Hard ticks (Acari: Ixodida) in Sakar Mountains, SE Bulgaria Author Kolarova, Nevena Author Gradinarov, Denis Author Petrova, Yana National Genetic Laboratory, 2 Zdrave Str., 1431 Sofia, Bulgaria, e-mail: yanagradinarova @ abv. bg yanagradinarova@abv.bg text ZooNotes 2024 2024-01-31 2024 S 15 20 31 journal article 300920 10.5281/zenodo.13257667 1098ce5f-081f-49ab-bf8e-2f897165b5ca 1313-9916 13257667 Hyalomma marginatum Koch, 1844 ( Fig. 12 ) Material examined: Sakar Mts , NE of Balgarska Polyana Vill. , 42°02'21.8"N 26°12'32.4"E , 410 m a.s.l. , roadside xerophilic grasslands ( Fig. 3 ), 25.v.2019 , 2 ♂♂ ( BFUS-ACR 000032 , BFUS-ACR000033 ), on the ground, D. Gradinarov & Y. Petrova leg. ; Sakar Mts , SE of Knyazhevo Vill. , 42°06'01.0"N 26°30'21.7"E , 102 m a.s.l. , dirt road, riverine and xerothermic vegetation, 07.vi.2020 , 1 ♀ ( BFUS- ACR000034 ), on the ground, D. Gradinarov leg. ; the same locality, 24.v.2023 , 1 ♀ ( BFUS- ACR000035 ), on the ground, D. Gradinarov leg. ; Sakar , W of Ustrem Vill. , right bank of Manastirska Reka Riv. , 42°01'25.8"N 26°27'06.8"E , 94 m a.s.l. , riverine vegetation, 14.iv.2023 , on the ground, 1 ♀ ( BFUS-ACR 000036 ), D. Gradinarov leg. Notes: This species is widespread in Bulgaria up to 1000 m a.s.l., being found in greater numbers in the southern regions of the country ( Georgieva & Gecheva 2013 ). The species exhibits high ecological plasticity in its Palaearctic range ( Estrada-Peñа et al. 2017 ). In Bulgaria , it is found in hilly areas and in the low mountain belt, often in shrublands and in xerothermic oak forests ( Georgieva & Gecheva 2013 ).