Flora of Cameroon - Annonaceae Vol 45
Couvreur, Thomas L. P.
IRD, DIADE, Univ Montpellier, Montpellier, France & Universite de Yaounde I, Ecole Normale Superieure, Departement des Sciences Biologiques, Laboratoire de Botanique systematique et d'Ecologie, B. P. 047, Yaounde, Cameroon & Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Botany Section, Darwinweg 2, 2333 CR Leiden, Netherlands
Dagallier, Leo-Paul M. J.
IRD, DIADE, Univ Montpellier, Montpellier, France
Crozier, Francoise
IRD, DIADE, Univ Montpellier, Montpellier, France
Ghogue, Jean-Paul
Universite de Yaounde I, Ecole Normale Superieure, Departement des Sciences Biologiques, Laboratoire de Botanique systematique et d'Ecologie, B. P. 047, Yaounde, Cameroon & Green Connexion, Environmental Group, siege face GP Melen, a cote de l'immeuble Palais des verres. Yaounde, Cameroun
Hoekstra, Paul H.
Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Botany Section, Darwinweg 2, 2333 CR Leiden, Netherlands
Kamdem, Narcisse G.
Universite de Yaounde I, Ecole Normale Superieure, Departement des Sciences Biologiques, Laboratoire de Botanique systematique et d'Ecologie, B. P. 047, Yaounde, Cameroon
Johnson, David M.
Department of Botany-Microbiology, Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, OH, 43015, USA
Murray, Nancy A.
Department of Botany-Microbiology, Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, OH, 43015, USA
Sonke, Bonaventure
Universite de Yaounde I, Ecole Normale Superieure, Departement des Sciences Biologiques, Laboratoire de Botanique systematique et d'Ecologie, B. P. 047, Yaounde, Cameroon
journal article
Monanthotaxis hirsuta (Benth.) P.H.Hoekstra, Taxon 66: 14, 2017
Figs 58
, 59
; Map 8B
≡ Unona hirsuta
Benth., Trans. Linn. Soc. London 23(3): 469, 1862;
Oxymitra hirsuta
(Benth.) Sprague & Hutch., Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew: 155, 1916;
Richella hirsuta
(Benth.) R.E.Fr., Nat. Pflanzenfam., ed. 2, 17 a(2): 139, 1959.
= Uvaria caillei
A.Chev. ex Hutch. & Dalziel, Fl. W. Trop. Afr. 1: 49, 1927. Type. Guinea. Mamou, Timbou, Kouria, Chevalier A.J.B. 14817, 28 Nov 1905: lectotype, chosen by
Hoekstra et al. (2021)
, p. 165: P[P00363329]; isolectotypes: G[G00308375]; L[L.1765233]; P[P00363319, P00363320, P01954813].
Equatorial Guinea
Bioko Norte
Fernando Poo
Mann G.
, 1860:
: K[K000198950]; isotypes: P[P00363313; P00363314]
Shrub to liana, up to 3 m tall, d.b.h. unknown. Indumentum of simple hairs; old leafless branches glabrescent,
young foliate branches densely pubescent with erect reddish brown 1.2-1.7 mm long hairs
. Leaves: petiole 5-6 mm long, 2-3 mm in diameter, densely pubescent with erect reddish brown hairs, slightly grooved, blade inserted on top of the petiole; blade 8.3-28.5 cm long, 4.9-7.5 cm wide, oblong to obovate, apex acuminate to acute, acumen 0.5-2 cm long, base cordate or subcordate, subcoriaceous to membranous, below pubescent when young and old, above densely pubescent with yellowish hairs when young, sparsely pubescent with yellowish hairs to glabrous when old, discolorous, whitish below; midrib sunken or flat, above sparsely pubescent with erect reddish brown hairs when young, sparsely pubescent with erect reddish brown hairs when old, below densely pubescent when young, pubescent when old; secondary veins 9 to 23 pairs, glabrous above; tertiary venation percurrent. Individuals bisexual; inflorescences ramiflorous on old leafless branches, leaf opposed. Flowers with 9 perianth parts in 3 whorls, 1 to 2 per inflorescence; pedicel 7-12 mm long, 1-3 mm in diameter, densely pubescent with yellow erect hairs; in fruit 13-31 mm long, ca. 2 mm in diameter, pubescent; basal bract ca. 5 mm long, ca. 3 mm wide; upper bract ca. 5 mm long, ca. 5 mm wide; sepals 3, valvate, free, 6-9 mm long, 5-7 mm wide, triangular to ovate, apex acute to obtuse, base truncate, densely pubescent outside, glabrous inside, margins flat; petals free, outer petals longer than inner, inner petals entirely covered in bud;
outer petals 3, 21-50 mm long, 9-17 mm wide
, elliptic to ovate, apex acute, base truncate, red to cream, margins flat, densely pubescent outside, pubescent with a glabrous base inside; inner petals 3, valvate, 16-25 mm long, 6-8 mm wide, linear to elliptic, apex acute, base truncate, margins flat, densely pubescent outside, pubescent inside; stamens 100 to 120, in 4 to 5 rows, 1-2 mm long, cylindrical to obconic; connective truncate, glabrous; staminodes absent; carpels free, 22 to 24, ovary ca. 2 mm long, stigma elongate, glabrous. Monocarps stipitate, stipes 7-11 mm long, 2-3 mm in diameter; monocarps 2 to 9, 23-52 mm long, 9-13 mm in diameter, moniliform, ellipsoid to cylindrical, apex rounded to apiculate,
pubescent, densely pubescent with erect hairs
, slightly constricted around seeds when more than 1, orange when ripe; seeds 1 to 3, 17-27 mm long, 9-10 mm in diameter, ellipsoid; aril absent.
A mainly west African species from Guinea to Ivory Coast, and eastern Nigeria to Equatorial Guinea; in Cameroon known from the Central, Littoral, South and South-West regions.
A fairly uncommon species in Cameroon; in primary and secondary rain forest, in swamp forests, gallery forests. Altitude 50-200 m a.s.l.
Local and common names known in Cameroon.
None recorded.
Preliminary IUCN conservation status.
Least Concern (LC) (
Hoekstra et al. 2021
Uses in Cameroon.
None reported.
Monanthotaxis hirsuta
is distinguished by its branches and petioles with long (> 1 mm) erect reddish brown hairs and when in flower by its long petals (> 20 mm) and its monocarps with dense long erect hairs. This species is morphologically close to
M. enghiana
M. velutina
(the latter not present in Cameroon), but the former generally has narrowly obovate or oblanceolate leaves with a narrow subcordate base and acuminate leaf apex, while the latter generally has more obovate leaves with a broader subcordate base and obtuse to acute leaf apex.
Throughout its range,
M. hirsuta
is quite variable when sterile (
Hoekstra et al. 2021
) and can be hard to distinguish from
M. enghiana
. In Cameroon, however,
M. hirsuta
has broadly oblong or obovate leaves versus narrowly obovate leaves in
M. enghiana
Specimens examined.
Central Region
Chantier forestier au sud
de Song Bong
08 December 1967
Bamps P.R.J.
1381 (BR,P,YA).
Littoral Region
: Mapubi
30 km
Edea on
road On forestry road
5 km
direction to
Sanaga river
28 February 2018
Couvreur T.L.P.
1175 (K,MPU,P,WAG,YA)