Inventory of the Black Flies (Diptera: Simuliidae) of North Africa Author Belqat, Boutaïna Author Adler, Peter H. Author Cherairia, Mouna Author Boudghane-Bendiouis, Chafika Chaoui text Zootaxa 2018 4442 2 201 220 journal article 29769 10.11646/zootaxa.4442.2.1 1b6f6349-3312-406e-9e37-d996e10d3596 1175-5326 1303058 6162E13B-C61B-4476-8507-4B79FDEED9CB Simulium ( Wilhelmia ) equinum species group Simulium ( Wilhelmia ) equinum (L., 1758) Morocco: Middle Atlas, High Atlas: Belqat et al. (2011 : 56): inventoried with faunistic and bibliographical details. Simulium ( Wilhelmia ) pseudequinum Séguy, 1921 = mediterraneum Puri, 1925 [Algeria] = barbaricum Séguy, 1930 [Morocco] [ lineatum : misidentification, Bezzi, 1921 (part), not Meigen] [ damnosum : misidentification, Tedeschi, 1930 , not Theobald] [ equinum : misidentification, Zavatarri, 1930, 1934, not Linnaeus] [ equinum : misidentification, Parrot, 1949 , not Linnaeus] Morocco : Rif, Pré Rif, Plain of Meknès , Middle Atlas, Central Plateau , Coastal Méséta, High Atlas, Anti Atlas: Belqat et al. (2011 : 56): inventoried with faunistic and bibliographical details. Algeria: Algiers, Batna, Biskra, Bouïra, and Constantine Provinces: Edwards (1923: 651–653) : description and illustration of pupal gill and male genitalia (as S. equinum Mediterranean form). Puri (1925: 253– 255) : description of S. mediterraneum (as a variety of S. equinum ), illustration of pupal gill. Parrot (1949: 273– 275) : female oviposition described, hosts of blood-feeding females (as S. equinum ). Grenier (1953: 148) : listed (as S. equinum var. mediterraneum ). Algiers and Biskra Provinces: Belazzoug & Tabet-Derraz (1980: 107) : listed. Eastern and Western Algeria: Clergue-Gazeau et al. (1991 : 54): listed but locality unspecified. Djurdjura Mountains: Lounaci et al. (2000a : 54): recorded. Lounaci et al. (2000b : 126–127, 130, 133): occurrence, abundance, bionomics. Chaoui Boudghane-Bendiouis et al. (2012 : 306): listed. Haouchine & Lounaci (2012: 141, 143, 149–150, 153) : occurrence, abundance, bionomics. Mascara Province: Parrot (1949: 274) : recorded. Tlemcen Mountains: Gagneur & Clergue-Gazeau (1988: 276–283) : biogeography, ecology. Chaoui Boudghane- Bendiouis et al. (2012: 306–307): collecting localities, distribution map. Chaoui Boudghane-Bendiouis et al. (2014 : 1017–1021 ): physical characterization of habitat, spatial distribution, microhabitat and microdistribution. Chaoui Boudghane-Bendiouis (2016 : 36–37, 41–45, 98–144): diagnosis, figures, distribution, biogeographic considerations, population structure. Seybouse Basin: Cherairia et al. (2014 : 169–172): ecology at breeding sites, seasonal occurrence. Cherairia (2015: 145–154, 186): diagnosis, ecology at breeding sites, seasonal occurrence, distribution map, photographs of specimens. Oued El Haï Basin: Arigue et al. (2016 : 2842–2847 ): occurrence, abundance, physical characterization of habitat. Tunisia: Puri (1925: 253–255) : description of S. mediterraneum (as variety of S. equinum ), illustration of pupal gill. Clergue-Gazeau & Boumaiza (1986: 604–605, 607, 608, 611, 613, 618–621, 624–627, 630–633): dichotomous key, illustrations. Gagneur & Clergue-Gazeau (1988: 283) : listed but locality unspecified. Clergue- Gazeau et al. (1991: 54): listed but locality unspecified. Tunis