The tribe Phanerotomini (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Cheloninae) of the Arabian Peninsula, with special reference to the United Arab Emirates and Yemen Author Achterberg, Cornelis van Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Postbus 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, the Netherlands text ZooKeys 2021 2021-02-03 1014 1 118 journal article 1313-2970-1014-1 62961664CAED5F15B9C8A9990D7D388D Phanerotoma brunneivena sp. nov. Figs 55-57 , 58-68 Type material. Holotype , ♀ (RMNH), " United Arab Emirates , Fujairah (1484), light trap, 19.iv.-2.v.2005, 25°08'N , 56°21'E , A. v. Harten, RMNH'06" . Paratypes : 28♀, 1♂: Idem,; 14♀: Idem, 19.iv.-2.v.2005; 4♀: Idem, 5-24.iii.2005; 3♀, 1♂: Idem, 24.iii.-6.iv.2005; 7♀, 2♂: Idem, 13-19.iv.2005; 4♀: Idem, 2-13.v.2005; 1♀: Idem, 16-24.ii.2005; 3♀: Idem, 13-29.xi.2005; 2♀: Idem, 29.xi.2005-2.i.2006; 1♀: Idem, 2-13.v.2005; 1♀: Idem, 24.ii.-5.iii.2005; 1♀: "United Arab Emirates, Sharjah Desert Park (1556), light tr[ap], 30.iv.-7.v.2005, 25°17'N , 55°42'E , A. v. Harten, RMNH'06" ; 1♀: Idem, 21-28.v.2007; 1♀: Idem, 20-21.iv.2006, M. Fibiger; 1♀: "Wadi Safad (5015), white & yellow pan tr., 2-26.i.2006, 25°13'N , 56°19'E , A. v. Harten, RMNH'06" ; 1♀: "Wadi Maidaq (3808), at light, 21.xii.2005-2.ii.2006, 25°18'N , 56°07'E , A. v. Harten, RMNH'06" ; 2♀: Idem, 27.iv.-4.v.2006; 1♀: "United Arab Emirates, Sharjah x Khor Kalba (3851), light trap, 24°59'N , 56°09'E , 17-18.iv.2006, M. Fibiger, RMNH'06" ; 1♀: "United Arab Emirates, NARC near Sweihan (1299), light trap, 9-20.iv.2005, 24°24'N , 55°26'E , A. v. Harten, RMNH'06" ; 1♀, " Yemen (7501), Al Kadan, light trap, i.2003, A. v. Harten & T. Abdul-Haq, RMNH'03" ; 1♀: Idem, x.2001; 1♀: Idem, xi.2001; 1♀: Idem, v.2002; 1♀, "Yemen, Al Kowd, light tr[ap], v.-vi.2000, no. 4719, A. v. Harten & S. Al Haruri, RMNH'01" . Comparative diagnosis. Very similar to P. flavivena because of the needle-shaped ovipositor sheath of which the apical half is yellow, the yellow pterostigma, the long third tergite (1.8-2.1 x as long as second tergite), the distinctly convex temple and short inner tooth of the mandible. It differs by the rugulose or striate and matt to slightly shiny temple (mostly smooth and shiny in P. flavivena ), the dark brown vein r of fore wing ca. 0.2 x as long as vein 3-SR (yellow and 0.4-0.7 x ), the vein SR1 of fore wing distinctly curved (straight or nearly so) and the longer apical triangular appendage of the hypopygium. Description. Female, holotype, length of body (excluding ovipositor) 5.7 mm; antenna 3.8 mm (but apical segment missing); fore wing 3.9 mm; visible part of ovipositor sheath 0.85 mm (only apex setose). Figures 55-57. Phanerotoma brunneivena van Achterberg, sp. nov., ♀, holotype (but 57 of paratype and 56 of paratype ♂) 55 habitus lateral 56, 57 apical half of metasoma lateral. Head . Width 1.5 x median length in anterior view and part of head above eye in lateral view 0.3 x height of eye (Fig. 65 ); antenna with 23 segments and 1.2 x longer than fore wing, segments gradually shortened, narrowed apically and five apical segments moniliform (Fig. 67 ), third, fourth and penultimate segments 3.2, 3.0 and 1.4 x longer than wide in lateral view, respectively; area of stemmaticum coriaceous; OOL: diameter of posterior ocellus: POL = 20: 4: 10; length of eye 1.7 x temple in dorsal view (Fig. 63 ); frons coarsely rugose and with median carina; vertex coarsely and densely reticulate-rugose, and rather dull; temple densely and finely rugose, dull; face coarsely rugose and without distinct median ridge or median carina; clypeus mostly smooth, rather shiny and with three minute teeth medio-ventrally, partly hidden by conspicuous fringe (Fig. 64 ); eye medium-sized, strongly convex and in lateral view 1.3 x (measured medially) temple (Fig. 65 ), in anterior view 0.8 x minimum width of face; upper condyle of mandible near lower level of eyes (Fig. 