Studies on Pyrrhocoroidea, Coreoidea and Pentatomoidea of Khuzestan and the adjacent provinces in Iran (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) Author Linnavuori, Rauno E. text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2012 2012-06-30 52 1 67 88 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5330439 0374-1036 5330439 Sciocoris ( Parasciocoris ) kmenti sp. nov. ( Figs. 3A–B , 4E–F ) Sciocoris ( Neosciocoris ) modestus (misidentification): HOBERLANDT (1997) : 235 (record from Iran ); RIDER (2006) : 350 (partim, record from Iran ). Type material. HOLOTYPE : J, IRAN : TEHRAN : ‘ N.Iran , Robat-e-Tork , 29.6.1970 ’ / ‘ Loc. 34, Exp. Nat. Mus. Praha’ ( Coll. National Museum , Prague , Czech Republic ). Locality coordinates: N 33°45′ E 50°51′ (see HOBERLANDT 1974 ). Differential diagnosis. The species was incorrectly recorded from Iran as Sciocoris modestus by HOBERLANDT (1997) . It actually belongs to the subgenus Parasciocoris Wagner, 1965 as seen in the structure of the male pygophore. It is easily recognized from the other species by large size, pale colouring, very dense and fine puncturing, and the shape of the male pygophore. The most similar species, S. ( Parasciocoris ) angusticollis Puton, 1895 (Fig. 5; redescription viz DERJANSCHI & PÉRICART 2005: 215–217), further differs in its smaller size (body length 4.3–5.3 mm , different colouration, lateral margins of pronotum broadly pale, puncturing on upper surface coarser and less dense, lateral margins of genae totally punctuate, head shorter and broader, lateral margins of pronotum straighter, and broader scutellum Etymology. Dedicated to Petr Kment, Hemiptera curator of the National Museum, Prague , Czech Republic . Habitat. The only specimen was collected in a locality described as follows: ‘Marsh in dry bed of a river. Growth of Tamarix with an abundant undergrowth of grass and various other plants.’ ( HOBERLANDT 1974 ). Distribution. So far known only from the type locality in province of Tehran (north-west Iran ).