Province, Tozeur Oasis: Grenier (1953: 148) : reported (as S. equinum Mediterranean form). Bizert, Jendouba, Nabel, and Tunis Provinces: Bailly-Choumara et al. (1971 : 380–881): brief description of breeding sites (as S. mediterraneum ). Medjerda Basin, Northwestern and Eastern Tunisia, Ichkeul Lake Hydrosystem, Southern Watercourses: Boumaiza & Clergue-Gazeau (1986: 32–34, 37): distribution map, ecology at breeding sites. Libya : Northern Cyrenaica: Crosskey & Ashford (1981: 648–651) : first record for Libya , previous taxonomic confusion by Bezzi (1921) , Tedeschi (1930) , Zavatarri (1930, 1934), and Parrot (1949) clarified. Adler & Crosskey (2018: 116) : inventoried. Comment: Simulium pseudequinum has adapted well to disturbed watercourses, and is one of the most abundant and widespread black flies in the Mediterranean Basin. It is a strong candidate for cryptic diversity and in this regard would be an excellent subject for chromosomal and molecular investigation. Simulium ( Wilhelmia ) quadrifila Grenier, Faure & Laurent, 1957 Morocco : Rif, Pré Rif, Plain of Meknès , Middle Atlas, Coastal Méséta, High Atlas: Belqat et al. (2011 : 56–57): inventoried with faunistic and bibliographical details. Algeria : Tlemcen Mountains: Chaoui Boudghane-Bendiouis et al. (2012 : 306–307): first record for Algeria , ecological affinities, collecting localities. Chaoui Boudghane-Bendiouis et al. (2014 : 1017–1022 ): recorded, physical characterization of habitat. Chaoui Boudghane-Bendiouis (2016 : 37–39, 43–45, 98–144): diagnosis, figures, distribution, biogeographic considerations, population structure. Simulium ( Wilhelmia ) sergenti Edwards, 1923 = ariasi Séguy, 1925 [Spain] Morocco : Rif, Pré Rif, Middle Atlas, Central Plateau , Coastal Méséta, High Atlas: Belqat et al. (2011 : 56): inventoried with faunistic and bibliographical details. Algeria: Séguy (1925: 42) : listed, illustrations of male genitalia and pupa. Grenier (1953: 152) : listed. Batna and Biskra Provinces: Edwards (1923: 647, 652–653) : described as new species, compared with S. pseudequinum ( equinum ), male genitalia illustrated. Parrot (1949: 273–274) : recorded. Algiers and Biskra Provinces: Belazzoug & Tabet-Derraz (1980: 107) : listed. Djurdjura Mountains: Lounaci et al. (2000b : 127, 133): occurrence, abundance. Chaoui Boudghane-Bendiouis et al. (2012 : 306): listed. Haouchine & Lounaci (2012: 143) : occurrence, abundance. Tlemcen Mountains: Gagneur & Clergue-Gazeau (1988: 276–283) : biogeography, ecology. Chaoui Boudghane-Bendiouis et al. (2012 : 306–307): collecting locality. Chaoui Boudghane-Bendiouis et al. (2014 : 1017–1021 ): physical characterization of habitat. Chaoui Boudghane-Bendiouis (2016 : 39–40, 41–45, 98–144): diagnosis, figures, distribution, biogeographic considerations, population structure. Tunisia : Clergue-Gazeau & Boumaiza (1986: 604–605, 607, 608, 611, 613, 618–621, 624–627, 632–633): recorded, dichotomous key, illustrations. Gagneur & Clergue-Gazeau (1988: 283) : listed but locality unspecified. Clergue-Gazeau et al. (1991 : 54): listed but locality unspecified. Adler & Crosskey (2018: 116) : inventoried. Northwestern Tunisia , Ichkeul Lake Hydrosystem: Boumaiza & Clergue-Gazeau (1986: 32–34, 37): first record for Tunisia , collecting sites, distribution map, ecology at breeding sites.