A revision of the New World genus Penniverpa Irwin and Lyneborg (Diptera: Therevidae: Therevinae) Author Webb, Donald W. Author Metz, Mark A. text Zootaxa 2008 1720 1 45 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.181100 da5ea603-40bd-4b71-9fd7-852a6a4ed260 1175-5326 181100 Penniverpa dives (Schiner) (Figs. 18–23, 80, 89) dives Schiner (1868:147 desc.), Kröber (1911 : 499 male key, 501 fem. key, 518 add. desc.; 1928:6 dist., 10 male key, 12 fem. key) ( Psilocephala ); Metz et al. (2003 :261 comb. change, trans. orig. desc.) ( Penniverpa ). Type locality Venezuela . Lectotype male in NMW. bromleyi Metz and Irwin (Metz et al. 2003:261 new name) ( Penniverpa ). Unnecessary new name for Psilocephala senilis Bromley (1934:361) preoccupied by Penniverpa senilis ( Fabricius 1805:68 ) ( Bibio ) . Type locality: Guyana , Kartabo. Holotype male in AMNH. New synonym. senilis Bromley (1934: 361 male desc.) ( Psilocephala ); Metz et al. (2003 :261 homonym design.) ( Penniverpa ). Junior secondary homonym, preoccupied by Penniverpa senilis ( Fabricius 1805:68 ) ( Bibio ) . Type locality: Guyana , Kartabo. Holotype male in AMNH. FIGURES 12–17. Penniverpa chersonesa . 12. Sternite 8, hypandrium, gonocoxite ventral view. 13. Gonostylus and ventral lobe dorsal view. 14. Aedeagus dorsal view. 15. Aedeagus ventral view. 16. Aedeagus lateral view. 17. Female internal reproductive organs. FIGURES 18–23. Penniverpa dives . 18. Sternite 8, hypandrium, gonocoxite ventral view. 19. Gonostylus and ventral lobe dorsal view. 20. Aedeagus dorsal view. 21. Aedeagus ventral view. 22. Aedeagus lateral view. 23. Female internal reproductive organs. Scale = 0.1 mm. lyneborgi Irwin and Webb (1992:88 checklist, new name). New name for Bibio senilis Fabricius (1805:68) , nec Panzer (1798:22) ( Penniverpa ). Type locality Surinam-Guianas area. Lectotype male in ZMUC. New synonym. senilis Fabricius (1805:68) nec Panzer (1798:22) , Lyneborg (1969:389) ( Bibio ); Wiedemann (1821:112) ( Thereva ); Cole (1923: 36 male key, 37 fem. key, 72 notes) , Kröber (1911 : 499 male key, 501 fem. key, 516 add. desc.; 1913:34 dist.; 1914: 40 male key, 41 fem. key; 1928:7 dist., 10 male key, 12 fem. key) ( Psilocephala ); Irwin and Lyneborg (1981a:229, comb. change) ( Penniverpa ). Type locality Surinam-Guianas area. Lectotype male in ZMUC. stigmaticalis Schiner (1868:146 fem. desc.), Kröber (1911 : 499 male key, 500 fem. key, 512 add. desc.; 1913:34 dist.; 1928:7 dist., 9 male key, 11 fem. key) ( Psilocephala ); Gaimari and Irwin (2000:192 comb. change, listing, LT fem. design.) ( Penniverpa ). Type locality Venezuela . Lectotype female in NMW. New synonym. quadrimaculata Kröber (1911:500 fem. key, 514 desc.; 1913:33 dist.; 1928:7 dist., 11 fem. key) ( Psilocephala ); Gaimari and Irwin (2000:193 listing, syn. design.) ( Penniverpa ). Type locality Venezuela . Holotype female in NMW (= Lectotype female of Psilocephala stigmaticalis Schiner ). The holotype male of Psilocephala bromleyi Irwin and Webb (1992:88) from Kartabo, Guyana and the holotype male of Penniverpa lyneborgi Metz and Irwin (Metz et al. 2003 :261) from the Surinam-Guianas area were determined to be conspecific with Penniverpa dives based on the frons being glabrous; the ommatidia smaller ventrally and laterally; the coxal setae white; the hindcoxa with papillate anterior lobe; tibiae being dark brown, concolorous with femora; setae on sternite 8 being continuous across the posterior margin; the gonocoxite lacking dark reddish brown macrosetae