The ants collected by the American Museum Congo Expedition. Author Wheeler, W. M. text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 1922 45 39 269 journal article 20597 Crematogaster (Sphaerocrema) rugosior (Santschi) "Female (undescribed).-Length 8 mm. Thorax smooth and shining like the posterior half of the head and that of the worker, except its upper surface and the sides of the epinotum which have rugae as in the worker. Head rectangular, a little longer than broad, scarcely arcuate laterally. The eyes occupy nearly the middle third of the sides and the scapes barely extend beyond its posterior fourth. Clypeus with a strong median impression near its anterior border. Thorax as broad as the head. Epinotum nearly vertical, but the insertion of the spines is marked by an angular ridge which occupies nearly the upper half of the sides of the segment. Petiole as in the worker, with a tooth beneath. Wings 7 mm. long, hyaline, with brownish veins. Otherwise like the worker." (Santschi) Numerous workers and a few females from Stanleyville (Lang, Chapin, and J. Bequaert), without further data.