Taxonomy of the Neotropical species of Calythea (Anthomyiidae: Diptera), with description of two new species from South America Author Gomes, Lucas Roberto Pereira Author Carvalho, Claudio José Barros de text Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 2022 e 20210102 2022-03-23 66 1 1 11 journal article 57654 10.1590/1806-9665-RBENT-2021-0102 91c7dd23-e7fa-4ebd-8e75-5d15f75efa02 1806-9665 8111413 Calythea crenata (Bigot 1885) ( Figs. 3 d-f, 4m-p, 5g-i, 6) Diagnosis. Calythea crenata can be separated from the other species of the genus by the setulose eyes; face projecting beyond frontal angle; parafacialia very narrow, with about 1/5 of postpedicel width ( Fig. 3d ); thorax without pruinose near transversal suture ( Fig. 3e ); distance between presutural acrostichal rows twice longer than to dorsocentral rows; acrostichal setae thin, similar to covered setulae; hind tibia with a posterodorsal seta 4 times longer than tibia width. Description. Female. Thorax with a dorsal stripe, covering the lines of acrostichal setae ( Fig. 3f ). Scutellum fully pruinose, except for a central triangle basally. Anepisternum with a row of 3 posterior setae. Meron with a tuft of 0–2 setulae, located posteriorly below spiracle. Katepimeron with 6–9 setulae. Terminalia with cerci dilated distally, with long setae; epiproct subtriangular, as long as wide; hypoproct subconical, twice longer than wide; sternite 6 and 7 trapezoid; tergite 6 and 7 subtriangular dorsally; sternite 8 slightly shorter than tergite 8 ( Figs. 5 g-i). Material examined. Colombia : Boyacá , SFF [Santuario de Flora y Fauna] Iguaque Cabeña Chaina, 5.4166, -73.45, 2600m , P. Rema, 17.v–5. vi.2001 , 1♂ ( DZUP 099250); same label information, except:A.Roberto, 9–31.viii.2001 , 1♂ ( DZUP ); A. Roberto, 31.viii–16.ix.2001 , 1♀ ( DZUP ). Ecuador : Azuay , Portete de Tarqui, Sur de Cuenca [ -2.9012 , -79.0070 ], L. E. Peña, xii.1970 , 3♂♂ and 2♀♀ ( MZUSP ); 1♂ ( DZUP 462892); Loja , La Toma, W. de Loja [ -4.0081 , -79.2110 ], 1500m , L. E. Peña, xi.1970 , 4♂♂ and 4♀♀ ( MZUSP ); Saraguro [ -3.6217 , -79.2380 ], 2900m , L. E.Peña, xi.1970 , 5♂♂ and 1♀ ( MZUSP ). Mexico : Chiapas , Pueblo Nuevo, Arroyo Grande [ 17.1582 , -92.8972 ], F. Árias, 15.xii.1985 , 1♂ and 1♀ ( CNIN ); Guerrero , Omiltemi [ 17.5564 , -99.6869 ], F. Árias, 10.vii.1985 , 2♂♂ and 7♀♀ ( CNIN , 1♂ and 4♀♀ ; DZUP, 1♂ and 3♀♀ ); same label information, except: 11.vii.1985 , 2♀♀ ( CNIN ; DZUP ); Hidalgo , km 90, Pachuca-Tampico [ 20.7961 , -98.7091 ], F.Árias & R. Medina, 14.iii.1986 , 2♀♀ ( CNIN ; DZUP ); Mexico , Dexcanic Alto [ 19.4306 , -99.1342 ], F. Árias, 29.iii.1986 , 1♀ ( CNIN ); km15 carretera Periferica Ajusco [ 19.2155 , -99.2468 ], J. Butze, 1.v.1979 , 1♂ ( CNIN ); Mexico D.F. km30 carretera Sn. Gregorio-Oaxtepec, [ 19.2084 , -99.0688 ], 2750m , J. Butze, 7.xii.1979 , 2♂♂ ( CNIN ; DZUP ); Tequesquinahuac, C. Tlaloc [ 19.3987 , -98.7085 ], J. Butze, 15.iv.1982 , 1♂ and 1♀ ( CNIN ); Temascaltepec, Real de Arriba [ 19.0428 , -100.2261 ], A. Cadena & L. Cervantes, , 1♀ ( CNIN ); Morelos , Huitzilac [ 19.0313 , -99.2671 ], E. Olucra, 17.xi.1978 , 1♂ ( CNIN ); same label information, except: E. Ramirez, 18.vii.1984 , 1♂ ( CNIN ); E. Jimenez, 17.xi.1978 , 1♀ ( CNIN ); 2km NW, Huitzilac [ 19.0313 , -99.2671 ], 2750m , J. Butze & A. Ibarra, 18.vii.1984 , 3♂♂ ( CNIN , 2♂♂ ; DZUP , 1♂ ); same label information, except: J. Butze & E. Ramirez, 4♂♂ ( CNIN ; DZUP ); J. Butze & V. Hernández, 2♂♂ ( CNIN ; DZUP ); A. Ibarra, 1♀ ( CNIN ); km 58 Carretera Xochimilco-Caxtepec [ 19.0397 , -98.9562 ], J. Butze, 8.xii.1978 , 1♀ ( CNIN ); Nicolas Zapata [ 19.0375 , -98.9115 ], J. Butze, 6.xii.1978 , 1♀ ( CNIN ); Veracruz , km 120 Autopista Puebla Orizaba [ 18.8358 , -97.1389 ], 2800m , J. Butze, 17.vii.1978 , 2♂♂ ( CNIN ; DZUP ). Peru : Cuzco , Est. Biol. Wayqecha, jct. Trochas Schefflera & Picaflor [ -13.17385 , -71.58808 ], 2905 m , A. L. Norrbom, B. D. Sutton & O. Quispe, 1– , 2♀♀ ( DZUP , USNM ); same label information, except: Campo de Futbol [ -13.17445 , -71.5880 ], 2900m , 4-7.vii.2016 , 3♂♂ and 7♀♀ ( DZUP , 1♂ and 3♀♀ ; USNM, 2♂♂ and 4♀♀ ). Distribution. Colombia ( Boyacá *), Costa Rica , Ecuador ( Azuay *, Loja * and Pichincha ), Mexico ( Durango , Estado de Mexico *, Guerrero , Hidalgo , Mexico , Morelos , Sinaloa , Veracruz ), Puerto Rico , Peru ( Arequipa , Chanchamayo, Cuzco *, Tarma) and Saint Thomas Island ( Stein, 1904 , 1911 ; Curran, 1928 ; Albuquerque, 1953 ; Griffiths, 1986 ; Michelsen, 2010 ; Grisales et al., 2016 ) ( Fig. 6 ). *= new records. Remarks. Redescribed by Albuquerque (1953) and Griffiths (1986) . The geographical information about the previous record from Colombia is only indicated as Colombia’s Cordillera ( Stein, 1904 ) and was not included in the map. The records from North America are based on Griffiths’ (1986) map. There is morphological variation in the calypters of this species, which range from light to dark brown.