A checklist of the non-leaf-cutting fungus-growing ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from Colombia, with new biogeographic records Author Mera-Rodríguez, Daniela Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Museo Entomológico UNAB, Grupo Sistemática de Insectos Agronomía (SIA), Carrera 30 # 45 - 03, Bogotá D. C., 111321, Colombia; School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University, 427 E Tyler Mall, Tempe, AZ, 85281, USA. lmerarod@asu.edu Author Serna, Francisco Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Museo Entomológico UNAB, Grupo Sistemática de Insectos Agronomía (SIA), Carrera 30 # 45 - 03, Bogotá D. C., 111321, Colombia Author Sosa-Calvo, Jeffrey School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University, 427 E Tyler Mall, Tempe, AZ, 85281, USA; Department of Entomology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, NHB CE 516, MRC 188, 1000 Constitution Ave NW, Washington DC 20560, USA. Author Lattke, John Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Paraná, CEP 81531 - 980, Curitiba, PR, 19020, Brazil Author Rabeling, Christian School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University, 427 E Tyler Mall, Tempe, AZ, 85281, USA. text Check List 2020 2020-09-22 16 5 1205 1227 journal article 10.15560/16.5.1205 2b77aabb-48b0-4b25-b508-06776e6231e6 1809-127X 4059086 (7) Apterostigmadentigerum Wheeler, 1925 Figure 3E, F Material examined. COLOMBIA : Atlántico 1 worker ; Juan de Acosta ; 10°46′2″N , 075°02′34″W ; alt. 177–250 m ; Feb.–May 2012 ; J. Castro , S. Royero leg.; UNAB 4362 ; Chocó 2 workers ; Lloró ; 05°29′00″N , 076° 32′00″W ; alt. 115 m ; 12 Dec. 2001 ; Y. Palacios , O. Mena leg.; UNAB 4740 ; Chocó 1 worker ; Lloró ; 05°29′00″N , 076°32′00″W ; alt. 115 m ; 04 May 2002 ; Y. Palacios , O. Mena leg.; UNAB 2230 . Identification. Frontal lobes in frontal view with strong angle or posterolateral lobe; lateral-ventral margin of frontal lobe sinusoidal: convex posteriorly and curved towards dorsum, without any ventral curvature; and pro- podeum in lateral view with anterodorsal profile long and gradually very convex, posteriorly shorter and more curved ( Lattke 1997 ). Distribution. Apterostigmadentigerum is widely distributed in Central and South America, its known distribution range extends from Honduras to Mato Grosso in central Brazil ( Lattke 1997 ; Mayhé-Nuñes and Jaffé 1998 ).