An annotated checklist of the herpetofauna of the Sibiloi National Park in northern Kenya based on field surveys Author Kirchhof, Sebastian Division of Science, New York University Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES & Museum fUr Naturkunde, Leibniz Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Science, Invalidenstr. 43, 10115 Berlin, GERMANY 3 Herpetology Section, National Museums of Kenya, P. O. Box 40658 - 00100, Nairobi, KENYA Author Wasonga, Victor Author Mazuch, Tomáš Author Spawls, Stephen Author Malonza, Patrick Kinyatta text Amphibian & Reptile Conservation 2023 e 324 2023-06-01 17 1 / 2 1 18 journal article 299969 10.5281/zenodo.12761910 cda73657-e098-4f17-922e-91d2c5b45fca 1525-9153 12761910 Latastia longicaudata Reuss, 1834 Vouchers: NMK-388L (field no. SK16 1027); NMK-385L (field no. SK1034); NMK-384L (field no. SK1050) Additional tissue samples: SK110.1 2016, SK142 2016, SK158 2016, SK195 2016, SK233 2016, SK295 2017, SK303 2017, SK305 2017, SK306 2017, SK352 2017, SK481 2017 Localities: AB ( R , B, G), IL ( R , B, G), KA ( R , B), KF ( R , B), LO ( R , B) Remarks: We recorded 33 individuals of this common diurnal lacertid ( Fig. 4M ) throughout the study period on all transects between 0800 h and 1930 h. All lizards were darting between bushes in search of prey and places for hiding. Average T b was high at 37.8 ± 1.2 °C (36.2– 39.5 °C; N = 8) at T sub ranging from 31–65 °C and T a ranging from 33–39 °C. The genus Latastia consists of multiple similar-looking species and subspecies, and in some cases, only the suspected distribution range allows for identification. Rigorous genetic analysis is necessary to update the taxonomic status, the distinguishing morphological character traits, and the distribution ranges of existing specimens.