HYMENOPTERA: CHALCIDOIDEA), 5 The genus Galeopsomyia Girault by Christer Hansson * & Paul E. Hanson ** Author Hansson, Christer Author Hanson, Paul E. text Taxonomic Monographs on Neotropical Hymenoptera 2023 Oxford, England 2023-09-28 3 1 1 743 http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8372023 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.8372024 978-1-7397467-2-8 2754-9844 D833085E-4DB3-48D3-964F-A41566442672 Galeopsomyia peruviensis Hansson sp.nov. ( Figs 174, 175 , 1033) Diagnosis (female). Antennal clava solid (Fig. 1033); genal carina present; mesoscutellum ( Fig. 174 ) with elongate meshes, median part appearing striate; hind coxa without carina along posterior margin; gaster ( Fig. 174 ) 1.9× as long as wide, medio-basal Gt 1 with a strong transverse carina dorsally, with strong reticulation in anterior half and with weak reticulation and shiny in posterior half, remaining tergites with strong reticulation; Gt 2 0.3× as long as Gt 4 . Female holotype : length of body 1.8mm ( paratypes 1.9mm ). Scape and pedical yellowish-brown, flagellum brown. Head metallic bluish-purple, clypeus dark brown, antennal scrobes black. Mesoscutum, mesoscutellum and propodeum metallic bluish-green with purple tinges. Legs with fore and hind coxae metallic bluish-green, mid coxa dark brown; trochanters pale brown; femora dark brown to black with metallic tinges and with apex yellowish-brown; tibiae yellowish-brown; T1–3 yellowish-brown, T4 brown. Petiole black. Gaster with Gt 1 metallic bluish-green, Gt 2 -Gt 4 golden-purple, Gt 5 -Gt 7 black with metallic blue tinges; gonoplac black. Antenna with solid clava. Face below level of toruli with weak reticulation, frons with strong reticulation, clypeus smooth, antennal scrobes with weak reticulation; with genal carina. Vertex with strong reticulation, inside ocellar triangle with transverse carinae. Mesoscutum with strong reticulation, meshes isodiametric on sidelobes, elongate on midlobe; midlobe without a median groove, with seven adnotaular setae ± in one row. Mesoscutellum with strong reticulation, meshes distinctly elongate; submedian grooves weak but traceable, wide apart, straight and diverging towards posterior part; anterior pair of setae placed in anterior one-third. Dorsellum with strong reticulation. Propodeum with median carina wide and strongly expanding in posterior part, anterior part not raised; callus with two setae. Fore and hind coxae with strong reticulation, mid coxa with weak reticulation, hind coxa without carina along posterior margin. Fore wing with three setae on dorsal surface of submarginal vein; speculum closed; costal setal row unbroken. Petiole transverse. Gaster ovate-elongate; medio-basal Gt 1 with a strong transverse carina dorsally, with strong reticulation in anterior half, with weak reticulation and shiny in posterior half, remaining tergites with strong reticulation. Relative measurements: head length, dorsal view 21; head length, frontal view 34; POL 11; OOL 4; lateral ocellus diameter 4; head width 45; mouth width 12; malar space 13; eye length 19.5; scape length 14; scape width 3.5; pedicel+flagellum length 34; pedicel length 6.5; pedicel width, dorsal view 3; F1 length 5.5; F1 width 3.5; F2 length 5; F2 width 4; F3 length 4.5; F3 width 4; clava length 11.5; clava width 5; C3 length 4; spicule length 1; mesosoma length 57; mesosoma width 43; midlobe of mesoscutum length 22.5; mesoscutellum length 23; mesoscutellum width 22.5; median part of mesoscutellum width (measured medially) 12.5; median part of mesoscutellum, width in anterior part10.5; median part of mesoscutellum, width in posterior part 14; lateral part of mesoscutellum, width (measured medially) 4; dorsellum length 2; propodeum length 7.5; costal cell length 29; costal cell width (measured at widest part) 2.5; marginal vein length 22; stigmal vein length 8; gaster length 71; gaster width 37; Gt 2 length (measured medially) 6.5; Gt 4 length (measured medially) 20.5; Gt 7 length (measured medially) 6; Gt 7 width (measured at base) 10; longest cercal seta length 10; shortest cercal seta length 5. Male. Unknown. Hosts . Unknown. Distribution . Ecuador , Peru . Material examined. Holotype PERU , Madre de Dios , Puerto Maldonado , 2.i.1984 , Lars Huggert ( MZLU ) . Paratypes ( 2♀ , MZLU ) : 1♀ with same data as holotype ; 1♀ ECUADOR, Napo, Tena, 18.ii.1983 , Lars Huggert. Etymology . Named after type area.