Adephagous water beetles (Coleoptera: Gyrinidae, Haliplidae, Noteridae, Dytiscidae) of Yemen and Dhofar region (Oman) with description of a new Hyphydrus from Socotra Island Author Hájek, Jiří Department of Entomology, National Museum, Cirkusová 1740, CZ- 193 00 Praha 9 - Horní Počernice, Czech Republic; e-mail: jiri _ hajek @ nm. cz Author Reiter, Antonín South Moravian Museum in Znojmo, Přemyslovců 8, CZ- 669 45 Znojmo, Czech Republic; e-mail: reiter @ znojmuz. cz text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2014 2014-12-30 54 63 99 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5314766 0374-1036 5314766 2111ED80-A550-4F9A-ADBF-8D663E692ADC Hyphydrus pictus Klug, 1834 Published records. BALFOUR- BROWNE (1951:183):Yemen; ROCCHI (1985:445) :Yemen; PEDERZANI (2003:24) : Dhofar . Material examined. OMAN : DHOFAR : 9 spec. , 30 km E Salalah , 6 km E Taqah , Wadi Darbat , pools near sea, 26.ii.1998 , G. Wewalka leg. et det. ( GWCW , ONMM ) ; 1 J, Taqah env., 270–350 m , 18.–21.ix.2003 , R. Červenka leg. ; 8 spec. , Mudhai oasis , spring, concrete pool, 17°28ʹ38ʺN , 53°21ʹ09ʺE , 548 m , 24.x.2009 , A. Reiter leg. ; 1 ♀ , Hagarir , pasture, haunt, 16°41ʹ34ʺN , 53°09ʹ21ʺE , 658 m , 25.x.2009 , A. Reiter leg. ; 1 J, wadi Ash Shuwaymiyah , 17°56ʹN , 55°32ʹE , 31 m , 1.iv.2012 , A. Reiter leg. (all NMPC ). YEMEN : AL BAYDA GOV.: 1 spec. , NW Al Bayda by road, At Taghiq vill. env., 14°08ʹ26ʺN , 45°25ʹ53ʺE , 1968 m , 4.–5.xi.2007 , A. Reiter leg. AL MAHWIT GOV .: 1 spec. , 10 km S Shibam , Aruz, 15°27ʹ43ʺN , 43°55ʹ03ʺE , 2560 m , 1.–2.xi.2007 , A. Reiter leg. SANA’ A GOV.: 12 spec. , Beni Mansour vill. env., 15°06.1–4ʹN, 43°52.8– 53.2ʹE , 1520–1550 m , stream valley, 3.+5.+ 19.xi.2010 , J. Hájek leg. ( 1 spec. used for DNA extraction, specimen voucher IBE-RA609). TA’ IZZ GOV .: 10 spec. , Najd an Nashamah env., Mashgab vill., 13°21ʹ29″N , 43°57ʹ26″E , 1182 m , 26.–27.x.2007 , A. Reiter leg. (all NMPC ) . Habitat. A species most probably without special habitat requirements; found both in residual pools of drying up streams in wadis, and various natural and manmade stagnant water bodies (e.g. Figs 6 , 10 ). Distribution. A species occurring in north-eastern Africa, the Arabian Peninsula and Iran ( BISTRÖM 1982 ). Laccophilinae