Distributional notes on some Nosodendridae (Insecta, Coleoptera) - XXI. A new Nosodendron species from Malaysia Author Háva, Jiří text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2020 2020-07-31 52 1 81 84 journal article 8344 10.5281/zenodo.4526777 10cfd605-c696-4422-bdce-2865fc404275 0253-116X 4526777 Nosodendron ( Dendrodipnis ) tapahense nov.sp. ( Figs 1-6 ) T y p e m a t e r i a l: Holotype ♁: MALAYSIA , PERAK , Cameron Highlands , 30 km E of Tapah , 650 m , 22-26.iii. 2004 , P. Pacholátko lgt., ( JHAC ). D e s c r i p t i o n: Male. Measurements (in mm): total length 6.4; maximum elytral width 3.4. Body slightly convex ( Figs 1-2 ). Cuticle black, shiny. Head triangular, finely, but clearly punctate, with very short, yellow setae in anterior third. Eyes large, visible from above. Antennae ( Fig. 5 ) brown, with eleven antennomeres, antennal club yellowish-brown with three antennomeres, with yellow setae. Mentum with large punctures, with longitudinal, narrow groove ( Fig. 3 ), with long yellow setae. Pronotum as finely punctate as head; narrow, without setae. Pronotal anterior angle without indistinct small groove. Figs. 1-6 . Nosodendron ( Dendrodipnis ) tapahense nov.sp. : ( 1 ) habitus, dorsal aspect; ( 2 ) habitus lateral aspect; ( 3 ) mentum; ( 4 ) abdomen; ( 5 ) antenna; ( 6 ) male genitalia. Scutellum triangular, finely punctate. Elytra without setae, finely punctate without striae produced by visible punctures. Mesosternum finely and regularly punctate. Metasternum without longitudinal carina, punctures small on lateral margins. Legs black, tibiae and femora finely punctate, with short yellow setation and brown thorns. Abdominal visible ventrites very dark brown to black. Longitudinal striation of base of abdominal ventrites short ( Fig. 4 ). Male genitalia as in Fig. 6 . Female: unknown. D i f f e r e n t i a l d i a g n o s i s: The new species belongs to the species group with mentum having longitudinal groove. From the known species, it differs by the structure of male genitalia and more flat body; from known Perakense species Nosodendron ( Dendrodipnis ) punctulatum (REITTER, 1886) , N. ( D. ) rugiferum CHAMPION, 1923 , and N. ( D. ) strigiferum CHAMPION, 1923 the new species differs by the characters in the key below. E t y m o l o g y: Toponymic, named according to the Tapah city.