posteriorly; the ventral lobe lacking a projection; and the inner gonocoxal process lacking a ventromedial process. The lectotype female of Psilocephala stigmaticalis Schiner (1868:146) from Venezuela was determined to be conspecific with Penniverpa dives based on the frons covered with gray pubescence; the tibiae dark brown, concolorous with femora; the abdominal cuticle dark reddish brown, with white pubescence continuous across posterior margin of tergites 1–3, tergites 4 and 7 glossy, and tergite 5 with white pubescence over entire surface. Diagnosis. The male of Penniverpa dives is similar to P. a l v a t r a in having the tibiae concolorous with the tibiae, the gonocoxite lacking dark reddish brown macrosetae (Fig. 18), in having setae continuous across the posterior margin of sternite 8 (Fig. 18), the ventral lobe lacking a PVL (Fig. 19), and the LGP of the gonostylus (Fig. 19) lacking a VMP. It differs from P. a l v a t r a in having the LGP of the gonostylus (Fig. 19) with elongate apical macrosetae and the distiphallus in dorsal view (Fig. 20) with several dorsal spinous projections. The female differs from P. a l v a t r a in having white pubescence across the posterior margin of tergites 1–3, over the entire dorsum of tergite 5, and posterolaterally on tergite 6 ( Fig. 80 ). Redescription of MALE. Variation (n=10). Body length 5.8–8.0, 7.1 mm . Head. Length 0.74–0.94, 0.82 mm . Ommatidia of equal size. Frons pubescence silver; setae absent. Antenna dark brown, base of first flagellomere dark yellow; antenna/head length 0.69–0.80, 0.76; scape length 0.12–0.20, 0.15 mm , width 0.09–0.10, 0.10 mm , length/width 1.3–2.0, 1.5, scape/pedicel length 1.5– 2.0, 1.9, scape/flagellum width 0.9–1.0, 1.0, setae dark brown, short; pedicel length 0.08–0.10, 0.08 mm , length/width 0.8–1.0, 0.8; flagellum length 0.37–0.42, 0.39 mm , width 0.10 mm , length/width 3.7–4.2, 3.9, flagellum/scape length 2.0–3.1, 2.6. Maxillary palpus dark reddish brown; length 0.28–0.44, 0.36 mm , length/ width 5.3–7.3, 6.2; setae black. Genal setae white. Occipital setae white, absent medially on dorsal half; macrosetae dark reddish brown in single row extending ventrally from lateral end of postocular macrosetae. Thorax. Macrosetae 3 np, 1–2 sa, 1–2 sc. Mesonotum dull brownish gray; vittae appear as dull black bands; setae black, short, erect intermixed with white, lanceolate, appressed setae. Postpronotal setae white. Pleuron pubescence gray; setae white on propleuron, anepisternum, katepisternum, laterotergite, and scutellum. Wing. Membrane pale smoky brown; veins brown; length 5.2–6.5, 5.8 mm , width 1.8–2.2, 2.1 mm , length/width 2.9–3.2, 3.0; pterostigma brown, narrow. Halter dark brown. Legs. Coxal setae white; hind coxa with anterior papillate knob. Femora dark brown, pubescence white; ventral setae black on fore– and midfemora, dorsal setae white; av 1:0:1–2, pv 0:0:2–4. Tibiae and tarsi dark brown. Abdomen. Dark reddish brown, pubescence silver gray; dorsal setae white, elongate, appressed forming dense band across posterior margin of tergites, lateral setae white erect. Terminalia (MEI 121644 ). Dark brown. Sternite 8 (Fig. 18), setae dark reddish brown, continuous across posterior margin. Gonocoxite ventral view (Fig. 18), setae dark reddish brown; ventral lobe (Fig. 19), PVL absent. Gonostylus (Fig. 19), LGP oblong, apical macrosetae elongate, VMP absent. Aedeagus with dorsal apodeme (Fig. 20), anterior margin emarginate; ventral apodeme (Fig. 21), extending beyond anterior