A phylogenetic revision of the true bug genus Heraeus (Hemiptera: Rhyparochromidae: Myodochini), with the description of two new genera and 30 new species Author Dellapé, Pablo M. Author Melo, María C. Author Henry, Thomas J. text Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 2016 2016-04-17 177 1 29 134 http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/zoj.12362 journal article 10.1111/zoj.12362 0024-4082 10109299 8A961A76-E33C-4171-B401-0B516B62FA6D HERAEUS CINNAMOMEUS BARBER, 1948 ( FIGS 3A , 4A–C , 5A , 6A–D , 7 ) Heraeus coquilletti Barber, 1914a: 165–166 (in part); Van Duzee, 1917: 179 (in part); Blatchley, 1934: 8 (in part); Torre Bueno, 1946: 70 (in part). Heraeus cinnamomeus Barber, 1948: 67 ; Slater, 1964: 1082 ; Schaefer, 1972: 812 ; Harrington, 1980: 108 ; Ashlock & Slater, 1988: 227 . Diagnosis Head shiny, contrasting with a dull pronotum and hemelytra. Pronotum and scutellum without erect setae. Distiflagellomere and hemelytra uniformly coloured cinnamon brown. Profemora pale yellowish brown. Heraeus cinnamomeus and H. costalis sp. nov. are the only two species of the coquilletti group that have a shiny head, contrasting with a dull pronotum and hemelytra, and the scutellum lacking erect setae. The general colouration of H. cinnamomeus is cinnamon brown, with distiflagellomeres and hemelytra uniformly coloured, whereas H. costalis sp. nov. is dark brown with the distiflagellomere mostly white and with the apex darker. Redescription ( Fig. 3A ) Paratype Head: Strongly convex dorsally ( Fig. 4A ). Colour orange brown, shiny and smooth, with short recumbent and erect setae dorsally. Eyes slightly protrud- ing, not surpassing the dorsal margin of head in lateral view. Ocelli posterior to an imaginary line passing the posterior border of eyes. Labium pale brown with erect setae, extending to mesocoxae. Antennae pale brown, distiflagellomere slightly paler; with short recumbent, semi-erect, and erect setae. Thorax: Pronotum dull brown, anterior lobe darker; pruinose, punctate ( Fig. 4B ); collar punctate, delimit- ed posteriorly by a sulcus and a row of punctures, anterior pronotal lobe with punctures more conspicuous posteriorly, posterior pronotal lobe coarsely punctate; anterior and posterior lobes with minute setae. Pleurae brown. Evaporative area short. Scutellum brown, pruinose ( Fig. 4C ), punctate, with minute recumbent setae. Hemelytra pale brown, pruinose ( Fig. 4C ), with minute recumbent setae. Corium with a diffuse subapical pale spot; lateral margins slightly concave. Membrane pale brown, veins concolorous. Legs pale brown, coxae and apical third of metafemur, and apex of tibiae, darker ( Fig. 5A ); with sparse, short, recumbent and erect setae. Tibiae with spiniform setae. Profemur conspicuously incrassate in males; spines on profemur small, except for one much larger spine. Protibia with small tubercles bearing spiniform setae in a row along inner surface. Abdomen: Brown, with abundant short recumbent setae. Male genitalia: Pygophore ( Fig. 6A, B ) rounded, anterior margin of dorsal aperture slightly rounded, inner