Taxonomy of the Neotropical species of Calythea (Anthomyiidae: Diptera), with description of two new species from South America Author Gomes, Lucas Roberto Pereira Author Carvalho, Claudio José Barros de text Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 2022 e 20210102 2022-03-23 66 1 1 11 journal article 57654 10.1590/1806-9665-RBENT-2021-0102 91c7dd23-e7fa-4ebd-8e75-5d15f75efa02 1806-9665 8111413 Calythea micropteryx (Thomson 1869) ( Figs. 3 g-i, 4q-t, 5j-l, 6) Diagnosis. Calythea micropteryx can be separated from the other species of the genus in having face not projecting beyond frontal angle; parafacialia very narrow, with about 1/5 of postpedicel width ( Fig. 3g ); distance between presutural acrostichal rows, except anteriorly in the first pair of setae, shorter than their distance to dorsocentral rows; hind tibia with a posterodorsal seta twice longer than tibia width. Also, this is the smaller neotropical species (body length: 3.3–3.5; wing length: 3.2–3.5). Type-material examined. Paralectotypes . United States , California , Kinb., 3♂♂ ( NHRS : 459 67; 464 67; 460 67) . Material examined. Mexico . Baja California , Golfo California , Isla Angel de la Guarda , Puerto Refugio [ 29.3407 , -113.4311 ], F. Árias , 6.ii.1986 , 1♂ and 1♀ ( CNIN ); Campeche, Grutas de Ixta , Cambilxunau [ 19.9911 , -89.7642 ], F. Árias , , 1♂ ( CNIN ) . Distribution. Canada ( Alberta , British Columbia , Manitoba ); United States ( Arizona , California , Colorado , Idaho , Montana , Nebraska , Nevada , New Mexico , Oregon , South Dakota , Texas , Utah , Washington , Wyoming ); Mexico ( Baja California Norte, Baja California Sur , Campeche *, Chihuahua , Hidalgo , Jalisco , Mexico , San Luis Potosí , Sonora , Zacatecas ); Cuba , Dominican Republic ( Griffiths, 1986 ; Michelsen, 2010 ) ( Fig. 6 ). *= new record. Remarks. Redescribed by Griffiths (1986) . The records from North America are based on Griffiths (1986) map. The record from Costa Rica ( Michelsen, 2010 ) is based on a misidentification (V. Michelsen, pers. comm.).