margin of dorsal apodeme; distiphallus dorsal view (Fig. 20), narrow basally with short dorsal spinous projections and a small apicolateral flange, lateral view (Fig. 22), sinuate, AAP with apical spinous projections. FEMALE . Variation (n=10). Similar to male except for following. Body length 7.5–8.8, 8.0 mm. Head. Length 0.74–0.94, 0.85 mm . Frons pubescence gray becoming slightly darker dorsally; setae dark brown, short on dorsal half. Antenna/head length 0.7–0.9, 0.8; scape length 0.16–0.20, 0.17 mm , width 0.10– 0.12, 0.11 mm , length/width 1.3–1.7, 1.6, scape/pedicel length 1.6–2.3, 2.0, scape/flagellum width 0.8–1.0, 0.9; pedicel length 0.08–0.10, 0.09 mm , length/width 0.8–0.9, 0.8; flagellum length 0.38–0.44, 0.43 mm , width 0.11–0.14, 0.12 mm , length/width 3.1–4.0, 3.6, flagellum/scape length 2.3–2.9, 2.5. Maxillary palpus length 0.32–0.44, 0.41 mm , length/width 3.8–5.5, 5.0. Thorax. Macrosetae 3 np, 2 sa. Vittae dark brown, separated by dense gray pubescent stripes; setae dark brown to black, subappressed on mesonotum. Wing. Length 5.2–7.0, 6.3 mm , width 1.8–2.0, 1.9 mm , length/ width 2.7–3.5, 3.2. Legs. Anteroventral macrosetae 0:1–2:1–5, pv 0–1:0–1:2–3. Abdomen. Dark reddish brown to black ( Fig. 80 ), pubescence silver gray across posterior margin of tergites 1–3, over entire surface of tergite 5, and in broad lateral area on tergite 6; dorsal setae dark brown, elongate, appressed on brown areas with white, appressed setae across posterior margin on tergites 1–2, short, erect on tergites 4–8. Terminalia (MEI 147855). Furca (Fig. 23), length 0.78 mm , width 0.28 mm ; anterolateral projection short. Distribution. Penniverpa dives is known from northern Brazil , Guyana , Trinidad , and Venezuela ( Fig. 89 ). Habitats and phenology. Specimens of Penniverpa dives have been hand-netted or collected in Malaise traps in January, April, May, and July. Specimens examined. Type specimen. Four syntype males of Psilocephala dives Schiner were examined: each labeled “Lindig´1864 Venezuela ” printed on white paper; second label “ dives ” handwritten, ”Alte Sammlung” printed on white paper. A THEREVIDAE M. E. Irwin Specimen # printed on yellow paper has been added to each specimen (MEI 170163 , 170164 , 170165 , and 1070166). The male (MEI 170163 ) is designated as the lectotype (NHW). This lectotype is designated in order to fix the concept of Psilocephala dives and to ensure universal and consistent interpretation of the same. The other males labeled MEI 170164 , 170165 , and 1070166 are designated as paralectotypes (NHW). The lectotype male of Bibio senilis Fabricius is in ZMUC. The lectotype female of Psilocephala stigmaticalis Schiner is in NMW (MEI 084125). The holotype female of Psilocephala quadrimaculata Kröber is in NMW (MEI 084125) (=LT female of Psilocephala stigmaticalis Schiner ). Other specimens. BRAZIL . AMAPA. 40 km W Monte Dourado [-0.863, -52.879], 6.I.1981 , Krell R., 1ɗ MEI 136894, 1Ψ 136926 (UGCA) Malaise trap. GUYANA . Kartabo [6.4, -58.6168], 1ɗ MEI 1342111 (AMNH). Trinidad . Manzanilla [10.517, -61.059], 29.VII.1964 , 2ɗ MEI 0 88502, 141444, 1Ψ 0 88501 (CNC). VENEZUELA . ARAGUA. El Limon [9.93, -67.02], 480 m , 24.IV.1973 , Rosales C.J., 1Ψ MEI 121647 (INHS), Malaise trap; 13.V.1973 , 1Ψ MEI 121646 (INHS), Malaise trap; 29.V.1976 , Fernandez, Y.F., 1ɗ MEI 121645 , (MIZA); Ocumare [de la Costa] [10.4533, -67.7681], 17.IV.1972 , 1ɗ MEI 147355 (USNM); Boca de Río, E. Aragua [10.25, -67.65], 13.IV.1948 , F. Fernandez, 2ɗ MEI 170057–8 (UCV).