projections projecting posteriorly. Parameres: Figure 6 (C, D). Aedeagus: Conjunctiva unspined, vesica with small spines, lobes of vesica strongly sclerotized at base; processus gonopori long and slender. Distribution Mexico (NEW RECORD) and USA ( Fig. 7 ). Type material examined Holotype : , USA , Texas , Brownsville , Los Borregos , 5-VI-[19]04, type #58494 ( USNM ). Paratypes : 1♂ , 1♀ , Tex. [as] , Brownsville , 15-V- [19]36, J.N. Knull ( OSUC ) ; 1♂ , Tex. , Brownsville , 8-V-[19]36, J.N. Knull ( OSUC ) ; 3♀ , Los Borregos , Brownsville , 5-VI-[19]04, H.S. Barber ( USNM ) ; 1♀ , Brownsville , 29-II-[19]36, P.A. Glick ( USNM ) ; 1♂ , 8–25-V-[19]35, J.N. Knull ( USNM ) ; 1♂ , 15-V- [19]35, J.N. Knull ( USNM ) ; 1♀ , 30-V-[19]04, H.S. Barber ( USNM ) ; 1♂ , 2♀ ( USNM ) ; 1♀ , Esper Ranch , Brownsville , Brooklyn Museum coll. ( USNM ) ; 1♂ , 20-V-1030 , J.C. Gaines ( USNM ) . Additional material studied MEXICO : 1♀ , Mexico , intercepted at Br. Tex. in plane, #69209, 1-27-50-2072 ( USNM ) ; 1♀ , Mexico , intercept- ed at Laredo , Tx. , 30-I-[19]43, with tomatoes, #31333 ( USNM ) ; 1♀ , Mexico , 7-VII-[19]44, tomato fruit, inter- cepted at Brownsville #59250 ( USNM ) ; 1♂ , Mexico , in plane, 28-X-[19]41, intercepted at Brownsville , Tx ( USNM ) . Chihuahua : 1♀ Salaices , 5200 ft , 20-VIII- 1947 , G.M. Bradt ( AMNH ) ; San Luis Potosi : 1♂ , Tamazunchales , intercepted at Laredo , Tx. , 10-X- 1957 , with orchid plants ( USNM ) ; 2♂ , El Salto Falls , 2000–2500 ft , 22-IV-[19]65, in blacklight trap , H.V. Weems ( USNM ) ; Sinaloa : 1♀ , 43 mi. N Mazatlan , 27-VII-1952 , J. Lattin ( AMNH ) ; Tamaulipas , 1♂ , paratype [this is not a paratype ], C[iudad] Victoria , 31-III-1951 , J. Lattin ( AMNH ) ; 1♀ , Guemes , 28-VI- 1965 , collected at blacklight, P.J. Spangler ( USNM ) ; 1♂ , El Salto Falls , 26 mi. W Antiguo Morelos , 2000 ft , 11/ 14-VII-1963 , Duckworth & Davis ( USNM ) ; 1♀ , Victoria , intercepted at Br. TX #68098, 14-VI-[19]49, avocado budwood ( USNM ) ; Nuevo Leon , 35♂ , 31♀ , two without abdomen, anegade arroya, 16 mi. S Linares , N.L., 1250 ft , 9-VII-1963 , Duckworth & Davis ( USNM ) ; 1♀ , Linares , Rio Camacho , 21/ 22-VI-1965 , O.S. Flint ( USNM ) ; 5♂ , 4♀ , 31 mi. E Galeana , 5000 ft , 7/ 9-VIII- 1963 , Duckworth & Davis ( USNM ) ; Jalisco : 1♀ , Chamela , Station UNAM, 6/ 7-IX-1984 , D. & B. Sigwalt ( MNHN ) . USA : Texas : 9♂ , 11♀ , Brownsville , X-[19]42, E.S. Ross ( CAS ); 4♂ , 7♀ , X-[19]42, E.S. Ross , at light ( CAS ) ; 6♂ , 14♀ , 16-IX-[19]42, T.M. Burns ( CAS ) ; 1♀ , Hidalgo Co., 24-III-[19]54, D.J. & J.N. Knull ( OSUC ); 3♂ , 2♀ , Weslaco , 11-X-1930 , S.W. Clark ( CNC ) ; 1♂ , 1♀ , Brazos Co., N. Banks ( AMNH ); 1♂ , Brownsville, 11/ 16-VI-[19]33, Darlington ( AMNH ) ; 1♀ , SE Hidalgo Co., 28-IV/4-V-[19]46, at light, G.B. Vogt ( USNM ); 1♀ , 26/31-VII-[19]46 ( USNM ); 1♀ , 29-VIII-[19]47 ( USNM ); 1♀ , 1/5-X-[19]47 ( USNM ); 1♀ , 6-IV-[19]46, beating flwrs and foliage of Prosopis juliflora Swartz de Candolle ( USNM ). 1♂ , Canal Z. [ PANAMA ] or GUA- TEMALA , 7-IX-[19]42, intercepted at Brownsville, Tx. ( USNM ) .