Review of the Neotropical Leaf Beetle SubgenusDorynota s. str. Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae: Dorynotini) Author Simões, Marianna V. P. Author Sekerka, Lukáš text The Coleopterists Bulletin 2015 2015-06-30 69 2 231 254 journal article 10.1649/0010-065x-69.2.231 1938-4394 10104834 Dorynota ( Dorynota ) rufomarginata ( Wagener, 1881 ) ( Figs. 36–38 ) Batonota rufomarginata Wagener, 1881: 41 ( type locality: ‘Brasilia’). Type Material Examined. Holotype , pinned: ‘ Brasil [w, hw, cb] ∥ rufomargin. [hw] ∣ coll. Wagener ∣ Typus! [hw] [w, p, cb] ∥ TYPUS [pink, p, cb] ∥ M/ CR MUS. ∣ SPAETH COLL . [w, p, cb] ∥ Manchester Museum SYNTYPE [b, p, cb] ∥ F2019.2722 [w, p, cb]’ ( MMUE ) . Diagnosis. See diagnosis under D. nodosa . Remarks. This species is very close to D. nodosa and perhaps representative of just a local form. Unfortunately, both species are known only from the types , thus it is very difficult to evaluate them. Until we have an opportunity to study more material, we will leave D. rufomarginata as a valid species close to D. nodosa . It is also uncertain whether the specimen was actually collected in Brazil or was mislabeled. Distribution. Brazil ( Wagener 1881 ).