New species of the genera Mimogonus and Mimogonia (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Osoriinae) from the Neotropical Region Author Irmler, Ulrich text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2010 2010-12-15 50 2 483 494 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5325971 0374-1036 5325971 Mimogonia amazonica sp. nov. ( Figs. 4a–c , 7A,C ) Type locality. Brazil , Amazonas, 26 km NE of Manaus, Reserva Ducke. Type material. HOLOTYPE : J, ‘ Brazil : Amazonas : Reserva Ducke , 26 km NE of Manaus , flight intercept trap , 1995- 1996, BMNH{E} 2003-84’ ( BMNH ) . PARATYPES : 9 JJ, 5 ♀♀ , same data as the holotype ( BMNH , UIC ). Diagnosis. By the head width / pronotum width ratio (1.00), this species resembles M. elytrata and M. longoelytrata , whereas the ratios are either smaller or larger in all other Mimogonia species. It particularly resembles M. elytrata (head width / pronotum width ratio 1.00), but differs in the larger size and the brown colour of the pronotum (the colouration in M. elytrata is yellow). Mimogonia amazonica sp. nov. and M. longoelytrata can be easily differentiated by the different ratios between the length and width of the elytra. In M. longoelytrata , elytra are longer than wide; in M. amazonica the elytra are approximately quadrate. Description. Length: 2.8 mm . Colouration: most of body brown with the exception of elytra being a slightly lighter reddish brown; legs and antennae reddish. Head 0.35 mm long, 0.50 mm wide; eyes prominent; laterally with dense setiferous punctation, but impunctate midline on disc; distance between punctures on average less than ¼ as wide as diameter of punctures; punctate surface of disk with dense microsculpture between punctures; surface slightly shiny; impunctate midline without microsculpture; surface polished. Figs. 3–5. 3 – Mimogonia longipes sp. nov. ; 4 – Mimogonia amazonica sp. nov. ; 5 – Mimogonia paraensis sp. nov. (a – fore body; b – antenna; c – aedeagus in lateral aspect; d – mesotarsus). Scale bars: 1 mm (a), 0.1 mm (b–d). Antennae longer than head and pronotum combined; 2 nd antennomere oblong; 3 rd conical and shorter than 2 nd ; following antennomeres increasing in width; 4 th small, equal in width of 3 rd , 10 th 1.5 times as wide as long. Pronotum 0.40 mm long, 0.50 mm wide; densely and coarsely punctate; in front of posterior edge coriaceously punctate; with wide impunctate midline; distance between setiferous punctures on average ¼ as wide as diameter of punctures; space between punctures with weak netlike microsculpture; surface shiny. Elytra 0.63 mm long, 0.65 mm wide; with dense, but even setiferous punctation; partly with coriaceous punctures; microsculpture more distinct than that of pronotum; surface less shiny. Abdomen with finer setiferous punctation, but denser and deeper microsculpture than that of elytra; surface less shiny than that of elytra. Legs of normal length; shorter than pronotum; mesotibia with no sexual dimorphism in male. Median lobe of aedeagus elongate in basal part and acute in apical part; endophallus with 3 spirals. Etymology. The specific name amazonica (adjective) is derived from the Brazilian state Amazonas where the species was collected.