A revision of the genus Stenonartonia Giordani Soika 1973 (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae) Author Garcete-Barrett, Bolívar R. text Zootaxa 2011 2868 1 50 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.277490 42932a1b-028c-4dd1-84db-59d953463ec5 1175-5326 277490 Species-group of Stenonartonia apicipennis This is the largest and morphologically heterogenous group. Its seven species are medium sized, moderately stout to moderately elongate bodied wasps reminiscent in shape and/or color pattern of different socials wasps in the genera Polybia Lepeletier , Agelaia Lepeletier and Brachygastra Spinola. General features for their species include: occipital carina interrupted behind the interocular space. Female vertex with specialized area thin, boomerang-like. Humeral angle variable, projecting or not. Tegula extensively covered with micropunctation (medially smooth in S. apicipennis ). Axillar depression strong, extensive and almost vertical. Anterior axillary fossula deep and partly hidden under the parategula (reduced and exposed in S. mimica ). Scutellum flattened above and falling almost vertically into the axillary fossa, without lamellar projection above this latter. Opening of the axillary fossa oval and rather large. Scutellar crest separated behind from scutellum by a sulcus (sulcus absent in S. flavotestacea ). Metanotal ridge variable, low and blunt of high and sharp. Epicnemial carina absent. Mesepisternal sulcus thin. Posterior metapleural border effaced (feebly marked in S. flavotestacea ). Propodeum variable, slightly subtruncate, smoothly declivitous or slightly convex behind and with the medial channel diffusedly to sharply differentiated in direct correspondence with its degree of narrowness. Mid propodeal carina well developed (interrupted below in S. flavotestacea ). Propodeal sublateral surface macropunctate to slightly striatopunctate in variable density and coarseness, but never alveolate or striate. Lateral propodeal surface covered with macropunctation of moderate density and coarseness. Apical propodeal lamella angular in lateral view and projected upward of backward in different degrees above the propodeal valvula. Propodeal valvula poorly to markedly differentiated from the apical propodeal valvula by a basal crease and/or a marginal dislocation or emargination. Metasomal segment 1 very broadly to moderately narrowly campanulate and moderately narrower than the second one. T1 roundly to obtusely bent in side view, with or without a medial carina along its anterior declivity, with a low, obtuse and variably marked transverse carina, without transverse sulcus and with a very weak to inexistent longitudinal sulcus. S1 variable, transversely crescent-shaped to elongate isoscelic. T2 with pregradular area smooth and shiny and gradulus groove-like (shallow in S. flavotestacea ).