A new genus and species of Oemini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Sichuan Province, western China
Niisato, Tatsuya
Liu, Bin
journal article
Sichuanortia zhouchaoi
Niisato & Liu
new species
Figures 1–4
Colour dark brown to dark reddish brown, slightly more reddish in femora, meso- and metathorax, blacker in head and pronotum, completely black in eyes and apices of mandibles, matte in general though moderately shiny on elytra. Body in general densely clothed with light golden yellow pubescence and sparsely intermixed with longer, paler hairs; antennae densely pubescent, relatively sparse with longer and more yellowish hairs, which become gradually sparser apically; pronotum densely pubescent though appearing almost glabrous in most parts due to its fine pubescence, partly with dense recumbent pubescence on sides of apical and basal margins along a M-shaped median costae on basal half; elytra and femora mottled with dense pubescence; tibiae and tarsi densely pubescent, relatively sparse with longer and more yellowish hairs.
Male. Head distinctly wider than apical width or distinctly narrower than maximum width of pronotum, closely provided with coarse irregularly sized punctures, though punctuation becomes somewhat rugose on frons and finer on occiput; frons distinctly wider than long, arcuately dilated apicad, with a median furrow extending to anterior margin of occiput; genae about 1/3 depth of lower eye-lobes in frontal view, roundly quadrate at apical corner; tempora strongly produced beyond level of eyes; occiput markedly raised posterad; eyes with interocular distance varied depending on individual, 0.98–1.41 times as wide as an eye. Antennae 1.43–1.53 times as long as body, al- most cylindrical in antennomeres III–V, flattened in VI–XI, provided with a short dent at each apico-internal corner of III–VI, dent very short or vestigial if it presents in VII or VIII; scape 1/3 length of III, provided with a few large punctures; III weakly arched; IV–VI almost equal in length; XI moderately arcuate.
Habitus of
Sichuanortia zhouchaoi
new genus and species
holotype male, dorsal view;
ditto, ventral view;
paratype female, dorsal view.
Pronotum wider than long, strongly constricted at base, more so than apex, completely arcuate on sides, widest near middle; disc moderately convex, provided with an M-shaped costa on middle from apical 1/3 to basal 1/7, and also with a longitudinal costa along midline crossing M-shaped costa, which is most vertical near apical margin, then gradually lower towards middle and is reduced to oblong smooth area in basal 1/3, rather finely reticulate throughout except for inside of M-shaped costa which is largely reticulate. Scutellum lingulate, slightly concave along midline.
Elytra 2.77 times as long as humeral width on average; sides parallel or gently emarginate in basal 2/3, then arcuately narrowed to apices which are subtruncate or gently emarginate, with obtuse sutural angles; disc slightly depressed on oblong area near suture behind scutellum, each provided with a weak arcuate costa from external 1/3 near base to middle of apical 1/3, and also irregularly covered with small to medium-sized punctures, punctures sparser, shallower and finer towards apices.
Venter of thoraces shagreened and scattered with a few shallow punctures, except for prosternum which is finely reticulate. Abdomen narrowed in an arcuate line to apex; anal ventrite trapezoidal, truncate on apical margin; tergite VII trapezoidal, gently emarginate at middle of apical margin.
Legs medium in length; hind femora barely reaching apical 1/7 of elytra; tarsomere I a little longer than II–III combined.
Habitus and type locality of
Sichuanortia zhouchaoi
new genus and species
paratype male;
forest of Mt. Lushan, ca. 1,900 m in alt., Sichuan, China.
Male genitalia: Median lobe small, hardly convex, weakly arcuate in lateral view; dorsal plate subparallel with sinuate line, widely arcuately truncate on apical margin, distinctly exposing apical part of ventral plate which is semicircular with a truncate margin; median struts broad, 3/5 length of median lobe. Endophallus about 3.5 times as long as median lobe, subdivided into basal, median and apical phallomeres, without sclerotised armature on latter two; basal phallomere with a pair of arcuate crescent-shaped sclerites; median phallomere undulate on surface of basal 2/3; apical phallomere subdivided into three sections, of which basal section about half length of apical phallomere, moderately convex ventrad, apical section simply ovate, connected by duct-like median section. Tegmen slender, almost same length as median lobe; parameres thin and long, narrowly dehiscent at about 10º; each lobe parallel in basal 3/5 then arcuately narrowed to apex which is provided with a thick and very long seta and two shorter setae. Eighth tergite semicircular, densely clothed with long wavy setae on apical half, narrowly truncate on apical margin.
