Some Palaemonid Shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda) From Northern South China Sea, With Descripitions Of Two New Species Author Li, Xinzheng Author Bruce, Alexander J. Author Manning *, Raymond B. text Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 2004 52 2 513 553 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.13244123 2345-7600 13244123 Paranchistus spondylis Suzuki, 1971 ( Fig. 24 ) Paranchistus spondylis Suzuki, 1971: 15 , Figs. 8 , 9 ; Müller, 1993: 52 ; Li, 2000: 113 , Fig. 124; Bruce, 2003: 223 . Material examined. – 2 juv. , CN X295 B-68, [20ºN, 108º30’E ], 64m , soft sandy mud, AT, within Vulsella vulsella (L.), coll. De , 18 Oct.1962 . Diagnosis. – Rostrum straight, with margins subparallel, with 4 dorsal teeth and 1 subapical ventral tooth. Carapace with lower orbital angle not developed. First pereiopods with cutting edges of fingers entire, not pectinate. Second pereiopods with dactyl slightly over-reaching fixed finger, if at all. Third to fifth pereiopods with dactyl biunguiculate, not flattened on extensor margin, this margin covered with fine tubercles. Distribution. – Previously only recorded from the type locality, Sagami Wan, Japan . Recorded here for the first time from South China Sea. Remarks. – The construction of the tail-fan of the present specimens is different from Suzuki’s (1971) description: in the present specimens, the telson is distinctly shorter than the uropods; the anterior pair of dorsal telson spines is clearly situated behind the middle of the telson length, the lateral posterior marginal telson spines are subdorsal, placed distinctly anterior to the intermediate and submedian pairs. The host of present specimens, Vulsella vulsella (L.), and depth of 64 m , are also different from the types , Spondylus barbatus and littoral. As the present specimens are juveniles, it is unlikely that they are another species, and their other characters agree well with Suzuki’s (1971) description.