A nomenclator of extant and fossil taxa of the Melanopsidae (Gastropoda, Cerithioidea) Author Neubauer, Thomas A. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1398-9941 Geological-Paleontological Department, Natural History Museum Vienna, 1010 Vienna, Austria thomas.neubauer@nhm-wien.ac.at text ZooKeys 2016 2016-07-05 602 1 358 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.602.8136 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.602.8136 1313-2970-602-1 65EFA27673454AC69B78DBE7E98D6103 FFA86D39FFE2FFF3FF8AFFEBC209FFDE 126863 Melanopsis incerta Ferussac , 1822 Original source. Ferussac 1819-1851 : Melanopsides fossiles, pl. 1 (1822), fig. 12. Type horizon. Sarmatian (sensu lato), middle-late Miocene. Type locality. "De Sestos" [Sestos, prov. Canakkale ], Turkey. Remarks. The species was also illustrated on pl. 2 of the "Melanopsides fossiles" in the "Histoire naturelle" ( Ferussac 1819-1851 ) and on pl. 8 in Ferussac (1823) . However, Ferussac obviously mixed up Melanopsis incerta with Melanopsis daudebartii and erroneously illustrated the latter of both species, which was already recognized by Deshayes when preparing the final explanations for the plates of the "Histoire naturelle".