Molossidae Author Don E. Wilson Author Russell A. Mittermeier text 2019 2019-10-31 Lynx Edicions Barcelona Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 9 Bats 598 672 book chapter bc3766a8-d834-42d8-9b39-0612d00293ca 978-84-16728-19-0 6418279 113. La Touche’s Free-tailed Bat Tadarida latouchei French: Tadaride de La Touche / German: La-Touche-Bulldogfledermaus / Spanish: Murciélago rabudo de La Touche Taxonomy. 7 Tadarida latouchei Thomas, 1920 , “Chin-wang-tao, N.E. Chihli, China .” ladarida latouchei was previously considered a subspecies of 1. teniotis; currently recognized as a distinct species, but further revision is needed. Monotypic. Distribution. Disjunct locations in NE China ( Liaoning , Inner Mongolia [= Nei Mongol ], Hebei , Beijing , and Shandong ), N & C Laos , and NE Thailand ( Loei Province ). There are three vagrant records in Japan , on Amami-Oshima, Kuchinoerabujima, and Yoronjima Is. Descriptive notes. Head—-body 67-72 mm , tail 41-49 mm , ear 22-27 mm , forearm 53-57 mm . No specific data are available for hindfoot length or body weight. Hairs are short, soft and velvety; dorsal fur is dark brown or grayish brown; ventralside is paler. Upperlip is wrinkled. Ears are large andjoined by a flap of narrow skin over forehead. Wing membrane is attached to basal one-third oftibia. Habitat. In Thailand , La Touche’s Free-tailed Bat has been recorded in dry evergreen hill forest at 1500 m . Food and Feeding. No information. Breeding. No information. Activity patterns. La Touche’s Free-tailed Bat is known to roost in caves. Movements, Home range and Social organization. [La Touche’s Free-tailed Bat was recorded forming a large colony in Laos . Status and Conservation. Classified as Data Deficient on The IUCN Red List. Population size 1s decreasing and La Touche’s Free-tailed Bat is thought to be at risk due to hunting for food and roost disturbance. Bibliography. Abe et al. (2005), Corbet & Hill (1992), Francis (2008a), Francis & Maeda (2008), Funakoshi & Kunisaki (2000), Kock (1999), Simmons (2005), Smith & Xie Yan (2008), Wang Yingxiang (2003).