Taxonomic exploration of Neotropical Microdontinae (Diptera: Syrphidae) mimicking stingless bees Author Reemer, Menno text Zootaxa 2013 3697 1 1 88 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3697.1.1 b2711d98-f97a-4771-bb6b-ff472a2f5a80 1175-5326 284383 492264BB-E919-447D-9D67-C226DE21A0CE Stipomorpha panamana spec. nov. Figs 196–200 , 245 . Studied type specimens. HOLOTYPE . PANAMA . Male . Label 1: "El Cermeno / Pan. I-IV.41 / Fly trap / Zetek no. 4775"; label 2: "LotNo / 41-7233". Coll. USNM. Redescription (based on holotype ) Adult male. Body size: 8 mm . Head. Face occupying about 2/5 of head width in frontal view; yellowish brown, with oblique blackish line from anennal fossa to eye margin; yellow pilose, short dorsally and medially, long ventrally and ventrolaterally. Gena yellow. Oral cavity with lateral margins a little produced and notched anteriorly. Frons about as long as width of lunula; blackish posterior to lunula, yellow laterally; yellow pilose. Vertex swollen, in profile produced for about 1/4 of height of eye; yellowish brown; yellow pilose, except for fascia of black pile anteriorly and medially interrupted fascia of black pile along posterior margin. Occiput yellow, except black dorsolaterally; yellow pilose. Eye bare. Antennal fossa about as wide as high. Antenna brown, with scape yellowish on basal half. Antennal ratio 4:1:6; basoflagellomere parallel-sided with rounded apex, with sensory pit at approximately half its length. Arista slender, about 3/4 of length of basoflagellomere. Thorax. Scutum black, with widely yellow margins; yellow pilose, except for four patches of black pile, two of which anteriad of and two posteriad of transverse suture. Postpronotum, postalar callus and scutellum yellow and yellow pilose. Scutellum without calcars. Pleurae yellow dorsally, brownish ventrally. Anepisternum weakly convex, without distinction between anterior and posterior part; yellow pilose anterodorsally and along posterodorsal margin. Anepimeron yellow pilose dorsally. Katatergum and anatergum yellow pilose and microtrichose, respectively. Other pleurae bare. Calypter and halter yellow. Wing: hyaline, with whitish tinge on apical half (only visble against dark background), costal and subcostal cells brownish; microtrichose except bare on basal 1/6 of cell r1, on basal 1/2 of cells br and bm, on basal 1/10 of cell cup and basomedially on alula. Legs: yellow; yellow pilose, except hind tibia dorsally mixed black and yellow pilose, and hind tarsus dorsally black pilose. Coxae and trochanters yellow and yellow pilose. Abdomen. Tergites yellowish brown, except tergite 3 dark brown on anterior 2/3 and tergite 4 dark brown over most of dorsal surface (yellow along posterior and lateral margins); yellow pilose. Sternites brown; sternites 1 and 2 bare, sternites 3 and 4 yellow pilose. Genitalia as in fig. 245. Diagnosis. Yellowish brown species with swollen, yellow vertex. Anepisternum with pile along posterodorsal margin, katepisternum dorsally bare, alula partly bare, wing without anteromedial spot, face wider than an eye. Distribution. Only known from Panama . Stipomorpha puerilis (Doesburg, 1966) Figs 201–203 . Ubristes puerilis Doesburg, 1966: 86 . Studied type specimens. HOLOTYPE . SURINAM . Female. Label 1 (yellow): " HOLOTYPE "; label 2: "Zanderij Surin. / 23-9-1960 / P.H. v. Doesburg Jr."; label 3: " Ubristes / nanus Dsb. [female sign] / det. v. Doesburg"; label 4: see notes. Coll. RMNH. Additionally studied specimens. VENEZUELA : 1 female , T.F. Amaz., Cerro de la Neblina, 140 m . , 0°50’N66°10’W , 21–28.II.1985 (malaise trap in rain forest), leg. P.J. & P.M. Spangler, R.A. Faitoute & W.E. Steiner, coll. USNM. Notes. No specimen labelled as this species could be found in the RMNH collection, but there is a specimen labelled as ' Ubristes nanus Doesburg'. This specimen agrees with the description of Ubristes puerilis and is from the same date and locality as the type of U. puerilis . Presumably Van Doesburg first intended to name the species nanus , but later changed his mind without correcting the label. Under this assumption, a new label was added to the pin by the present author: ' HOLOTYPE Ubristes puerilis Van Doesburg, 1966 '. Distribution. Known from Surinam and Venezuela .