Towards understanding Lepidocyrtus Bourlet, 1839 (Collembola, Entomobryidae) I: diagnosis of the subgenus Setogaster, new records and redescriptions of species Author Mateos, Eduardo Author Greenslade, Penelope text Zootaxa 2015 4044 1 105 129 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4044.1.6 c418a84c-d5ac-40a2-8aa5-3079d888db91 1175-5326 243525 80A698E3-7ADF-4ECD-8F8E-12B57530C682 Lepidocyrtus ( Setogaster ) praecisus Schött, 1917 comb. nov. Figs 3 , 34–35 , 49 , Tabs 2–3 Type material. Three lectotypes mounted on one slide and deposited at the Swedish Museum of Natural History (slide code NHRS-GULI000023339). QUEENSLAND, “Cedar Creek”, Ravenshoe, 17.645940S 145.509228E , 947 m asl, 1917, Mjöberg expedition, Riksmusset, Stockholm, Sweden . Other material examined. Two specimens deposited at SAM , WESTERN AUSTRALIA , Government Gardens, Perth, 31.957542S 115.862231E , 5 m asl, 10.ii.1931 , H. Womersley (slide codes SAM 001 and SAM 002); one specimen deposited at SAM , VICTORIA , You Yang Mts, 142 m asl., 24.ix.1931 , J.W. Rath (slide code SAM 003); one specimen deposited at SAM , SOUTH AUSTRALIA , Adelaide, 124 m asl, 1929, D.S. Swan (slide code SAM 030); one specimen deposited at SAM , Mt Osmond, 34.9584S 138.66637E , 342 m asl, 19.vii.2005 , P. Greenslade (slide code PG2); one specimen deposited at SAM , Kangaroo Is, 35.775131S 137.214674E , June 2010 , 201 m asl, P. Greenslade, M. Stevens (slide code PG1); three specimens deposited at University of Barcelona, Mt Lofty Ranges, Belair National Park, Pines oval, 35.004984S 138.639130E , 268 m asl, 9.vii.1978 , P. Greenslade (sample LP311). FIGURES 19–21. Lepidocyrtus ( Setogaster ) nigrofasciatus . 19, th.II dorsal chaetotaxy (left side), pse—pseudoporus, circles– ciliated chaetae; 20, th.III dorsal chaetotaxy (left side)), pse—pseudoporus; 21, abd.I dorsal chaetotaxy (left side), psepseudoporus. Description. Adult body length (without head and furca) 1.0– 1.4 mm . Mesothorax not projecting over the head. Body dorsoventrally compressed with light blue pigment present on head, thorax and abdomen ( Fig. 3 ); densely black pigmented ocular areas. Antenna without scales. Basis of ant.I dorsally and ventrally with three microchaetae arranged in triangle. Ant.III organ composed of two subcylindrical sensory rods partially covered by an integumentary fold. Ant.IV with a subapical T-chaeta (see Fig. 11 ); without apical bulb. Ciliated prelabral chaetae and smooth labral chaetae in typical number 4/5,5,4; chaetae of apical row thicker than those in other rows. Nearly closed inverted V-shaped labral apical intrusion; labral papillae smooth. Lateral process ( sensu Fjellberg 1999 ) of outer labial papilla short, tip not reaching the apex of papilla. Maxillary palp outer lobe with two subequal smooth chaetae and 3–4 smooth sublobal hairs. Labial chaetotaxy M1M2R*EL1L2; chaeta M1 a little shorter than M2; chaeta R half in length of M2, E, L1 and L2 chaetae (marked with *); ventral cephalic groove with 3+3 ciliated chaetae. Dorsal macrochaetae formula such as AoA2s A2A4M 2/00/01 *00+3; abd.II chaeta m3 short ciliated macrochaeta (chaeta marked with * in dorsal macrochaetae formula). The general dorsal chaetotaxy the same as for S. nigrofasciatus (see Figs 16–26 ); chaetae F2 and F3 on abd.IV are mesochaetae (instead of macrochaetae as in L. (S.) nigrofasciatus ) ( Fig. 34 ). Three specimens (slide codes SAM001, SAM002, SAM003, determined by Womersley as L. praecisus ) lacking lateral tuft of filaments on abd.III. Legs, trochanteral organ, unguis, ventral tube, and furca as S. nigrofasciatus , but unguis basal teeth less developed ( Fig. 35 ). One specimen (SAM-003) with empodial appendages of three legs pointed instead of truncate. FIGURES 22–24. Lepidocyrtus ( Setogaster ) nigrofasciatus . 22, abd.II complete chaetotaxy (left side), pse—pseudoporus; 23, abd.III complete chaetotaxy (left side), pse—pseudoporus, chaeta d2 is a ms chaeta sensu Szeptycki (1972) , only one filament of lateral tuft of filaments showed, for the other lateral filaments only the sockets are represented; 24, abd.III lateral tuft of filaments. FIGURES 25–26. Lepidocyrtus ( Setogaster ) nigrofasciatus . 25a, abd.IV complete chaetotaxy, broad black circles—broad ciliated macrochaetae, small black circles—thin ciliated macrochaetae, open circles— mesochaetae, triangles—fan-shaped chaetae, S—long S-chaetae, as and ps—short S-chaetae, x—bothriotricha, #—pseudoporus; 25b, abd.IV chaetae morphology, bcm—blunt broad ciliated macrochaeta, tcm—acuminate thin ciliated macrochaeta, m—mesochaeta; 26, abd.IV bothriotrichal complex. Discussion. On the three lectotype specimens the chaetotaxy are practically invisible; but five important characters are distinguishable: presence of subapical T-chaeta on ant.IV, dorsal cephalic macrochaetotaxy as AoA2s A2A4M2, presence of lateral tuft of filaments on abd.III, distance between bothriotricha T2 and T4 on abd.IV, and presence of spinelet on basal mucronal spine. The presence of a small rounded dental tubercle and spinelet on the basal mucronal spine allow this species to be placed in the subgenus Setogaster . Apart from the colour pattern and body size, nigrofasciatus and praecisus are similar species. The only chaetotaxic difference is that chaetae F2 and F3 of abd.IV is a macrochaetae in nigrofasciatus and a mesochaetae in praecisus .