Nomenclatural changes in Coleus and Plectranthus (Lamiaceae): a tale of more than two genera Author Paton, Alan J. Author Mwanyambo, Montfort Author Govaerts, Rafael H. A. Author Smitha, Kokkaraniyil Author Suddee, Somran Author Phillipson, Peter B. Author Wilson, Trevor C. Author Forster, Paul I. Author Culham, Alastair text PhytoKeys 2019 129 1 158 journal article 1314-2003-129-1 BF57C6B3C3065AEE9B4B3D47189C908F 3382366 Coleus maculosus subsp. edulis (Vatke) A.J.Paton comb. nov. Coleus edulis Vatke, Linnaea 37: 319. 1872. Plectranthus edulis (Vatke) Agnew, Upland Kenya Wild Fl.: 640. 1974. Plectranthus punctatus subsp. edulis (Vatke) A.J.Paton, Fl. Trop. E. Afr., Lamiac.: 350. 2009. Type: Ethiopia, near Gaffat, 1863, Schimper 1212 (isotype: K, Z, mixed with C. barbatus ). Coleus tuberosus A.Rich., Tent. Fl. Abyss. 2: 185. 1850., nom. illeg., non C. tuberosus (Blume) Benth. Majana richardiana Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 524. 1891., nom. illeg., based on above. Coleus palustris Vatke, Linnaea 37: 319. 1872. Type: Ethiopia, Daschan Meda, 15 Sept. 1863, Schimper 1186 (holotype: B, destroyed; isotypes: BM, JE, K, PRE, W, Z). Coleus rivularis Vatke, Linnaea 37: 320. 1872. Type: Ethiopia, Gaffat, 25 Sept. 1863, Schimper 1172 (holotype: B, destroyed; isotypes: BM, JE, K, PRE, US, W, Z). Coleus aquaticus Guerke , Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 19: 218. 1894. Types: Tanzania, Kilimanjaro, Marangu, Volkens 583 (syntype: B, destroyed); Mawenzi, Volkens 860 (syntype: B, destroyed; isosyntype: E). Coleus clivicola S.Moore, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 38: 274. 1908. Type: Uganda, E Ruwenzori, Wollaston s.n. (holotype: BM). Coleus fimbriatus Lebrun & L.Touss., Bull. Jard. Bot. Etat Bruxelles 17: 79. 1943. Plectranthus fimbriatus (Lebrun & L.Touss.) Troupin & Ayob., Bull. Jard. Bot. Natl. Belg. 55: 299. 1985. Type: DRC, Mt Mushumangabo, Lebrun 7163 (holotype: BR). Distribution. Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda and DRC.