A new synonym and two new records for Taiwan of Thripidae related to Trichromothrips (Thysanoptera) Author Wang, Chin-Ling text Zootaxa 2008 2008-11-24 1941 1 67 68 https://biotaxa.org/Zootaxa/article/view/zootaxa.1941.1.6 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.1941.1.6 1175­5334 5231085 Octothrips bhatti (Wilson) Apollothrips bhatti Wilson, 1972: 52–54 . Octothrips lygodii Mound, 2002: 219–220 . new synonym. Female (macropterous): Body light brown, color of abdomen and antennae variable. Antennal segments light brown, III–IV uniformly light brown or with apical portion yellow. Forewing brown; all legs yellow. Abdominal tergites II–VIII with dark brown antecostal ridges, tergites all brown to median 1/3 brown but yellow laterally. Head and pronotum with dense sculpture, cheeks shorter than eyes; interocellar setae arise between front and hind ocelli. Pronotum with one pair of posteroangular setae, 4 pairs of inner posteromarginal setae. Mesonotum with dense sculpture; median pair of setae situated in front of submedian pairs. Metanotal sculpture of longitudinal reticles; median setae posterior to anterior margin; campaniform sensilla absent. Forewing first vein with 2 distal setae, second vein setal row complete. Abdominal tergites II–VIII with median and lateral sculpture, VIII without posterior marginal comb. Male : Similar to female; abdomen with 50–70 small pale circular glandular areas on sternites III–VII. Specimens examined : Taiwan , Hualien , 22 females , 2 males , on Nephrolepis , 22.ix.1993 . Malaysia , Kuala Lumpur , University of Malaya, vii.2006 , 2 females , 2 males from Lygodium , India , holotype female, allotype male of Apollothrips bhatti on Nephrolepis sp. , 24.xi.1969 . Remarks : This species is now known from China , Taiwan , Hong Kong , Singapore , Malaysia , Thailand , Indonesia , India and Japan . Bhatti (2003) used three characteristics in his key to separate bhattii and lygodii : shape and length of split on tergite X, body colour, and sternal glandular areas of males. However, among the specimens listed above no differences were found, either in tergite X or in the body colour. The glandular areas on the sternites of the male allotype of bhatti are difficult to see, but appear to be the same as in lygodii , and these two are therefore considered the same species.