A review of the genus Triphysa Zeller, 1858 (Lepidoptera, Satyridae) Author Dubatolov, Vladimir V. 0000-0001-7687-2102 Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Frunze str. 11, Novosibirsk 630091 Russia. https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 7687 - 2102 Author Korb, Stanislav K. Russian Entomological Society, Nizhny Novgorod Division P. O. Box 97, Nizhny Novgorod 603009 Russia. stanislavkorb@list.ru Author Yakovlev, Roman V. 0000-0001-9512-8709 Altai State University, pr. Lenina 61, Barnaul, 656049, Russia. https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 9512 - 8709 * Corresponding author. E-mail: stanislavkorb @ list. ru; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 1120 - 424 X text Ecologica Montenegrina 2023 2023-03-19 61 88 123 http://dx.doi.org/10.37828/em.2023.61.9 journal article 10.37828/em.2023.61.9 2336-9744 13246732 urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:4EB022DC-076A-4C1C-BFBD-01F9B4342F0B Triphysa striatula striatula Elwes, 1899 Figs. 1q–z , 6a , 22 . Triphysa phryne striatula Elwes, 1899 ; Trans. Entomol. Soc. London 1899: 365. Type locality : Kuruktagh near Korla [East Tian-Shan, Xinjiang , China ]. “Lastly, there is a form found in the Kuruktagh near Korla, var. Striatula, Stgr. (MSS.) , which is distinguished by pale longitudinal striations on the fore-wing of the male. This form seems by the position of the spots to belong to phryne rather than to dohrnii” ( Elwes 1899 ) . Description . Forewing length 17−18 mm . Upperside with light strokes between veins. Underside with expanded light pattern (in comparison to T. phryne ). White centers of postdiscal spots can be absent on both forewing and hindwing undersides. In addition to the white lines on the upperside, the eyespot between cubital veins on the forewing underside is somewhat larger than its neighbors. Male genitalia . Aedeagus densely covered by teeth with caudally directed apex. Valva with much prolonged distal end and pointed obliquely truncated apex. Four specimens have been dissected. Material examined . 1 male , Kuruktag ( ZISP ) ; 1 male , Kutscha mont., Tian-Shan , 3000 m ( LNK ) ; 4 males , 6 females , Korla ( ZFMK ) ; 2 males , 2 females , Asia centr., Koterlbei ( Korla ?), April – Mai 1902 ( MHUB ) ; 5 males , 3 females , Korla ( MHUB ) ; 6 males , 4 females , Tian Shan, Merzb. ( ZSSM ) ; 9 males , 15 females , Korla , Tancre coll. ( ZSSM ) ; 2 males , 2 females , Asia centr., Koter (bei Korla ), Mit. V-1902 ( ZMHU ) ; 2 males , 3 females , Korla ( ZISP ) ; 1 male , 1 female , Korla , coll. Deckert ( ZISP ) . Distribution . China : Xinjiang : East Tian-Shan, Kuruktag, Eastern part of Boro-Khoro. Triphysa striatula urumtshiensis Dubatolov, Korb et Yakovlev , ssp. n. https://zoobank.org/ urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 94F088B5-6F21-41B1-88CE-9821F6261F52 Figs. 2a–b , 6a , 23 . Description . Male . Forewing length 20–21 mm , wings dark-brown. Eyespots of the postdiscal row on hindwing underside are almost equal in size and very small. Very wide light suffusion along the veins is present, especially in the central cell (almost touching the internal stroke); strong overall expansion of light pattern is present. Postdiscal row of eyespots in forewing underside with band between cubital and other eyespots, cubital eyespots are slightly larger. Female . Forewing length 18−20 mm . Upperside white or whitish, underside pattern as in male. Diagnosis . Slightly larger than nominotypical subspecies. There is no lightening on upperside like in Triphysa striatula striatula . Figure 6. Distribution map of Triphysa species : a (above) – general map; b (below) – northern-eastern part of area of T. nervosa nervosa . Material examined . Holotype , male, Urumtchi ( ZISP ) . Paratypes : 2 males , 1 female , Turkestan , Urumtchi , Ruckbeil , 1904 ( MHUB ) ; 1 male , Kazakhstan , Boro-Khoro Mts. , 35 km N of Dzharkent , Sarybel environs, 1600–2000 m , 30-VI-2010 , leg. S.K. Korb ( SKNN ) ; 1 male , 1 female , Kuldscha , VII-1902 ( ZSSM ) ; 1 male , Urumtchi ( ZISP ) . Distribution . China : Xinjiang Prov. (Urumqi environs); Kazakhstan : eastern part of Boro-Khoro Mts.; very local. The isolation border between T. striatula striatula and T. striatula urumtshiensis ssp.n. is in high-mountainous glaciers of Boro-Khoro and Sarmin-Ula Mountain ridges.