A new species of the genus Oedenops Becker, 1903 (Diptera: Ephydridae) from the Russian Far East Author Krivosheina, M. G. Author Ozerov, A. L. text Far Eastern Entomologist 2018 2018-06-04 360 21 24 http://dx.doi.org/10.25221/fee.360.3 journal article 10.25221/fee.360.3 2713-2196 7164315 Oedenops stackelbergi Krivosheina et Ozerov , sp. n. Figs 1–3 MATERIAL. Holotype , Russia : "Камень Рыболов, [оЗ.] Ханка, Уссурийский край" [Kamen Rybolov, Khanka Lake, Primorskii krai], 9.VII [1]927, leg. A.A. Stackelberg ( ZISP ). DIAGNOSIS. The new species differs from Oedenops isis Becker 1903 by reddish brown not yellowish coloration of frons, face and antennae and by the morphology of male terminalia. From the other species of the genus the new species differs by the absence of presutural intraalar seta. DESCRIPTION. MALE. Head . Frons, face, antenna and gena reddish brown; palpus greyish yellow. Face with 3 setae, the upper 2 longer than the third; antenna with 5 hairs. Gena high, gena-to-eye ratio 0.36. Thorax grey in not dense orange pollen. Legs yellow, hind femora greyish darkened in basal third, apical tarsomeres darkened. Wings hyaline with yellowish brown veins. Halteres yellow. Costal vein ratio 3: 1. Presutural supraalar seta absent, anepisternum with vertical row of 7 setae of different length; katepisternum without strong seta. Fore femur with short spinules on anteroventral surface and a row of setae ventrally. Mid femur with 2 strong and 1 short setae on anterodorsal surface and a row of spinules on posteroventral surface. Scutellum grey in orange pollen. Abdomen grey in rare orange pollen. Male terminalia: epandrium in posterior view of inverted U-shape, cercus hemispherical, presurstylus triangular ( Fig. 2 ); postsurstylus long, apically rounded and with irregularly sclerotized apex ( Fig. 2 ); aedeagus in lateral view with rounded projected apex; aedeagal apodeme more or less triangular with pointed central part; hypandrium concave ( Fig. 3 ). MEASUREMENTS. Body length 2.8 mm . Female unknown. NOTES. The species was firstly determined as Oedenops flavitarsis Miyagi , 1977 for many external characters coincided with original description of above mentioned species ( Miyagi , 1977). However the holotype of O. flaviratsis was studied by Mathis and Zatwarnicki, including male terminalia, and the species was synonymized with O. isis (Mathis & Zatwarnicki, 2002). Detailed examination of male terminalia showed resemblance of O. stackelbergi sp. n. with O. isis in the morphology of epandrium and pre– and postsurstylus, but demonstrated clear differences in the shape of eadeagal apodeme and aedeagus. DISTRIBUTION. Russia : Primorskii krai. ETHYMOLOGY. The species name is given in the honour of famous Russian diptero- logist A.A. Stackelberg who made great contribution in investigation of Diptera . Figs 1–3. Oedenops stackelbergi sp. n. , male: 1) head and thorax, lateral view; 2) epand- rium, cerci, presurstyli and postsurstyli, posterior view; 3) epandrium, cerci, presurstyli and internal male terminalia, lateral view. 1. Presutural intraalar seta absent ………………………………..……………………….…. 2 – Presutural intraalar seta present ………………………………………………………...…. 3 2. Male frons and face grey-golden, antenna pale yellow in both sexes. Aedeagus in lateral view with shallowly concaved apex (Mathis & Zatwarnicki, 2002, fig. 78) (Afrotropical, Australasian/Oceanian, Palaearctic)…..........................................……. O. isis Becker, 1903 – Male frons and face reddish-brown, antenna reddish-brown in male. Aedeagus in lateral view with rounded projected apex ( Fig. 3 ) (Palaearctic) ..………….. O. stackelbergi sp. n. 3. Male frons brown, face and gena mostly silvery white in male and silvery grey in female (Afrotropical) …………………………….............................……..…. O. afrus Wirth, 1956 – Male frons and dorsal facial part reddish brown, gena golden; female frons, gena and face greyish yellow (Nearctic, Neotropical) ….............................…. O. nudus (Coquillett, 1902)