Two new species, one unrecorded species, and one newly reported male of genus Thiallela Walker, 1863 from China (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae: Phycitinae) Author Yang, Linlin Author Ren, Yingdang text Zootaxa 2018 2018-02-28 4387 3 436 450 journal article 30628 10.11646/zootaxa.4387.3.2 4e0ac72c-07e7-4624-8701-f09ada76ce1b 1175-5326 1187645 3F9937F6-9480-498B-921D-D1586977DA20 5. Thiallela escigera ( Meyrick, 1932 ) Phalobathra escigera MeYRICK, 1932 : 234 ; WHALLeY, 1970 : 56 . TL: FIjI . TD: LeCTOTYPe IN BMNH. Thiallela escigera : ROeSLeR & KüPPeRS, 1981 : 76 ; ROeSLeR, 1983 : 96 . DISTRIbUTION: FIjI , INDONeSIA ( SUMATRA ).