Bark anatomy of lianescent Bignoniaceae: a generic synopsis Author Pace, Marcelo R. Author Marcati, Carmen R. Author Lohmann, Lúcia G. Author Angyalossy, Veronica text Adansonia 2023 3 2023-05-30 45 12 167 210 journal article 10.5252/adansonia2023v45a12 1639-4798 8006364 Podranea ricasoliana Non-stratified phloem ( Fig. 19G, H ). Sieve tubes solitary or in multiples of 2-3 ( Fig. 19I ). Most sieve plates simple, on a transverse to slightly inclined wall. One or two companion cell per sieve-tube element ( Fig. 19I ), lying on opposite sides of the sieve tube. Companion cells in strands of two cells. Axial parenchyma constitutes the ground tissue ( Fig. 19H, I ), two cells per parenchyma strand, sometimes up to four. Course of rays straight ( Fig. 19G ). Ray dilatation seemingly absent ( Fig.19G ). Rays bi-triseriate, heterocellular mixed,with procumbent, square and upright cells intermixed across the entire ray. Rays smaller than 1 mm , except when two or more rays merge. Rays do not sclerify, not even when touching the fibersclereid clusters ( Fig. 19G, H ). Sclerenchyma composed of fibersclereids only, differentiated in the nonconducting phloem in discrete, evenly distributed clusters. Non-storied. In young stems, pericyclic fibers forming a ring of discrete strands. Multiple periderms (rhytidome), reticulate ( Fig. 19G ). The phellem and phelloderm are thin walled, non-stratified ( Fig. 19G ). The phelloderm is thin, with less than three cell layers ( Fig. 19G ).