Jumping spiders (Salticidae) of Uganda - revised list, new species and distributional data Author Wiśniewski, Konrad 5C3810D5-35FE-48B5-9AC8-8E6A436BE436 Institute of Biology, Pomeranian University in Słupsk, Arciszewskiego 22 a, 76 - 200 Słupsk, Poland. konrad.wisniewski.araneae@gmail.com Author Wesołowska, Wanda E362DE8A-ECB7-4C6E-B373-9E1821D214F7 Department of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Taxonomy, University of Wrocław, Przybyszewskiego 65, 51 - 148 Wrocław, Poland. wanda.h.wesolowska@gmail.com text European Journal of Taxonomy 2024 2024-09-04 952 1 171 https://europeanjournaloftaxonomy.eu/index.php/ejt/article/download/2647/12221 journal article 10.5852/ejt.2024.952.2647 2118-9773 00BEAF45-3564-4079-BB79-504FF82966C6 Vicirionessa ignota sp. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 5D002862-7447-4820-B168-717BA9B06968 Fig. 102 Diagnosis The female can be distinguished from its congeners by the form of the epigyne, especially by the middle part of the copulatory ducts, which are highly sclerotized and run mesially. Etymology The specific name is Latin, meaning ‘unknown’ and referring to the fact that the species has remained undiscovered for so long. Fig. 102. Vicirionessa ignota sp. nov. A, C . Holotype, ♀ (ZFMK 2959). B, D–G . Paratype, ♀ (ZFMK 3034). A–B . General appearance. C–E . Epigyne. F . Dissected epigyne, dorsal view. G . Internal structure of epigyne. Material examined Holotype UGANDA ; Masindi distr. , Budongo Forest ; 1°45′ N , 31°25′ E ; dry season; 15–21 Jan. 1997 ; T. Wagner leg.; ZFMK 2959 . Paratypes UGANDA1 ♀ ; same collection data as for holotype; ZFMK 2937 2 ♀♀ ; same collection data as for holotype; ZFMK 2890 1 ♀ ; same locality as for holotype; 21–30 Jul. 1995 ; ZFMK 3034 . Description Male Unknown. Female General appearance as in Fig. 102A. MEASUREMENTS . Cephalothorax length 3.0–3.3, width 2.3–2.6, height 1.5. Eye field length 1.8–2.0, anterior width 2.1–2.3, posterior width 1.9–2.1. Abdomen length 3.1–4.0, width 2.1–2.3. CARAPACE . Moderately high, pear-shaped, widest posteriorly. Anterior median eyes relatively large, their diameter more than twice diameter of anterior laterals. Distance between anterior lateral eyes slightly greater than between posterior laterals. Carapace light brown, eyes with black ring, a pair of black tearshaped spots laterally from fovea. White hairs laterally from eye field, also encircling anterior eyes, long thin transparent bristles on eye field. ABDOMEN . Ovoid, slightly elongated, yellowish white, in some specimens with silver patches formed by translucent guanin crystals ( Fig. 102B ), venter light. Spinnerets whitish. LEGS . Light brown, long, especially femora and metatarsi. Leg hairs thin, long, colourless, spines brown. EPIGYNE . With large anterior depression ( Fig. 102C–E ). Inlet part of copulatory ducts very broad, distal part narrow, strongly sclerotized, spermathecae two-chambered ( Fig. 102F–G ).