Chenopodium Author John Lindley text 1838 Longman, Orme, Brown, Green and Longmans London Flora Medica 347 349 http://un.availab.le book chapter 2819-9661-8339 722, C. anthelminticum Linn. sp. pl. 320 . Bart. mat. med. ii . t. 44 . Röm. and Sch. vi . 961 . Torrey fl. am. i . 296 . - Sandy fields in the United States. (Wormseed.) A perennial Stem 1 1/2 - 2 feet high erect, much branched, often reddish, furrowed. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, nearly sessile, toothed, and somewhat sinnuate sprinkled beneath, with resinous atoms, Racemes long slender, axillary and terminal. Style 3-cleft, Torrey.- The whole plant a strong heavy, disagreeable odour. It yields from the seeds an abundance of the name of wormseed oil, is powerfully anthelmimtic. The expressed juice, or the leaves or seeds in powder, similar properties.