Careproctus narilobus
new species |
P.047479 |
Hikurangi Plateau, Chatham Rise |
1832–1837 |
Careproctus novaezelandiae
Andriashev 1990 |
P.027141, P.052989 |
E. of Canterbury Bight S. to Campbell Is. |
800–1000 |
Careproctus pellucicauda
new species |
P.038024 |
Bounty Trough |
2786–2821 |
Notoliparis kermadecensis
(Nielsen 1964) |
P.048730–P.048734 |
Kermadec Trench |
6660–7261 |
Osteodiscus rhepostomias
new species |
P.046408, P.046409 |
Bounty Trough |
2786–2821 |
Paraliparis exilis
new species |
P.047284 |
SE Chatham slope |
1086 |
Paraliparis freeborni
new species |
P.040874 |
NE Chatham Rise |
1218 |
Paraliparis pearcyi
new species |
P.027142 |
Chatham Rise |
1044–1050 |
Paraliparis pseudokreffti
new species |
P.038023 |
Bounty Trough |
2786–2821 |
sp 1
? |
P.023896 |
SW Chatham Rise |
1086–1102 |
sp 2
? |
P.025542 |
Challenger Plateau |
1076–1079 |
Psednos argyrogaster
new species |
P.028668 |
Chatham Rise |
1015–1037 |
Psednos chathami
new species |
P.025387 |
NW Chatham Rise |
1335–1340 |
Psednos cryptocaeca
new species |
P.031114 |
Off Otago Canyons |
118–121 |
Psednos longiventris
new species |
P.042033 |
N central Chatham Rise |
1054–1058 |
Psednos microstomus
new species |
P.039410 |
Reinga Ridge |
1158–1230 |
Psednos nemnezi
new species |
P.025435, P.027097 |
Pegasus Canyon; S. Chatham Rise |
832–960 |
Psednos platyoperculosus
new species |
P.031315 |
Chatham Rise |
1141–1163 |
Psednos struthersi
new species |
P.046866 |
Seamount in S. Havre Trough |
1411–1428 |
? |
P.025760 |
Challenger Plateau |
936–950 |
Discussion |