A new species of Odontothrips (Thysanoptera, Thripidae) from Fars province Iran Author Hakimara, Mahsa Author Minaei, Kambiz text Zootaxa 2019 2019-09-23 4674 1 147 150 journal article 25416 10.11646/zootaxa.4674.1.9 1b832922-abf2-40ec-a346-9c9a7019a9b5 1175-5326 3458488 C805073E-D25E-4038-AFFE-8C7B2BBD2097 Odontothrips moritzi sp.n. Female macroptera . Body dark brown ( Fig.1 ); all tarsi, fore tibia, antennal segments III–V, VIII and fore wing yellow, antennal segment VII shaded ( Fig.3 ), major body setae brown. Head about 1.1 times as broad as long, with transverse lines of sculpture, three pairs of ocellar setae present; ocellar III longer than other setae on head, arising on ocellar triangle margin and situated between hind and fore ocelli, 5 pairs of postocular setae arranged in a row, almost equal in length ( Fig. 2 ). Eyes with 5 pigmented facets. Mouth cone rounded. Antennae 8–segmented, segment I with pair of median dorso-apical setae; antennal segment VI with base of sensorium more than 0.7 as long as total length of this sensorium ( Fig. 4 ). Fore tibia without claw-like processes at apex; fore tarsus without tubercles on inner margin ( Fig. 6 ). Metanotum with campaniform sensilla arising medially ( Fig. 10 ). Fore wing first vein with setal row comprising about 4 setae at base, then 11–12 setae, then 2 setae near apex; second vein with complete row of setae ( Fig. 8 ); clavus with 5 marginal and one discal setae, terminal seta longer than subapical; 2 pairs of posteroangular setae, inner setae slightly longer than outer. Abdominal tergum I with transversely reticulate sculpture ( Fig. 10 ); tergites IV–VIII with no sculpture mesad of setal pair S2 ( Fig. 13 ); VIII with irregular group of microtrichia anterolateral to each spiracle, posteromarginal comb only present laterally; IX with two pairs of campaniform sensilla ( Fig. 12 ); median split on X short. Sternites without craspeda and discal setae; II with two pairs of posteromarginal setae, III–VII with three. Sternite VII setal pair S1 arise in front of margin, S2 and S3 arise at margin ( Fig. 11 ). Measurements ( holotype female in microns). Body length 1570. Head, length 123; width across eyes 133. Ocellar setae III length 57. Pronotum, length 130, maximum width 193; posteroangular setae length outer 50, inner 58. Metanotum median setae length 44. Fore wing, length 730. Abdominal tergum IV median setae length 11; tergum IX S1 100, S2 110; tergum X setae length 100. Antennal segments III–VIII length 55, 48, 33, 50, 13, 19; sensorium on antennal VI length 25, length of base 18. Male not known. Specimens examined. Holotype female, Iran , Fars province , Sepidan , Tang-e-Tizab , from flowers of an unidentified Fabaceae , 18.vii.2015 (Mahsa Hakimara), in Natural History Museum, London, United Kingdom. FIGURES 1–7. Odontothrips moritzi sp. n. (1–4): (1) Female; (2) Head & Pronotum; (3) Antennae; (4) Antennal segment VI–VIII. Fore tibia and tarsus (5–7): (5) O. confusus ; (6) O. moritzi sp. n. ; (7) O. loti . FIGURES 8–13. Fore wing (8-9): (8) O. moritzi sp. n. ; (9) O. confusus . Odontothrips moritzi sp. n. (10–13): (10) Metanotum & first abdominal tergite; (11) Abdominal sternites II-VII; (12) Abdominal tergites VIII–IX; (13) Abdominal tergites V–VIII. Paratypes : 2 females , collected with holotype; paratypes deposited in Plant Protection Department , Shiraz University , Shiraz , Iran . Etymology. This new species is named after Professor Gerald Moritz, Department of Developmental Biology, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany . Comments. In the key by Pitkin (1972) this new species runs to O. elbaensis and O. phlomidinus in couplet 20, but is distinct from both of these species. It differs from both in having antennal segments III–V and VII–VIII yellow, whereas the other two species have only antennal segment III yellow. Moreover, the fore wing is uniformly yellow whereas it is shaded at the extreme apex in O. elbaensis and O. phlomidinus . The new species is further distinguished from O. elbaensis by the absence of sculpture on the pronotum and abdominal tergites II–VIII, whereas this sculpture is present in O. elbaensis (although absent in O. phlomidinus ). However, O. moritzi differs from O. phlomidinus in the length of setae S1 and S2 on abdominal segment IX. Priesner (1954) gave the length of these setae in O. phlomidinus as 155–173 and 172–190, whereas as indicated above in O. moritzi they are around 100 microns.