Barkbeetles of Guam Author SchedL, Karl E. Hann-Munden, Woorthweg, Germany text 1942 1942-06-01 Bernice P. Bishop Museum Honolulu, Hawaii Insects of Guam I 147 149 book chapter 5165 10.5281/zenodo.5160072 c79684a6-ca35-4efe-be33-dfe58b5b83df 5160072 846592C2-6955-42B7-94C6-4D9B6355E084 3. Cryphalus swezeyi , new species . Female: brown, base of the pronotum and elytra usually paler. Well marked by the secondary sexual characters and the vestiture of the elytra. Front feebly and uniformly convex, subshining, minutely punctulate and finely rugosely punctured. Protiotum wider than long (44: 35), widest at base, sides gradually constricted in an arcuate curve from the base to the base to the moderate narrowly rounded apex, apical margin with 6 low and remotely placed asperities; summit in the basal third anteriorly obliquely convex with small remotely placed asperities, the wide interspaces finely punctulate, the basal portion finely punctulate and with minute pale scales. Pubescence dark, erect, moderately long. Scutellum small. Elytra feebly wider and 1.5 times as long as the pronotum, sides feebly arcuate, subparallel on little less than the basal half, declivity uniformly convex, very feebly flattened below; disk densely punctulate, striae feebly developed, on the declivity the interspaces become narrower, feebly elevated, the striae impressed, the stria! punctures larger; the pubescence consists of two kinds of hairs, each interspace bears a row of long dark hairs accompanied on each side by a line of minute scales. Length, 1.5-1.6 mm.; not quite twice as long as wide. JJ1ale: front with a well-developed median carina above, apparently to stridulate, the pronotum at the sides more strongly constricted, apex extended, apical asperities larger, the convexity more oblique. Elytra stouter, the declivity more strongly convex, commencing farther in front, the interspaces wider. Dededo , May 11 , ex Piper guahamense ; Yigo , Oct. 18 , ex dead smallleaved Ficus . Specimens from the following localities are smaller, 1.46-1.50 mm. but seem to belong to the same species: Ritidian , April 15 , ex ferns, Bryan ; Mt. Alifan , May 21 , ex dead breadfruit ; Piti , May 22 , under bark of breadfruit . "Types in the British Museum and in my collection; paratypes in collection of Experiment Station , Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association , Honolulu .