Notes and descriptions on North American Desmiphorini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) Author Heffern, Daniel Author Santos-Silva, Antonio text Zootaxa 2017 4247 4 469 479 journal article 33335 10.11646/zootaxa.4247.4.8 8831760e-e2f2-45b0-976c-890a32c360c1 1175-5326 438895 73868750-B377-45F1-9AB3-AE9BAB7D5849 Allotigrinestola sundbergi sp. nov. ( Figs 11–22 ) Description . Holotype male . Integument black except reddish-brown basal region of anteclypeus, distal region of labrum, most of mouthparts, and apex of palpomeres. Pubescence mostly gray. Head . Frons finely, sparsely punctate; pubescence distinctly not obscuring integument, interspersed with long, erect, sparse, dark setae (mainly close to lower eye lobes); frontoclypeal sulcus slightly marked toward central area of head. Vertex minutely, sparsely punctate; pubescence not obscuring integument, mainly close to prothoracic margin. Antennal tubercles with sculpture and pubescence as on frons, with some long, erect dark setae on basal area. Area behind eyes finely, sparsely punctate and pubescent close to eye, somewhat finely rugose-punctate and glabrous close to prothoracic margin; with long, erect, sparse, dark setae on tumid area close to lower eye lobe. Genae very finely, transversely punctate on central area, subsmooth toward apex; pubescence not obscuring integument, mainly on distal area; with long, erect, sparse dark setae. Postclypeus flap-shaped distally, with small depression centrally close to flap-shaped area; pubescence distinctly not obscuring integument, laterally interspersed with long, erect dark setae on flap-shaped area. Labrum convex and coplanar with anteclypeus on basal half, inclined on distal half; finely, abundantly punctate and with long, erect dark setae on apex of coplanar area; apex of fringe of golden setae. Distance between upper eye lobes 0.45 times length of scape; distance between lower eye lobes in frontal view 0.95 times length of scape. Antennae 1.1 times elytral length, almost reaching distal quarter of elytra; scape and pedicel with long, erect, sparse dark setae throughout; antennomeres III–VII with long, erect setae ventrally (shorter, sparser toward VII); antennomeres III–XI with gray pubescence at about basal third (this area shortened toward XI), with brownish pubescence on remaining surface; antennal formula (ratio) based on length of antennomere III: scape = 1.02; pedicel = 0.40; IV = 1.00; V = 0.80; VI = 0.67; VII = 0.65; VIII = 0.60; IX = 0.55; X = 0.50; XI = 0.45. Thorax . Lateral tubercles of prothorax conical, with spiniform apex, slightly curved upward. Pronotum finely, sparsely punctate, slightly coarser and denser laterally on basal third; pubescence partially obscuring integument except on transverse area placed about center of midlength, where the pubescence distinctly exposes integument. Sides of prothorax with sculpture and pubescence as on pronotum; with long, erect, sparse dark setae between lateral tubercle and anterior margin. Prosternum slightly transversely striate on basal 2/3, distinctly striate on distal third; with elongate, transverse depression laterally close to procoxal cavities; pubescence partially obscuring integument on basal 2/3, sparse on distal third. Procoxal cavities slightly open behind. Pubescence not obscuring integument on mesosternum, slightly denser on mesepisternum and mesepimeron. Metepisternum and metasternum finely, sparsely punctate, with pubescence not obscuring integument, glabrous on triangular central area. Scutellum longitudinally sulcate centrally; pubescence partially obscuring integument. Elytra . Moderately coarsely, sparsely punctate on basal quarter, gradually finer, shallower, sparser toward apex; pubescence nearly obscuring integument, except the following regions with brownish pubescence exposing integument: macula on basal inclined area, between humerus and margin of prothorax; one small, subelliptical macula on side of scutellum; one small, subcircular macula on center of disc on basal third; one large, subcircular macula on disc of base of distal half. Legs . Pubescence nearly obscuring integument; tibiae with long, erect dark setae, distinctly denser on dorsally on distal half of meso- and metatibiae; pubescence on notched area of mesotibiae golden. Abdomen . Ventrites I–IV finely, sparsely punctate, except on smooth, narrow, transverse distal area (gradually wider from I to IV); pubescence partially obscuring integument, except on glabrous smooth area; ventrite IV with long, erect, sparse dark setae laterally. Ventrite V finely, moderately abundantly punctate on flat distal half; pubescence partially obscuring integument, but distinctly sparser on flat region; distal half with long, erect, moderately abundant dark setae; apex widely emarginate centrally. Female . It differs from male primarily by the shorter antennae (0.9 times elytral length, reaching apex of 5/8 of elytra), and by abdominal ventrite V subtruncate at apex. Variation . Frons more abundantly punctate, mainly laterally in paratype male, slightly coarsely and abundantly punctate in paratype female; frontoclypeal sulcus absent toward central region of head; vertex finely punctate; area behind eyes almost smooth, including region close to prothoracic margin; antennae in paratype male 1.05 times elytral length, slightly surpassing base of distal third; ring of gray pubescence on basal antennomeres covering basal 2/ 3 in paratypes , gradually shorter toward distal antennomere; distal region of lateral tubercles of prothorax more uniformly narrowed toward apex; transverse area on pronotum of paratypes exposing integument placed slightly after midlength; procoxal cavities closed behind in paratype female; triangular central area of metasternum with pubescence sparser than laterally; elytral macula on each side of scutellum absent in paratypes ; macula on distal half of elytra transversely oblique in paratypes (divided in paratype male); distal area of abdominal ventrite V not distinctly flat in paratype male. Dimensions ( Holotype male/ Paratype male/ Paratype female) . Total length, 18.9/18.7/17.5; prothoracic length, 3.2/3.1/2.8; anterior prothoracic width, 3.0/2.9/2.8; basal prothoracic width, 3.3/3.3/3.4; widest prothoracic width (between apices of lateral tubercles), 4.3/3.9/4.1; humeral width, 5.4/5.4/5.6; elytral length, 12.6/12.9/13.3. Type material . Holotype male from MEXICO , Nuevo Leon : 20 km E San Roberto , 1.VII.2008 , Sundberg & Clifton col. ( MZSP ) . 2 Paratypes as follows – MEXICO , Tamaulipas : about 10 km ESE Miquihuana ( 23.5683°N / 99.7093°W ; [male] on sotol / side of mtn high desert scrub), VII.2015 , D. W. Sundberg col. ( DHCO ) ; [female] emerged from dead Agave stalk coll’d in 2014, D. W. Sundberg col. (DSCO). Biology . This species is associated with Asparagaceae , with one specimen reared from a dead stalk of Agave , and the other known specimens were collected on the dead stalks of sotol ( Dasylirion sp.) and Agave (D. Sundberg pers. comm.) Etymology . The new species is named after Dan Sundberg, collector of the holotype and paratypes , and personal friend of the first author.