Two new species of the genus Cymatopus Kertész from the Mariana Islands (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) Author Masunaga, Kazuhiro Author Evenhuis, Neal L. text Zootaxa 2012 3159 36 46 journal article 45659 10.5281/zenodo.209396 4741c10b-c930-4e65-83a6-620013d57c24 1175-5326 209396 Key to species of Cymatopus Kertész (males) This key is based on that of Evenhuis (2005) , but modified and updated by the inclusion of subsequently discovered species. 1 Fore coxa covered with stiff bristles on anterior surface....................................................... 5 - Fore coxa only covered with fine setae on anterior surface..................................................... 2 2 Fore femur with 3 rather long, flattened, basoventral setae.............................................. C. setosus - Fore femur without flattened, basoventral setae.............................................................. 3 3 R4+5 curved slightly but distinctly backward at tip.................................................... C. bredini - R4+5 not curved backward at tip........................................................................... 4 4 Fore femur with only 5–6 longer setae anteroventrally............................................. C. cheesmanae - Fore femur with only 2–3 longer setae anteroventrally.................................................. C. wirthi 5 Costa ending at apex of vein M1+2........................................................................ 6 - Costa running around wing ( Madagascar ).............................. C. stuckenbergi Grootaert & Grichanov, 2008 6 Wing modified, with deep sulcus on hind margin............................................................ 7 - Wing unmodified in shape............................................................................... 8 7 Hind region of wing distal to sulcus with field of microtrichiae; hind margin of wing with fringe of long hairs; fore tarsomere 1 modified, with almost crook-shaped, semicircular bend in distal half ( Malaysia , Singapore , Thailand )................................................................................................... C. malayensis Parent, 1935 - Hind region of wing distal to sulcus without field of microtrichia; hind margin of wing without fringe; fore tarsomere 1 not modified, distal half straight ( East Timor )......................................... C. othniopteryx Evenhuis, 2005 8 Hypopygium exposed; cercus long, narrow................................................................ 9 - Hypopygium small, concealed in postabdomen; cercus short and other appendages hidden ( Samoa )..................................................................................................... C. spinosus ( Parent), 1934 9 Fore tibia with black foliate bristle on medial surface (cf. Fig. 4 C).............................................. 10 - Fore tibia lacking such a bristle.......................................................................... 13 10 Fore tibia with long apical lobe (cf. Fig. 4 D); fore tarsomere 4 excavated ventrally with basal and apical lobes (cf. Fig. 4 F)...................................................................................................... 11 - Fore tibia with short apical lobe; fore tarsomere 4 not excavated ventrally ( Malaysia , Thailand )............................................................................................... C. thaicus Grootaert & Meuffels, 2001 11 Fore tarsomere 5 subequal to or shorter than fore tarsomere 4 (cf. Fig. 4 E)....................................... 12 - Fore tarsomere 5 at least 1.5 times as long as fore tarsomere 4 (New Guinea , Australia )................................................................................................ C calcaratoides Grootaert & Meuffels, 1993 12 Legs yellow, but coxae, femora and tibiae slightly blackened dorsally; cercus very long, 1.5 times as long as height of hypopy- gium (Christmas Is. [Indian Ocean]).................................................. C. calcaratus Parent, 1935 - Legs black; cercus moderately long, 1.1 times as long as height of hypopygium ( Fig. 5 A) (Pagan, Saipan, Rota, Guam )......................................................................................... C. femoralis sp. nov. 13 Middle and hind tibiae with long hairs toward apex (cf. Figs. 6 C,D)............................................ 14 - Middle and hind tibiae without long hairs................................................................ 15 14 Hind tibia with 2–3 short, strong, down-curved thorn-like bristles near middle ( Fig. 6 D) (Saipan, Rota, Guam )................................................................................................. C. ventralis sp. nov. - Hind tibia lacking such bristles (Christmas Is. [Indian Ocean], Thailand )..................... C. longipilus Parent, 1935 15 Fore tarsomere 4 with comb of long, curved anterodorsal setae ( Papua New Guinea , Solomon Is.).. C. tibialis Kertész, 1901 - Fore tarsomere 4 lacking such a setal comb................................................................ 16 16 Fore tibia with 2–5 strong bristles (not foliate) on medial surface............................................... 17 - Fore tibia lacking such bristles.......................................................................... 19 17 Fore tibia with apical lobe bearing strong black bristle; fore tarsomere 2 with long ventral setae....................... 18 - Fore tibia lacking apical lobe; fore tarsomere 2 without long ventral setae ( Fiji ).............. C. baravikai Evenhuis, 2005 18 Fore tibia with bump or swollen area just beyond midpoint on ventral surface; fore tarsomere 2 with 8–9 long ventral bristles ( New Caledonia )........................................................... C. neocaledonicus Evenhuis, 2005 - Fore tibia without swollen area; fore tarsomere 2 with 3 long ventral bristles ( Papua New Guinea , Australia )................................................................................... C. leopoldi Meuffels & Grootaert, 1984 19 Five dorsocentral bristles; fore coxa and all femora yellow; hypopygium symmetrical; surstylus with conspicuous hook-shaped bristle............................................................................................. 20 - Four dorsocentral bristles; fore coxa and all femora black; hypopygium asymmetrical; surstylus lacking conspicuous hook- shaped bristle ( Australia )............................................................. C. simplex Parent, 1941 20 Fore tibia with apical pectinate comb ( New Caledonia )................................... C. flavipes Evenhuis, 2005 - Fore tibia lacking apical pectinate comb ( Papua New Guinea )............... C motuporensis Grootaert & Meuffels, 1993