Brazilian Sesiidae in the collection of the Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany (Lepidoptera) Author Eichlin, Thomas D. Author Kinnee, Scott A. text Zootaxa 2002 108 1 15 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.159263 04273bd7-2b0c-40fa-a309-c732ce2d5538 1175­5326 159263 3274F1EA-EDD2-4588-AE53-67BED2DA7308 Carmenta asema (Zukowsky) , comb. nov. Synanthedon asema Zukowsky, 1936 : 1219 . Diagnosis. Wing length 5­8.5 mm . Most notably, the anal tuft has much orange red. The wings are clear, although the forewing apical margin is broad. The abdomen dorsally has narrow pale yellow bands on most segments, but the last two segments have narrow orange bands. The antennae have white spots near the tips. Description. (first description of male): Head with vertex brown black with slight blue­green sheen; front brown black, white laterally; occipital fringe yellow dorsally, white laterally; labial palpus smooth, pale yellow, some brown black apically; antenna with preapical white spot. Thorax brown black, narrow subdorsal yellow stripe, pale yellow below wing. Abdomen brown black, dorsally with segments 2 and 4 with narrow yellow bands (orange bands of 5 and 6 present on female not evident on only male specimen); ventrally, mostly pale yellow; anal tuft with orange red subdorsally and ventrally. Legs brown black; forecoxa white and pale yellow; pale yellow on tibiae medially, distally and at joints of tarsal segments. Forewing mostly hyaline but with broad apical margin and discal spot; ventrally with yellow on costal margin, white powdering on apical margin. Hindwing hyaline. Genitalia ( Fig. 15 ) with little or no bare area on valvae; saccus narrow, more than one­third length of valvae; scopula androconialis nearly two­thirds length of valvae. Female ( Fig. 2 ): Similar to male; forewing of type specimen with pale yellow or white scales on costal margin; abdomen dorsally with narrow orange­red bands on segments 5 and 6, anal tuft brush­like, orange red. Genitalia ( Fig. 21 ) with antrum slender, elongate, slightly curving, sclerotized; ductus bursae broad, slightly pigmented, narrowing distally; corpus bursae ovate, without signum. Distribution. BRAZIL : Rio de Janeiro , Itatiaya; Nova Teutonia. PARAGUAY : Villarica. Type . asema : Holotype female ­ BRAZIL : "Itatiaya Mts. In the State of Rio de Janeiro . Male in the Coll. MARTEN (Königstein I. T.)." Remarks. The holotype is actually a female, not a male as stated in the original description (see discussion in Duckworth and Eichlin, 1978 :4). The male described above is labeled: Guaraquecaba Pr ., Brazil , 9.XII.1970 , V.O. Becker leg; I.P.A.M. ­ Becker. The four known specimens of asema were collected from December to March.