( Fig. 9 ): three (1 + 2), wrinkled and tubular. Figs. 5–9. Neogriphoneura timida Curran. (5) Epandrial complex, posterior view; (6) epandrial complex, lateral view; (7) aedeagal complex, dorsal view; (8) aedeagal complex, lateral view; (9) spermathecae. Scale: 1 mm. Distribution: Mexico , Guatemala , Belize , Honduras , El Salvador , Costa Rica , Panama , Trinidad and Tobago , Colombia , and Brazil ( Fig. 10 ). Type-material examined: Holotype male: PANAMA , Patilla Point, Canal Zone; 1/ii/1929 ; Coll. C. Curran ( AMNH ). Paratype female: idem ( AMNH ) . Additional material examined: MEXICO , Chiapas , Huixtla ; 26/vii/1967 ; H. Sanches leg.; 1 male ( USNM ) . GUATEMALA , Quirigua ; 1926; M. Aldrich leg.; 1 male ( USNM ) . BELIZE , Cayo District , Pook’s Hill Lodge (17 09 l 15 ll N; 88 51 l 08 ll W); 2008; Malaise trap ; leg. V . & R . Snaddon ; 2 males and 1 female ( BMNH ); idem, ; Malaise trap ; leg. V . & R . Snaddon ; 2 males and 1 female ( BMNH ) . HONDURAS , La Ceiba , F. Deyer leg.; 1 female ( USNM ) . Tegucigalpa ; F. Deyer leg.; 1 male ( USNM ) . PANAMA , Panama City , Canal Zone , Monsoon Forest ; 15–30/vii/1979 ; E. Broadhead leg.; 1 male ( USNM ) . TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO , Tobago Island , Saint John , Charlotteville ; 14–21/iii/1979 ; D. Hardy & W. Rowe legs.; 1 female ( USNM ) . COLOMBIA , Chocó , Riosucio , Parque Nacional Natural los Katíos , Centro Administrativo Sautatá , Afuera del Bosque (7 51 l N; 77 8 l W); 13–29/vi/2003 ; P. Lopes leg.; 2 males (IAvH) . Meta , Parque Nacional Natural de La Macarena , Cabaña Cerrillo (3 21 l N; 73 56 l W); 21/xii/2002 04/i/2003 ; A. Herrera & W. Villalba leg.; 1 female (IAvH) . BRAZIL , Roraima , Rio Uraricoera , Ilha de Maracá ; 02–13/v/1987 ; J. Rafael , J. Brasil & L. Aquino leg.; 5 males and 12 females ( INPA ). Idem ; 1 male and 1 female ( ZUFMS ). Amazonas , Manaus , INPA (3 5 l 45 ll S; 59 59 l 21 ll W); 21/viii/2014 ; T . Mahlmann leg.; 1 female ( ZUFMS ). Maranhão , Bom Jardim , REBIO [ Reserva Biológica ] do Gurupi (3 56 l 49.23 ll S; 46 49 l 23.02 ll W); Armadilha McPhail , 17–27/i/2010 , F. Limeira-de-Oliveira , J. T . Câmara & M. B. Aguiar Neto , cols.; 2 males and 8 females ( CZMA ). Ceará , Ubajara , Parque Nacional de Ubajara , Cachoeira do Cafundó (3 50 l 13 ll S; 40 54 l 35 ll W); Armadilha Malaise ; 18–30/xi/2012 ; F. Limeira-de-Oliveira , J. S. Pinto Junior cols.; 1 female ( CZMA ) .