New species of Oropezella Collin (Diptera, Hybotidae, Ocydromiinae) from Brazil and Costa Rica, with comments on the relationships among species-groups Author Ale-Rocha, Rosaly Author Freitas-Silva, Rafael Augusto Pinheiro De text Zootaxa 2014 3852 5 501 539 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3852.5.1 089d3fcb-fa57-4f3e-8ba0-d8c86d970c81 1175-5326 229686 B3987891-E380-4525-9CB6-4177BD38716F Oropezella plaumanni sp. nov. ( Figs 75–79 , 120) Diagnosis . Narrowly dichoptic; postcranium with gray pruinescence; scutum dark brown with contrasting pale yellow postalar callus and postpronotal lobe with posterior yellow mark; legs yellow except fore coxa, apex of fore tibia and tarsomeres 2–5 brown; abdomen brown with lateral yellow marks. Etymology . Named in honour of Fritz Plaumann, who made extensive collections of insects in the region of Nova Teutonia, Brazil (including the holotype of this species). Description . Holotype male. Body : 2.3 mm . Wing: 2.7 mm . Head : antenna brown, located above middle of head; scape as long as pedicel; postpedicel conical, flattened, short, shorter than scape and pedicel combined, twice longer than wide; stylus bare, apical. Ocellar triangle not protuberant, two pairs of proclinate ocellar setae, anterior pair elongate, posterior pair half length of anterior pair. Narrowly dichoptic, frons moderately long, longer than half length of face. Proboscis yellow, palpus brown bearing 1 long median and 1 shorter lateral bristle. Postcranium dark brown with gray pruinescence; postoculars elongated, scattered, upper setae longest. Thorax : entirely covered with dense gray pruinescence; scutum dark brown, postalar callus pale yellow, postpronotal lobe with posterior yellow mark, mesopleuron brown except proepimeron and katepimeron pale brown, katatergite pale brown. Bristle thin, short and scattered; acr and dc uniserial. Differentiated bristles: 1 strong npl; posterior dc longer than anterior dc; 1 short pal; 1 long and strong apical sctl and 1 shorter lateral sctl. Wing (Fig. 120): sub-hyaline; R1 meeting C at middle of wing; cell dm emitting 2 veins; cell cu p present. Legs : yellow except fore coxa, apex of fore tibia and tarsomeres 2–5 brown, coxae and trochanters covered with pale yellow pruinescence. Hind tibia somewhat clavate near apex. Differentiated bristles: fore tibia with 2PV near middle; mid femur with 1A sub-apical; mid tibia with 1A near middle and 1A apical, 1D long at basal third, 1PV at distal third and 1V apical; hind femur bearing 1A subapical, 1AV near middle and 1AV near apex; hind tibia with 1A near middle, 1A and 1D, both apical. Abdomen : tergites and sternites dark brown with lateral yellow marks; gray pruinescence on tergite and sternite 8. Bristles brownish, thin, short and scattered. Terminalia : hypandrium about 1.3 times longer than wide, with slightly concave apex ( Fig. 75 ); epandrium short, not deeply cleft dorsally, epandrial lamellae fused basally by broad area ( Fig. 76 ); left epandrial lamella shorter than right, with stout, pointed dorsoapical process ( Figs 76, 78 ); right surstylus about as long as left surstylus, rod-like ( Fig. 79 ); left surstylus slightly concave on inner surface, base expanded with pointed protuberance dorsally ( Fig. 78 ); articulated distal portion of phallus simple, rather short, about half length of basal portion, basal process short and slender ( Fig. 77 ). Female . Unknown. Type material . HOLOTYPE ♂, labelled: Telêmaco Borba, PR [Paraná] / Res[erva] Samuel Klabin / BRASIL , 17.xi.1986 / Lev[antamento] Ent[omológico] PROFAUPAR / Malaise ( DZUP ) (In good condition, not dissected). Paratypes : BRAZIL , Paraná : Telêmaco Borba, Res. Samuel Klabin, 24.xi.1986 , Lev. Ent. PROFAUPAR, Malaise, 1♂ ( DZUP ). Santa Catarina : 2♂ , Nova Teutonia, 27°11'B [S] 52°23'L [W], F. Plaumann, x.1971 , 300– 500 m ( MZSP ); 1♂ , x.1970 ( MZSP ). Distribution . Brazil (Paraná, Santa Catarina).