Brazilian Sesiidae in the collection of the Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany (Lepidoptera) Author Eichlin, Thomas D. Author Kinnee, Scott A. text Zootaxa 2002 108 1 15 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.159263 04273bd7-2b0c-40fa-a309-c732ce2d5538 1175­5326 159263 3274F1EA-EDD2-4588-AE53-67BED2DA7308 Carmenta laticraspedontis (Zukowsky) Synanthedon laticraspedontis Zukowsky, 1936 :1220 . Diagnosis. Wing length 9.5 mm ( Figs. 6 & 7 ). This species is much like Carmenta xanthomelanina (Zukowsky:1214) as to the golden yellow outlining the cell and posterior to the cell to the wing margin. It differs in lacking the golden yellow in the center of the discal spot of xanthomelanina ; however, laticraspedontis has yellow powdering between the veins in the broad apical margin dorsally, scales pale yellow or white ventrally ( xanthomelanina may have some white powdering dorsally). Also, unlike xanthomelanina which has the occipital fringe yellow, laticraspedontis has the occipital fringe white laterally. Redescription. Female (male unknown). Head with vertex brown black; front brown black, white laterally; occipital fringe yellow dorsally, white laterally; labial palpus smooth, golden yellow; antenna (broken off of type specimen) with pale yellow on basal third ventrally. Thorax brown black. Abdomen brown black with narrow yellow bands on posterior margin of segments 4­6 and yellow laterally on 1 and 2; ventrally with wider pale yellow bands on 4­6; anal tuft brush­like, scales tipped pale yellow. Legs brown black, yellow on mesal side of tibiae, dorsally on most of midtibia, encircling at tibial spur pairs and at tarsal joints. Forewing mostly hyaline, with broad, brown black, apical margin with pale yellow powdering between veins, yellow lining discal cell and distally on discal spot, yellow on anal margin; ventrally with apical margin powdering pale yellow to white. Hindwing hyaline. Genitalia ( Fig. 22 ) with antrum long, strongly sclerotized, slightly curved medially, abruptly curved at entrance to ductus bursae; ductus bursae membranous, short; corpus bursae ovoid, without signum. Distribution. BRAZIL : Itatiaya; Petropolis Type . laticraspedontis : Holotype female ­ BRAZIL : "Itatiaya, January, 1 female . Type Coll. MARTEN." Remarks. One additional female (abdomen missing) is simply labeled: "Petropolis, Brazil ; Collection WM Schaus (USNM)."