Two new species of Empis (Planempis) from Oriental China, with an updated key to species of China (Diptera: Empidoidea) Author Liu, Xiaoyan Author Saigusa, Toyohei Author Yang, Ding text Zootaxa 2012 3239 51 57 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.209949 4289506e-0e53-4141-bff1-125c82f6852c 1175-5326 209949 Empis ( Planempis ) zhuae sp. nov. ( Figs. 4–6 , 8 ) Diagnosis. Stylus rather long, 0.7X as long as first flagellomere. Legs entirely black. Pronotum and humerus with many setulae. Acr uniseriate; scutellum with 6 sc. Wing grayish brown with dark gray brown anterior margin. Vein R4 oblique, cell r4 with acute angle at base; cell dm short, shorter than second basal cell. Dorsal arm of male cercus long with acute tip. Description. Male. Body length 11.4–14.2 mm , wing length 11.4–11.6 mm . Head black, gray pollinose. Eyes very narrowly separated on frons, dark yellow or dark brownish yellow. Setae and setulae on head black; lower occiput with dense setulae; ocellar tubercle distinct, with 2 short anterior setulae, 2 long oc and 4 short posterior setulae. Antenna black; first flagellomere 3.7X longer than wide, style 0.7X as long as first flagellomere. Proboscis very long, 2.1X longer than head height, dark brown with short sparse black setulae; palpus black with black setulae. Thorax black, gray pollinose. Setae and setulae on thorax black; setulae on mesonotum short and sparse; humerus with many setulae and 1 h; pronotum with many setulae, but without distinct setae; 3 long npl subequal in length, acr very short setula-like and uniseriate, dc very short setula-like and uniseriate, 1 presc, 1 sa, 1 psa; scutellum with three pairs of sc. Laterotergite with fan of long dense black setae. Prosternum with some long black setae laterally. Legs entirely black. Setulae and setae on legs black. Tibiae and tarsi pubescent ventrally. Fore and mid femora subequal in thickness, hind femur 1.2X as thick as mid femur. Hind tibia slightly thickened; hind tarsomere 1 slightly thickened (slightly narrower than hind tibia). Mid femur with two rows of closely located pv spines. Hind femur with row of short av. Fore tibia with 3 ad, apically with 7–8 setae. Fore tarsomere 1 with 6 setae apically. Mid tibia with 3 ad, apically with 6 setae. Mid tarsomere 1 with 5–6 setae apically. Hind tibia with row of 8–9 ad and 8–9 pd, apically with 8–9 setae. Hind tarsomere 1 with row of 4–5 av; apically with 7 setae. Wing ( Fig. 8 ) grayish brown with anterior margin including cell r1 dark gray brown; veins black; vein R4 oblique, cell r4 with acute angle at base, M1 and M2 reaching wing margin; cell dm short, shorter than second basal cell. Squama dark brown, bordered with blackish setulae. Halter dark brown. Abdomen black with gray pollen. Setulae and setae on abdomen black. Tergite 8 and sternite 8 fused to form a ring. Male genitalia ( Figs. 4–6 ): Epandrial lobe longer than wide, basally rather narrow, apically obtuse. Cercus very large and broad, distinctly wider than epandrial lobe in lateral view, two cerci together nearly as long as wide in dorsal view; in lateral view dorsal arm moderately long with acute tip bent sharply ventrally, ventral arm short and thick. Phallus (visible from outside in lateral view), strongly curved upward, apically rather thin. Female. Body length 11.2 mm , wing length 9.2 mm . Mid and hind femora and tibiae with dorsal and ventral pinnate setae. Scutellum with 6 sc and 4 marginal setulae. Type material . HOLOTYPE 3, CHINA : Zhejiang, Tianmushan Mountain, 30°26ʹN 119°34ʹE, 2011. IV.25/ 26 , Yajun Zhu. PARATYPES : 1 3 1 Ƥ, same data as holotype . FIGURES 4–6. Empis ( Planempis ) zhuae sp. nov. (male). 4. Genitalia, lateral view. 5. Cerci, dorsal view. 6. Phallic complex, lateral view. Scale bar 0.25 mm. Abbreviations: cerc = cercus; dac = dorsal arm of cercus; ej ap = ejaculatory apodeme; epn = epandrium; ph = phallus; vac = ventral arm of cercus. FIGURES 7–8. Wing (male). 7 . Empis ( Planempis ) tianmushana sp. nov. 8. Empis ( Planempis ) zhuae sp. nov. Scale bar 1 mm. Distribution. China (Zhejiang). Etymology. The specific name refers to the collector Dr. Yajun Zhu. Remarks. The new species is similar to E. ( P .) mandarina Frey from China in having the dark wing and scutellum with 6 sc, but can be easily separated from it by the larger size (over 11 mm ), uniseriate acr, entirely black legs and scutum lacking any dark longitudinal vittae. In E. ( P .) mandarina , the body is smaller ( 7.4 mm ), acr are absent, the femora and tibiae are reddish brown, the scutum has three blackish vittae, the dorsal arm of male cercus does not have a ventral prolongation, and the epandrial lobe is much wider ( Saigusa 2012 ).