64 ); malar space rugose, shiny and 0.5 x as basal width of mandible; lower tooth of mandible 0.1 x as long as apical tooth (Fig. 68 ). Figures 58-68. Phanerotoma brunneivena van Achterberg, sp. nov., ♀, holotype 58 wings 59 mesosoma dorsal 60 first-third metasomal tergites dorsal 61 metasoma lateral 62 apex of third metasomal tergite dorsal 63 head, dorsal 64 head anterior 65 head lateral 66 antenna lateral 67 apical third of antenna lateral 68 mandible ventral. Mesosoma (Figs 55 , 59 ). Length 1.5 x its width in lateral view; side of pronotum mainly rugose, but dorsally nearly smooth; mesoscutum densely rugose and rather shiny, densely setose; notauli hardly indicated; scutellar sulcus wide and with seven carinae (Fig. 59 ); scutellum triangular, largely punctate and rather shiny; metanotum with short median carina anteriorly and small tooth protruding posteriorly; propodeum coarsely reticulate-rugose, without distinct median and transverse carinae, latero-posteriorly tuberculate. Wings . Fore wing 2.6 x longer than its maximum width; length of 1-R1 1.4 x as long as pterostigma; r issued far beyond middle of pterostigma and 0.2 x 3-SR; 2-SR curved and distally subparallel with posterior margin of pterostigma (Fig. 58 ); SR1 curved; 2-SR+M absent because of interstitial m-cu; parastigma large; 1-CU1 0.5 x as long as vein 2-CU1; r:3-SR:SR1 = 2:10:25; 2-SR:3-SR:r-m = 25:10:7; r-m reclivous; 2-M weakly curved (Fig. 58 ). Hind wing: M+CU:1-M:1r-m = 21:20:10; r feebly indicated. Legs . Hind femur 3.4 x as long as wide and widened subbasally; middle tibia with small ivory blister; inner spur of middle tibia 0.5 x its basitarsus; hind coxa mostly smooth and shiny. Metasoma (Figs 57 , 60-62 ). Elongate elliptical in dorsal view, twice as long as wide and 1.7 x as long as mesosoma; first and second tergites coarsely longitudinally rugose and rugae with interconnections; third tergite 2.1 x longer than second tergite and laterally nearly straight, in lateral view rather flat, densely reticulate-rugulose and medio-posteriorly distinctly concave (Figs 60 , 62 ), lateral lamella narrow, protruding latero-apically and medio-apically absent (Fig. 62 ); ovipositor sheath narrow, needle-shaped (Fig. 61 ), its visible part 0.22 x as long as fore wing and 0.38 x metasomal carapace and only its apex with small cluster of setae; hypopygium apically with medium-sized and slender bent up triangle, without apical spine and with medium-sized sparse setae. Colour . Pale brownish yellow; palpi, mandible (except dark brown teeth), clypeus, pronotum, legs (but hind tibia rather darkened apically) first and second tergites largely and metasoma ventrally pale yellow or ivory; apical antennal segments and stemmaticum brown; pterostigma brownish yellow but anteriorly pale yellowish (Fig. 58 ); wing membrane subhyaline; parastigma (but brownish posteriorly), veins 1-M, 2-CU1 and m-cu of fore wing yellow and veins r, 1-CU1, cu-a, 2-SR, 3-SR and 2-M dark brown. Male. Similar to female but third tergite narrowed posteriorly, rounded and convex apically (Fig. 56 ; one male has a subapical bump) and pterostigma (except anteriorly) brown. Variations. Length of fore wing of ♀ 3.1-4.3 mm, of ♂ 3.0-3.5 mm; antenna of ♀ with 23 segments; third tergite 1.8-2.1 x longer than second tergite, of ♀ medio-apically concave or obtuse and with no or a narrow lamella, flat or with a small subapical bump; ovipositor sheath up to 0.36 x as long as fore wing if exserted; rarely scutellum laterally and propodeum apically dark brown, wing membrane below pterostigma and near vein 1-M somewhat infuscate; third tergite rarely dark brown basally or with dark triangle; temple and mesoscutum medially pale brownish yellow or ivory; sometimes pterostigma darkened but anteriorly pale yellowish. Biology. Unknown. Distribution. United Arabian Emirates, Yemen. Etymology. Named after the brownish vein r of the fore wing ( brunneus is Latin for brown).