A new species of the genus Cerylambus from southern China (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae) Author Hlaváč, Peter ) &) &) Czech University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences, Department of Forest Protection and Game Management, Kamýcká 1176, CZ- 165 21 Praha 6 - Suchdol, Czech Republic; e-mail: peterclaviger @ gmail. com; corresponding author Author Krásenský, Pavel ) &) Zahradní 5194, 43004 Chomutov, Czech Republic; e-mail: krasensky. pavel @ volny. cz Author Nakládal, Oto ) &) &) Czech University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences, Department of Forest Protection and Game Management, Kamýcká 1176, CZ- 165 21 Praha 6 - Suchdol, Czech Republic; e-mail: peterclaviger @ gmail. com; corresponding author text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2017 2017-06-30 57 1 141 144 https://www.aemnp.eu/acta-entomologica/volume-57-1/1667/a-new-species-of-the-genus-cerylambus-from-southern-china-coleoptera-staphylinidae-pselaphinae.html journal article 10.1515/aemnp-2017-0062 0374-1036 5318014 4DCC51B5-6E99-46AA-AAC5-5A2CC71C4B67 Cerylambus fikaceki sp. nov. ( Figs 1–3 ) Type locality. China , Hainan Island, Bawangling National Forest Park, 12.3 km SEE of Baotie, 19°5.20′N 109°11.8′E , 1050 m a.s.l. Type material. HOLOTYPE : 1 m *, ‘ China : Hainan isl. [MF23], Bawangling Nat. Forest Park, 12.3 km SEE of Baotie , 19 o 5.20’N 109 o 11.8’E , 1050m , 8.v.2011 , Fikáček / sifting: moist accumulations of leaf litter along a stream in a primary forest’ ( NMPC ) . PARATYPE : 1 f*, the same data as holotype ( PCPH ). Description. Body ( Fig. 1 ) reddish-brown, head, pronotum and elytra with coarse, mesh-like sculpture, composite tergite smooth, shiny, head, pronotum and elytra with short sparse setae. Length 1.60–1.65 mm , maximum width 0.71–0.77 mm . Head widest accross eyes, temples parallel-sided behind eyes to posterior margins of head capsule, head capsule short, separated from short neck region by well-defined occipital constriction, rostrum obtuse, straight, temples parallel-sided, slightly longer than diameter of eyes, shorter than rostrum, frontal and vertexal foveae absent. Clypeus not visible dorsally. Venter of head with coarse microsculpture, lacking setae. Antennae long, with three antennomeres, scape and pedicel small, pedicel slightly larger, scape invisible dorsally, antennomere III long, clavate in apical half, about six times as long as pedicel, truncate at apex with few short setae. Pronotum transverse, 1.38–1.74 times as wide as long, 1.10–1.20 times as long as head, anterior lateral margins strongly convergent, posterior ones parallel, lateral margins with few stout setae, with strong median triangular projection on basal margin, lacking foveae or sulci. Venter. Prosternum about half length of pronotum, with coarse sculpture, procoxae closely separated. Mesoventrite with rough sculpture, about half as long as metaventrite, fused togeth- er, anterior mesoventral process wide, mesocoxae widely separated by short wide isthmus. Metaventrite on anterior metaventral process and sides with shallow large punctures, disc smooth, lacking punctures, about 1.3 times as wide as long, anterior metaventral process truncate, metacoxae widely separated by wide, short, slightly convex posterior metaventral process. First visible sternite (III) smooth, a little more than one-third length of second (IV), with well defined lateral carinae, second (IV) with carinae directed towards lateral margin of sternite, visible sternites three (V) to five (VII) short with large punctures on basal margin, with few stout setae. Figs 1–3. Cerylambus fikaceki sp. nov. 1 – habitus. Scale bar: 1.0 mm; 2 – aedeagus, dorsal view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm; 3 – aedeagus, lateral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm. Elytra about 1.60–1.70 times as wide as long and 1.90–2.00 times as wide as pronotum, lacking basal foveae, striae or carinae, humeri well-defined, lateral third with bunch of stout setae, posterior corners rounded, lacking trichomes. Abdomen slightly wider than long, about 1.5 times as long as elytra; composite tergite smooth, with large basal depression which is unpunctured, basal half of remaining part of composite tergite with dense punctures, posterior half smooth, with sparse stout setae, lacking trichomes; abdominal paratergites each with one large, posterolaterally projected lateral apophysis in basal part, first visible paratergite with well-developed trichomes. Legs short and stout, clavate at apical half, lacking male sexual characters. Aedeagus ( Figs 2–3 ) long, symmetrical in dorsal view, basal part 2.2 times as long as apical lobe, ventrolateral foramen strongly projecting, phallobase diaphragm elliptical, about 2.5 times as long as basal part of median lobe. Sexual dimorphism. Not apparent. Differential diagnosis. The new species belongs to the group of species with abdominal paratergites each with a large, posterolaterally projected lateral apophysis in basal part together with Cerylambus thailandicus Nomura et al., 2008 and C. reticulatus (Raffray, 1895) . It is easily separated from all so far known Cerylambus by the truncate apex of antennomere III which lacks long, dense setae. Therefor this character state must be excluded from the diagnosis of Cerylambus ( NOMURA et al. 2008: 124 ) . Etymology. Patronymic, named after our friend Dr. Martin Fikáček (NMPC), well-known specialist on Hydrophilidae and the collector of the type series. Distribution. China : Hainan Island.