Hind wing and mouth parts of
Sichuanortia zhouchaoi
new genus and species
hind wing;
left mandible, dorsal view;
right mandible, dorsal view;
maxilla, ventral view;
labium, ventral view. Scales: 5.0 mm for fig. 6; 0.5 mm for figs. 7–10.
Female. Body broader than male, particularly in large specimens. Antennae varying in length according to body size (shorter in large specimens), 1.02–1.21 times as long as body. Abdomen broad, subparallel sided in ventrites I–II, strongly narrowed apicad in III–V, V subtriangular with rounded apical margin; tergite VII elongate trapezoi- dal, gently emarginate on apical margin.
Female genitalia: Ovipositor long; baculi in coxite arcuate; baculi in paraproct sinuate, almost reaching base of paraproct; coxite lobes large and semicircular, weakly sclerotised; styli heavily sclerotised, slightly dilated apicad, provided with a few setae at apex. Bursa coplulatrix long and elongate ovate. Spermatheca broad, bent ventrad near apical 1/3, with elongate gland; duct long, simply sinuate.
Male (n = 9): BL
15.54–24.50 mm
23.12 mm
); HW/PA 1.23–1.26 (M 1.24); HW/ PW 0.75–0.84 (M 0.79); FL/FB 0.64–0.75 (M 0.71); FA/FB 0.95–1.18 (M 1.11); PL/PW 0.81–0.88 (M 0.87); PL/PA 1.21–1.42 (M 1.36); PB/PA 0.98–1.20 (M 1.13); EL/EW 2.69–2.84 (M 2.77); EL/PL 3.37–3.73 (M 3.49). Female (n = 4): BL
15.26–23.12 mm
; HW/PA 1.10–1.18 (M 1.15); HW/PW 0.79–0.86 (M 0.83); FL/FB 0.61–0.64 (M 0.63); FA/FB 1.07–1.15 (M 1.11); PL/PW 0.81–0.84 (M 0.82); PL/PA 1.10–1.15 (M 1.13); PB/PA 1.07–1.14 (M 1.10); EL/EW 2.68–2.92 (M 2.81); EL/PL 3.93–4.16 (M 4.04).
Type series.
: male (
Mt. Lushan
1,928 m
in alt.,
Xichang City
Liangshan-Yizu Autonomous Prefecture
Sichuan Province
20. VI. 2016
B. Liu leg. Paratypes (8 males, 4 females): 1 male, 2 females (CBLC & CLHC), same locality as holotype but 27º82’N/102º26’E, 1,945 m in alt., 8. V. 2015, L. He leg.; 3 males, 1 female (CTNJ), same locality as holotype, but 11–16. VI. 2016, native collector leg.; 1 male (CBLC), same data as holotype; 1 female (CBLC), same locality as preceding, but 27º50’N/102º16’E, 1,647 m in alt., 21. VI. 2016, B. Liu leg.; 2 males (CBLC), same locality as holotype but 27º83’N/102º26’E, 1,807 m in alt., 17. VI. 2017, L. He
et al
. leg.; 1 male (CCZC), same locality as holotype but 27°50′N,102°16′E, 1,600 m in alt., 30. VI. 2018, C. Zhou leg.
The specific name “
” is dedicated to Chao Zhou who is one of the collectors of new spe- cies as well as a good friend of the second author.
China: South Sichuan.
Ecological information of
Sichuanortia zhouchaoi
is almost unknown. Most of the type series were captured by light trap set in an evergreen broadleaved forest at an altitude of 1,600–1,945 m on Mt. Lushan (
Fig. 5
), except for one male paratype which was captured by beating a
tree along the roadside.