A first checklist to the vascular plants of La Amistad International Park (PILA), Costa Rica-Panama Author MONRO, A. K. Author SANTAMARÍA-AGUILAR, D. Author GONZÁLEZ, F. Author CHACÓN, O. Author SOLANO, D. Author RODRÍGUEZ, A. Author ZAMORA, N. Author FEDELE, E. Author CORREA, M. text Phytotaxa 2017 2017-09-22 322 1 448 450 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.322.1.1 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.322.1.1 1179-3163 13698397 Gentlea venosissima (Ruiz & Pav.) Lundell Terrestrial shrubs or trees. Distribution in PILA 900–2700 m , mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, cloud forest, low elevation oak forest, high elevation oak forest. Global distribution: Mexico , Belize , Guatemala , Costa Rica , Colombia , Peru , Venezuela . Records: A. Rodríguez 11871 (BM, INB, PMA). Hymenandra pittieri (Mez) Pipoly & Ricketson Terrestrial shrubs or trees. Distribution in PILA 0–1900 m , low elevation mixed forest, mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, cloud forest. Global distribution: Costa Rica to Colombia . Records: D. Santamaría 7018 (BM, INB, PMA), D. Solano 5006 (BM, INB, PMA), D. Solano 5049 (BM, INB, PMA). ψ Myrsine coriacea (Sw.) R.Br. ex Roem. & Schult. Hojalarga, Ratón blanco, Ratoncillo, Ratón (CR), Mangle de montaña, Mangle, Mangle de sabanas (P). Terrestrial shrubs or trees. Distribution in PILA 800– 2800 m , mixed forest in transition to low elevation forest, mixed forest in transition to cloud forest, cloud forest, low elevation oak forest, high elevation oak forest, pasture. Global distribution: Mexico , Belize to Bolivia , Venezuela , Antilles, Guyana , Paraguay , Uruguay , Argentina . Records: A. Fernández 712 (CR, INB, MO), A.K. Monro 4952 (BM, INB, MO), A. Rodríguez 9822 (INB), A. Soto 1307 (INB), B. Gamboa 1239 (INB, MO), D. Santamaría 3476 (INB), D. Santamaría 3744 (INB), D. Solano 5131 (BM, INB, PMA), E. Alfaro 3490 (INB), E. Alfaro 3816 (INB), G. Davidse 25239 (MO), G. Davidse 25496 (MO), G. Davidse 25737 (MO), G. Davidse 28583 (CR, MO), G. Davidse 28701 (CR, MO), F. Quesada 1559 (INB), L. Angulo 197 (INB), L. Angulo 226 (CR, INB), L. González 3606 (INB), M. Moraga 1559 (CR). Regional conservation status: Near Threatened (NT).