Taxonomy of the Neotropical species of Calythea (Anthomyiidae: Diptera), with description of two new species from South America Author Gomes, Lucas Roberto Pereira Author Carvalho, Claudio José Barros de text Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 2022 e 20210102 2022-03-23 66 1 1 11 journal article 57654 10.1590/1806-9665-RBENT-2021-0102 91c7dd23-e7fa-4ebd-8e75-5d15f75efa02 1806-9665 8111413 Calythea comis ( Stein, 1911 ) ( Figs. 3 a-c, 4i-l, 5d-f, 6) Diagnosis. Calythea comis can be separated from the other Neotropical species of the genus in the frons with fronto-orbital plates separated by frontal vitta ( Fig. 3a ); distance between presutural acrostichal rows, even anteriorly in the first pair, shorter than their distance to dorsocentral rows; and pattern of pruinosity, which extends forward covering the region of dorsocentral setae, forming an inconspicuous stripe ( Fig.3b ). Redescription. Male. Body length: 4.5-5.0 mm. Wing length: 4.0- 4.5 mm . Thorax black with silvery pruinose on postpronotal lobe and notopleuron; pronotum pruinose basally running parallel to the notopleural suture, extending to transverse suture with forward projection, reaching the anterior dorsocentral presutural seta ( Fig. 3b ). Calypters white with the edge yellow. Halter basally brownish and yellow apically. Legs black with pulvillus yellowish. Abdomen black with silvery pruinosity on tergites 2-5, forming two dorsal almost triangular spots, segments 3 and 4 with laterally and superiorly prolonged spots. Head. Eyes bare. Frontal vitta narrow, distance between eyes subequal to width to anterior ocellus ( Fig. 3a ). 6-7 pairs of frontal setae. Face not projecting beyond frontal angle. Gena shorter than length of pedicel. Parafacialia relatively broad, with about 1/3 of postpedicel width. Postpedicel twice longer than pedicel. Pedicel with long dorsal setae, shorter than pedicel. Thorax. 2 postpronotals; dorsocentrals 2+3; acrostichals 4+8 setulaelike, with only the prescutellar developed; prealar absent. Anepisternum with a row of 5 posterior setae and an upward anterior seta below anterior notopleural seta. Scutellum with a pair of basal, preapical and apical setae; the apical seta almost twice longer than the basal one. Meron with a tuft of 4-5 setulae, located posteriorly below spiracle. Katepimeron with 4-5 setulae. Legs. Fore tibia with 1 submedian p seta; 1 preapical d seta, and 1 apical pv; fore pretarsus with 1 basal v seta. Mid femur with 4 v setae at base; and 2 p preapical setae; midtibia with 1 median pv seta, 1 submedian p seta; preapical seta on av, d, pv, and v. Hind femur with 2 av rows, 1 long and stout and 1 long fine; 2 ad, 2d, and 1pd preapicals; 1 pv row of long and sparse setae; hind tibia with a submedian av, 1 supramedian and 1 submedian ad, and a long submedian pd seta three times longer than tibia width; preapical seta on av and d; hind pretarsus with 1 basal v seta. Abdomen. With many covered setulae; sternite 1 setulose, setulae twice longer than sternite length; tergite 3-5 with long median and lateral marginal seta, terminal segment with apical and discal setae; sternite 5 rectangular with a serrated edge on posterior incision ( Fig.4i ). Terminalia. Cerci triangular in posterior view ( Fig. 4j ); surstyli in posterior view long and straight, with proximal rounded incision ( Fig. 4j ), and in lateral view, slightly curved and slightly enlarged apically ( Fig. 4k ); Hypopygium in lateral view with phalapodema long and slightly curved, pregonite with two long setae, postgonite with a median long seta and two apical setulae, epiphallus as long as postgonite, distiphallus very large and rounded ( Fig. 4l ). Female. Similar to male, except:Thorax with 3 conspicuous dorsal stripes, width of central stripe not exceeding the line of acrostichal setae; and 2 inconspicuous thin stripes close to central stripe, with about 1/5 the width of central stripe ( Fig. 3c ). Scutellum fully pruinose, except basally on lateral region.Anepisternum with a row of 3 posterior setae. Meron with a tuft of 3-5 setulae, located posteriorly below spiracle. Katepimeron with 3 setulae. Terminalia with cerci dilated distally, with long setae; epiproct subtriangular, as long as its wide; hypoproct subconical, 1.3 times longer than its wide; sternite 6 and 7 trapezoid; tergite 6 and 7 T-shaped dorsally; sternite 8 shorter than tergite 8 ( Figs. 5 d-f). Material examined. Brazil : Paraná , Antonina, Reserva Sapitanduva [ -25.439498 , -48.746125 ], Lâmpada [ light trap ], Lev. Ent. PROFAUPAR, 02.xi.1986 , 1♀ ( DZUP 099272 ) ; Castro [ -24.7978 , -49.9976 ], S. Loroca , ix.1961 , 3♂♂ ( DZUP 099245–47 ) ; Curitiba [ -25.4332 , -49.2667 ], P.D.Hurd , xi.1959 , 2♀♀ ( DZUP 099270–71 ) ; same label information, except: 900m , Dept. Zoologia , 14.i.1986 , 1♀ ( DZUP 099278 ) ; Palmas [Palmas Grasslands Wildlife Refuge], 1115m , grasslands, -26.5025 , -51.6755 , A. C. Pereira , 9.xii.2013 , 1♂ ( DZUP ) ; same label information except: 29.x.2014 , 2♀♀ ( DZUP ) ; 28.iv.2014 , 1♀ ( DZUP ) ; 16.i.2014 , 1♂ ( DZUP ) ; 20.x.2014 , 1♂ and 1♀ ( DZUP ) ; 29.x.2014 , 1♀ ( DZUP ) ; inside forest, -26.5022 , -51.6738 , 12.vii.2014 , 1♂ ( DZUP ) ; regeneration area, -26.5572 , -51.5422 , 03.xii.2013 , 1♀ ( DZUP ) ; 21.ix.2012 , 1♂ ( DZUP ) ; Tijucas do Sul , Morro do Araçatuba , -25.8997 , -49.0096 , 1200 m , P.C. Grossi , 01.xi.2010 , 2♂♂ and 22 ♀♀ ( DZUP ) ; Rio Grande do Sul , Arroio Grande , Distrito Mauá [ -32.233483 , -53.086682 ], Malaise trap , R. F. Krüger , 22.xi.2002 , 2♀♀ ( DZUP 099253 ; 099256) ; same label information, except: P. B. Ribeiro , 6♀♀ ( DZUP 099259–64 ) ; 15.xi.2002 , 2♀♀ ( DZUP 099254–55 ) ; 07.ii.2003 , 1♀ ( DZUP 099257 ) ; 31.i.2003 , 1♀ ( DZUP 099258 ) ; Santa Catarina , Itajaí , EMPASC [ -26.9534 , -48.7358 ], C. Paloschi , ix.1988 , 1♂ ( DZUP 099244 ) ; same label information except: xi.1989 , 4♀♀ ( DZUP 099265–68 ) . Chile : Bío-Bío , Lag. Laja [ -37.4042 , -71.3415 ], Luis Peñas , 13.ii.1957 , 1♂ ( WSU ) ; Los Lagos , Maullín , Llanquihue [ -41.2675 , -73.0240 ], Luis Peñas , 16–21. ii.1957 , 2♂♂ ( WSU ) ; Valparaíso , Laguna Verde [ -33.1054 , -71.6676 ], L. E. Peña , x.1969 , 15♂♂ and 6♀♀ ( MZUSP ) . Distribution. Argentina (Río-Negro), Brazil ( Minas Gerais , Paraná , Rio de Janeiro , Rio Grande do Sul *, Santa Catarina ), Chile ( Bío-Bío *, Los Lagos , Valparaíso *) and Peru ( Tacna ) ( Malloch, 1934 ; Albuquerque, 1953 ; Pont and Ackland, 2009 ; Gomes et al., 2019 ) ( Fig. 6 ). *= new records. Remarks. The type-locality indicated as Tacna, Chile ( Stein 1911 ; Pont and Ackland 2009 ) is a region that currently belongs to Peru . Some specimens from Chile have the body covered by pollen. There are some male specimens from Argentina , Brazil and Chile with 1-4 setulae on meron, which probably belong to this species (V.Michelsen, pers. comm.).